Sunday, March 11, 2012

Open House Sunday

Darling on the Outside!
built in 1931

Not so great on the inside.

This house is a charmer on the outside.
Built the same year as my cottage.
This one has been added on to, a second story and more on the back.
What they call "pop the top".
So the outside of this cottage is very pretty and has great potential to look even prettier....but check
out the inside.
Kermit the Frog green walls...nice effort but a disaster.
Oh.... painting the fireplace glossy
Love the front door with it's arched top and round window.
I doubt that opening to the left is original and I'm not sure what room it goes to.
I'd think the kitchen but the kitchen is not black.
dining room also green
This bathroom has obviously been redone. 
Kind of boring except for the zebra shower curtain which is just bad.
Little galley kitchen...oh...looks like that black room is the stairway to the upstairs.
Galley kitchens are very practical.
They get the job done just fine.
Mine is a galley but oh...I wish I had room for an island.
This is the new addition on to the back of the house.
fun little bath 
I don't know about the choice of black and white checkered floors mixed with red and white checkered tile. 
Yes, I do...not a good choice. One or the other.
Here you can see the addition complete with upper and lower decks.
Backyard needs some love for sure.
Lots of potential though.
Then look at the surprise of this upstairs bedroom!
It's like a tropical retreat up there.
Kind of love that floor and the bed. 
Yes, I could work with this.

I can imagine this house being great so easily.
Oh...I'd love to get my hands on it and make it the cutest house on the block.


  1. This house needs a few cans of paint to start! It is adorable from the outside...maybe you should start marketing yourself as a stager for your type of home in your area when folks want to sell theirs~!

  2. Different tastes for different people. I just want to say, I always look forward to reading your blog on Sunday morning!

  3. The outside is so cute! OMG when you showed us the inside. But for the right price, this house could be great! In fact, I'm like you, I'd love to get my hands on this one,too. Love the kitchen. And I love your blog,too!

  4. Beautiful bones; needs a little TLC though!


  5. Kinda like it BUT the fireplace makes me want to cry. poor thing! I'd have to rescue THAT first. :)
    I wish there would have been photos with their furniture! LOL!
    I bet it was very funky and fun.
    I do love that floor upstairs. I'd want that space as a studio.
    Nice level backyard.
    Yep, this place could be awesome.
    Truly, I agree with Amy. I think this could be another career for you!
    XOXO - Cindi

  6. Oh that poor house. It needs someone to love it! It has such great potential but if it's true that buyers first impressions are within 11 seconds, I think they'll struggle to sell. What a shame, I hope someone sees past the decor, Sally x

  7. I love to come to your blog on Sundays too and any day really! But love Open House Sunday! I checked the price on this and it's a steal..Oklahoma wise. A few cans of paint and some new French doors along the back to open it up then some landscaping! I agree on that top level....with that fabulous floor and that Irish pine would make a fabulous studio. xoxo

  8. I love the front of the house. Just beautiful and cozy. The inside however makes my eyes hurt. I wish you could turn it into a perfect cottage.

  9. For a 5/2 that price is a steal!!! Oh the things I would do with that house! It has great bones. I would have loved to see their decor with that green paint??!! Like what matched it..??
    Love the room upstairs the best.
    Thanks for sharing. I could look at listings all day!

  10. You and me both! How much fun would this be to fix up? I think my fave is the upstairs deck, I always wanted a balcony when I thought we might be able to add on (didn't happen). That red and black tile just cracks me up, add a few yellow flames and it could be the Harley Davidson bathroom.

  11. Oh my! Do not like the paint colors or tile choices at all. They sure didn't embrace the feeling and style of the house. So much could be done for it with the right hand. Ki

  12. Oh I love the potental in this house!!! I would actually buy it just to have my way with it. Thanks for sharing!

  13. You should offer them some advice! It really has great potential. I love the upstairs bedroom.

  14. It's such a pretty house, but I don't like a lot of the choices that they made. I also wish you could get your hands on it!!

  15. That house could be absolutely adorable!!! Yes, I could work with it, too. I love the gedroom upstairs and the large cupboard in the first bathroom. Lots of potential.
    Hugs, Cindy

  16. Its like good and bad are fighting for the soul of the home. LOL! Hope the good side wins ;) Love the white and lime harlequin floor though =)

  17. What a great house tour. You are so right, cute on the outside and a list of decor don'ts on the inside. How would you ever get that glossy black paint off of the fireplace?
    Thanks for sharing,

  18. And I am sure that you could do just that.....beautiful potential...but oh my that black fireplace would need LOTS of


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