Monday, January 30, 2012

Mod Mix Monday 35

What do you think about this gallery wall of mirrors and art objects in a bath?
I love the way the old mirror is perfectly placed for practical use and as part of the group of art.
This makes for a very interesting bathroom.

As usual...I enjoyed exploring the blogs linked up in last week's party.
Lots of great things there.
Kelli at The Turquoise Piano created this impressive Anthropologie knock off vase
from of all things plastic spoons. Yes, that is right...plastic spoons.
Suesan otherwise known as Frou FruGal made this super cute sweater wreath for
very little money. Hmmmm...I might have to dig through my sweater drawer.
Aimee of It's Overflowing showed off her entire house which included
this great overhaul of her ranch style living room.
Ok, here is Amy's house again of Masion Decor. She bought that fabulous 1930's 
Italian glass opaline chandelier and matching sconces recently and added them
to her dining room. That photo above is a favorite of mine...showing 
those pretty pillows she'd sewn up last summer with the reflection 
of the antique chandelier in the mirror.
The Betsy of Betsy Speert's Blog shared a room she'd done several years ago. 
What do you think of those serene blue fabric upholstered walls complete with button tufting?
Very special indeed.
Jileen of The Overhaul made this darling free printable for anyone that wants
to download and use for Valentine's Day. 
Isn't that nice?

Link up this week's Mod Mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.

If you link up..I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me.

I hope this next week is good to you.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting, my lovely!

    I'm linking up two of my 30 for 30: Maternity fashion series. I've picked 30 pieces of clothing to mix into 30 different outfits over 30 days. And I'm loving it! I hope you do too!


  2. Thank you for the sweet shout out on my wreath, Nita, as well as hosting a great party every week! I appreciate it and I love to see all the great ideas people link up.

  3. Good stuff. I will be dreaming of that chandy all day long now!

  4. Thanks for showing off my beloved chandy! I won't hook up this week~feeling guilty of be a regular here!! Loved all the features~I wish I had a color printer so I could print out the valentine cards!

  5. OMG, i love Amy's new chandy, gonna have to pay her a visit ........thanks for another Mod mixin Monday Nita..........Bonnie

  6. Thanks for hosting, love the features....that chandy is beautiful!

  7. OY!!!
    I love that you called me "The Betsy"
    Was that on purpose, or a typo?????
    Love your blog.

  8. I have enough stuff in my basement to fill my bathroom walls like the first photo but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't look nice like that!
    Nope, it would be a disaster.

    Great picks! Once again, I love them all! :D

  9. Thanks for hosting again this week. Love the turquoise chandelier so pretty, Laura

  10. I love the bathroom image that you posted today, it's fabulous with all of the the beautiful vintage items on the wall, I'd love to have a bathroom like that. One problem, that I can't seem to overcome is the amount of dust that goes into my bathroom. I could not dust all of those lovely items every few days. In a fairly dust free bathroom, I would LOVE it.
    You had some great blogs featured last week and this week. There are some super-talented people out there.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. I wish I could fill my apartment with all of these, especially that chandelier!
    -- Eden

  12. Nita, thanks so much for showcasing my printable! I love link parties, you get to see such great talent! Cheers! Jileen :)


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