Saturday, January 21, 2012

Storage Solutions

Getting Organized
Isn't this super great?
Odds and ends furniture all put together, painted and turned into 
an interesting storage and display opportunity.
Much better than big ugly plastic tubs.
Are those chicken cages or rabbit hutches used for wine storage?
Crates make a good wall unit.
I love it when a dresser has missing drawers and baskets are used instead.
Don't you?
Cute storage use for mason jars.
Just a pretty way to display.
lots of tin pales make short order of art supplies
Ok....this is just pretty and would hold a ton of stuff.
And who wouldn't love this to store shoes and purses in?

Are you working on storage solutions in your home?
I'm desperate for storage.
I definitely need some creative ways to get things organized.

Let's see on the job front...a few weeks ago I wrote that Target kept people at under
full time hours so that they did not have to offer benefits.
Turns out I was wrong.
I was told the other day that now that I am an official team member in six months...
I'll get benefits including some sort of insurance plan.
I guess they just didn't tell me about it because I was hired on as holiday help.

You only have to work an average of 32 hours a week to qualify and even part
timers have the option to buy health insurance through them.

Anyway...just wanted to let you know that Target does do the right thing by their employees...
after all. 

I wanted to clear that up.


  1. What cute storage ideas. I love the one where all the furniture has been combined to make a "piece". lol How ingenious.

    I am also glad to hear that Target will be offering your benefits. That is really good news...and so important for employees~ xo Diana

  2. Some great idea and all beautifully styled.

  3. Good to hear about Target! I want all these storage solutions in my house immediately. Sigh. If you have a minute stop by and see my extremely romantic Swiss cake roll (yes, there is such a thing) and my steam punk valentine cookies. I think you would like them both.

  4. OMG girl! you always read my mind.
    I'm planning on using the weekend to "reclaim" my spare room and make it into my "art/projects" room. I was just given an old cupboard and the drawers are all wonky and now I know just what to do! Any suggestions on how to keep the cats from sleeping in the baskets! LOL!
    Glad to hear about Target but I would be afraid of working there...afraid that I would spend my paycheck before I got out of there! :D
    Thanks again! XOXO - Cindi

  5. love that chicken coop thingy..of course i had to get right on it and pin a few of them.
    i am always looking for great stoage ideas with my hoarding junky self.
    thanks for the ideas and the target 411 too.
    have a pretty weekend!

  6. Good to hear! Cause they are my favorite store. See unlike Target my employer does what you thought Target was doing. :) Not cool. Kit

  7. That huge set of drawers is drool-worthy! Great ideas. I need to get myself organized too. But first I need to finish painting the upstairs hallway and my dining room set... and then vacuum up the dog hair! All in good time...
    Your puppy is adorable!

  8. I am happy to hear about Target. Organizing is top on my list this year. I am tired of always having to hunt things down that I "put away" and can never find. Just finished my laundry closet and coat closet. On to my dreaded bedroom closets. Awesome inspiration pictures.

  9. Good to hear about target, after all they are one of my fav stores...with the "shabby chic" line and all...Ide have to have to boycott their behinds, LOL......I like the first storage thingie the best. Somebody sure knows how to think outside of the box. Storage is always at the forefront of my mind, as my home isnt that large. Hubby made me a bookshelf not that long ago, that i havent even found a place for yet. I have armoires instead of linen closets,the capacity of ever storage unit here is always being tested to it limits, lol...maybe soon i can get some things done......Bonnie

  10. Glad you might be getting some benefits from Target. Hard to decide which picture I like best, maybe the wine storage one, Laura

  11. Woohoo to getting benefits in six months! Do daschunds count as dependents?

    And I'm loving the metal thingie (very official word, of course) holding the mason jars. Anyone know what they are?

  12. Your blog fuels my creativity. I want to don my jacket and head for the antique malls right now.
    Always enjoy news of the wienies so keep that coming too.

  13. Love the storage ideas. I think I will wander around shops today and see if I can find something interesting to make my small closet more efficient.
    So glad that you will get benefits. It is so important and those that have them don't often realize how vulnerable those that don't are.

  14. great idea for storage and very attractive metal things .

    Usmle Step 1


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