Saturday, March 3, 2012

Little Pink Houses

Pink Houses for a Pink Saturday
Whenever someone has a pink know the person living in it has to be interesting.
Pink just makes a house special.
Oh...this house would be great if it had some landscaping.
precious little pink house
perfect beach retreat
If you can't commit to a whole house of pink...look what just a pink front door can do.
Especially with all that bougainvillea rambling around it. 

Have a great Saturday!

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  1. All of these are adorably lovely Nita...There is actually a tiny little pink beach house at the beach town where we have our house. I think I would have to duck to get in the front door. I always ride my bike past it each summer to make sure it's still there.
    Happy weekend, Mariaelena

  2. I love some of these cute houses, especially the 1st one and the 3rd one, but I don't know about some of them too! Happy Pink Saturday <3

  3. I love some of these cute houses, especially the 1st one and the 3rd one, but I don't know about some of them too! Happy Pink Saturday <3

  4. These PINK homes are great - and the pink door with the bougainvillea, is adorable.



  5. Oh....I love them ALL! I especially love the one by the lake. And the pink door is gorgeous! You've inspired me this morning go paint something pink!

  6. That first one is amazing.

    There's a little pink cottage in my neighborhood. It was for sale about 10 years ago but I couldn't afford it. I'm glad the new owner has kept the color. It's really quirky and sweet.

  7. All so sweet but my favorite is by far the second one!!


  8. Never has a pink house looked so beautiful! These are dreamy!

  9. Those are cute houses. When I was a teen the not interesting mean weird foreign lady next to my parents painted her house pepto bismol pink. We lived on a very long street of houses, and it worked great for directions - "we're the light green house to the right of the pink one". They would say how will we know if it's the right pink one?. I'd say YOU'LL KNOW!


  10. These houses are fabulous! I don't think I'd have the nerve, and yet look how terrific they look! Love it!

  11. ah oh!
    I had already "pinned" the 7th one (beach retreat) off of you and know I will do the same to #1.
    Last fall I bought some PINK for the trim around my front door (haven't done it yet) and when I told the paint guy where it was for, he gave me a weird look. I refrained from telling him that I had already purchased my turquoise blue! hahaha
    but now I'm debating...maybe soft pink and white trim and black shutters? since my house is tall and skinny like the photos.
    Hmm, Thanks ALOT!
    XOXO - Cindi

  12. I'll take the one by the water, please. :-) Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Pink has to be one of those colors that we as women love and adore....these houses are fabulously pink in respect that they give that home owner the satisfaction of independence of a chosen color choice especially for cool is that?
    Great post Nita...thanks for the fun this morning......

  14. All beautiful pink houses but I want the one on the lake with the duck.

  15. Nita, did you know I painted my grandparents house that I bought pink? It was my first house that I owned. Everyone in town called it the pink house. At Christmas time I would decorate the wraparound porch with green garlands and long cranberry colored bows and it was so darling! I'll send you a pic if you never saw it!~I loved these houses!

  16. I grew up in a pink house, and although the neighbor kids made fun of it, I still love pink.

    These are just darling.

  17. I painted my front door pink about 5 years ago. The stucco is a creamy yellow, and the rest of the trim is cream. I love my door, and still smile as I drive into my driveway every day. I got some mixed reviews from neighbors. The fun ones loved it!

  18. The first is my favorite. Your right, I think the person living on the inside definately has some personality.

  19. Two of the pink houses I know very well--they are nearby in Charleston SC I have toured them and walked by them many times. Love a pink house!

  20. I grew up in Suffolk England. Lots of pink houses and cottages there. There is a shade of pink so commonly used to paint houses that it is termed "Suffolk pink" . .. mustard colored houses are also very common in the region. Goes back to a time when either cow blood or mustard plants were used to tint the basic paint mix. Just google Suffolk Pink images and you will bring up lots of pretty cottages!


  21. Happy Pink Saturday!
    It is always nice to see what each lovely lady is up to...and the creativity that flows...I pray that you all have a blessed week !
    Please come by my blog anytime...I love having you!
    God Bless......Kandy

  22. They are sweet and you are right it speaks to the owners spirited personality.

  23. eenie, meenie, minie, moe, i could live any of them.......really thinking of painting our house pink, just not sure how well it'll go over with the hubs, lol...........Bonnie

  24. Dream homes, the lake home is spectacular with the reflection in the water!! Thanks for posting these so we can all drool.

  25. Dream homes, the lake home is spectacular with the reflection in the water!! Thanks for posting these so we can all drool.

  26. Dream homes, the lake home is spectacular with the reflection in the water!! Thanks for posting these so we can all drool.

  27. Third photo is a nice place to have and start a family. :)

    Philippine properties

  28. “If you can't commit to a whole house of pink...look what just a pink front door can do.”- I agree with this. I am a big fan of pink and these houses make me love the color even more. That front door looks lovely, and combined with a plain white wall, it just simply stands out! It shows the fascination of the owner with the adorable color.

    Kate Morgan


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