Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ideal Backyards

Into the Green
I've been pinning away ideas for my backyard space all winter.
All these images are inspiration for my own space.
Well, maybe not those moss covered chairs but aren't they delightful?
Hostas...perfect for the shady backyard.
Someday I'd like to remove my back deck and replace it with a stacked stone patio like this.

a lower patio like this
I want this for my side patio. I know this must be a garden center but pots of 
boxwoods...that would transform my backyard because they'd be green all year.
It gets so ugly out there in the winter and the boxwoods would solve that.
Lots of green and amazing. I think I am loving the idea of an iron pergola.
My backyard becomes just a green room when all the leaves come out on the trees.
I love it. 
My Mom thinks it's too closed in but I adore it.
I just want to expand upon the feeling.

Are you getting excited about outdoor decorating?
I'm so into it.


  1. OMG, we're so on the same page. Ive been pining a few outdoor spaces too. Its all thats on my mind. We are thinking of doin a fire pit in the back yard, ive got linen drapes to enclose the back porch, i need to paint the deck...........oh god, im tired just thinking about it all..i think those moss covered sofa and chairs are alil odd too. I cant wait to see what u do with ur back yard. Im trying to get mine done before april.....wish me luck Nita, hope ur having a good week!

  2. Yep, thats the kind of romantic overgrown green oasis I would like too. I want to do the iron arch for the climbing roses this year. ARgh. Might have to buy one if I can't create one. I love the stone patio and the stone everything. Stone and green with some pink flowers are ideal in my book.

  3. Nita adore the second and third images especially, so verdant, romantic.

    Art by Karena

  4. I am ready for Spring porch decor and flowers!I was looking at your pins yesterday... and got inspired to make a wreath for my front door! I am ready for some pretty potted flowers and some rusty iron on my porch too! I plan to get out today and maybe scrub the porches down for their new look.
    I can't wait to see what you do with your yard!
    Can you believe this warm weather??
    Love to the pups!

  5. Yes I am so getting excited about spring gardening! I am trying to be patient knowing full well we can get freezes until April! Love all the outdoor rooms you have pinned! That pergola covered with wisteria is a dream space! My yard is wide open and I am trying to make it more I like that closed in and cozy cottage garden look! Happy Gardening!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. yes, i am getting excited to be back in the garden. years ago when i catered i did a tabletop in grass sod for easter, it was the prettiest thing ever. good luck with your backyard plans.

  7. Here in "the frozen norh"...we have yet to see green anything...LOL so this morning was a delight when I read your blog. I love Boxwoods and will have them again when we move....:o) I hope the week is treating you well distant friend...warm hugs....;o)

  8. Ha! I was just at Target looking at those garden chairs on sale...the turquoise ones? or maybe I will go lime green.
    I'm working on finishing that fence I started last Fall and then clearing the ravine. I figure since my yard is full of flowers and very overgrown, it might be time to move plants around and simplify. But then I see these beautiful photos and I start doubting myself again...

  9. All of that green makes me miss Oregon!

  10. All these pictures are exactly what I've always wanted in a backyard garden! Our yard is still just the basic builder package with just a few trees and no patio (yet), but I'm hoping to change that asap!

  11. These are beautiful Nita...I love the stacked stone patio!

  12. Beaustiful In spiration pictures for the summer garden season!!


  13. I'm visiting via Heather's link to your spice rack post - brilliant!
    Such a lot of inspiration on your blog, so I'll be your newest follower.

  14. Oh yes! I agree with you - all closed up is COZY!
    I am so excited about getting outside and doing something out there I can't stand it! It is going to be over 70 today and I am all fired up!
    Have a pretty day!

  15. That first photo looks like a fairytale. Completely dreamy!

  16. LOVELY PICS:) I really like your much nice inspiration everywhere. I wish you a great and sunny week:)

    LOVE Maria at

  17. Ohhh!!! Unas imágenes preciosas, me encantas esos rincones en el jardín.

  18. Oh how I miss my "closed in green room" in Edmond. I wanted to tell you that we planted probably 30 hostas a couple of years ago. We got them at Davidson's at the end of the season for 1/2 price. You could get your beds ready and be on the look out. :)

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