Sunday, November 27, 2011

Open House Sunday 28

A Christmas Open House
Might as well start the Christmas Season off right with this Candy Colored Christmas Decor.

This home is in the December issue of Romantic Homes magazine.
More photos in the magazine. 

Thanks to everyone that have written me to express their support for my
new adventure in retail. 

I don't know that I am doing it with that much grace.
Today I worked my fourth day at Target.
I left after my shift to meet my Mom so we could shop for comfortable shoes for me to wear.
When I hobbled to her car I declared that I was over retail.
My feet hurt so bad I couldn't think.
I finally found some other shoes to wear tomorrow and I'll try again.

But now that I know the register...I have to say I am remembering why I didn't stay in 
retail back in the day. It gets so boring when not busy.

I have never had a job where I count the minutes and hours.
I usually don't have enough time in the day to get all my projects done so
it's strange to watch the clock wishing for the time to go by when I 
am used to watching the clock hoping I can get more done in the limited time I have.

I keep telling myself this is just to get me by till something good comes along.
I'm telling myself that over and over...but my feet don't understand - just for now.
They are screaming quit! 

But I will keep trying. 
I do enjoy the interaction with customers especially at the Pier One job.
I have met some really interesting people at Target too.
Today I met a couple from Russia.
They were very perplexed by the whole Black Friday thing and wanted me to explain it to them.

I found that difficult since it is beyond me as to why people go so crazy.
It's so against all that the holiday is suppose to be.

I hated all the terrible stories I heard.
Apparently Target has one of the better behaved crowds.

Ok, I'll be at Target tomorrow 5 to close. 
And then to Pier One one Monday. 

It's just for now....It's just for now...It's just for now.


  1. It beautiful... wish I had all those decorations

  2. Hang in there. I have a feeling I'm right behind you on finding a job in retail. Have to pay the bills!


  3. It's bound to get busier, which could be a good thing for your boredom, but a bad thing for your sanity!

  4. Bless you, Nita! I have had a couple of jobs like that in my own life. I understand how frustrating it is.

    Those photos are beautiful...which reminds me-I think my subscription expired! xo Diana

  5. Ugh, I think your feet are smart and know this is not the life for you. But it is temporary and you won't be doing it for long, I just know it. I think it is interesting to get the perspective of what you are going through and would love to have "The Retail Report" in your blog so we can be part of this experience. You started off with a bang when the fly went up your nose...and you handled it like a pro.! God bless you Nita!
    I haven't gotten my Romantic Homes mag yet~this house looks like a fairy tale.

  6. Oh, Nita, I so feel your pain and fully understand how you are feeling. I worked part time in retail for 11 years in addition to my full-time job which fortunately was NOT in retail. It is hard work and most especially during the holidays! Hang on ------ something bigger and better is bound to come along! Thinking of you and your hurting feet ----- Jana in Texas!

  7. Hang in there Nita, I give you a lot of credit for your courage to go back into retail. I have been dreading doing the same myself. I know at some point I need to as well. I wanted to tell you I saw your Christmas mantel online on BH&G yesterday, I pinned it to my Pinterest, I was so excited when I saw the credit with your name, but I recognized it from last year before I read it.
    Take care :)

  8. The candy decor is beautiful but it makes my teeth hurt just to look at it.
    Working retail is such a challenge. If you are smart enough to handle people well those slow periods drive you crazy. Try elevating your legs after your shift and your feet and legs may feel better the next day.
    Keep up the good work.

  9. I'm in Christmas Candyland! Doesn't this house feel that way? What a cheery place!

    Nita, I'm saying a prayer for you. I know this is probably tough for you but the right thing will come along and thank God you found two places to work for now. So many people can't find anything at all. We all know how talented and creative you are so I really believe that it's just a matter of time before the right thing comes your way! Keep your chin up!!!



  10. Beautiful home. Love all the colors. I think that's probably a home someone else decorates for you. That would be alot of work.I have been thinking about you. Said a prayer last night that your feet hold up.
    I hope it gets better. You have to be worn out.

  11. I feel so bad for your feet! I know what is like when your feet hurt..makes you feel bad all over! Ugh! I worked in retail for 10 years and standing on those hard concrete floors is not a good thing for the feet! Hope some new shoes help! That is one cheerful holiday home!~Hugs, Patti

  12. There's nothing worse than aching feet. I paid more than I wanted to last year for some "sensible" shoes. Better to have ugly shoes than aching feet, that's my motto. I must admit, I am a fan of Target. Or Target' with a soft g, as my French major daughter likes to say. Hang in there.

  13. Try some Dr. Scholl's inserts, or at least something with good arch support. I have that problem of painful heels and only wearing something with a high arch helps. I can't begin to imagine how I would make it on my feet all day. God bless you and your tootsies. - - HollyM

  14. Hi Nita,
    I give you credit, I worked one whole summer a few years ago at Lowes and oh yes comfortable shoes are a must.

    I need to go buy that issue of Romantic Homes, oh the color just makes me giddy!


  15. Oh honey... hang in there! I worked retail for 13 years. Of course, I was younger then... lol. Get those inserts, every little bit helps. And make sure to sit down on your breaks, don't shop. You can also wear some pantyhose under you pants. It helps, swear! Your legs stay more energized and the blood flow is better.
    Good luck =)))

  16. Love that vintage patio set. When you get home try to get your feet elevated over your heart for at least thirty minutes. This will help with venous return to your heart. I worked on my feet as a nurse for twenty-five years so know all the tricks and good shoes are critical.

  17. Retail is brutal! I think what I would find the most difficult are the night and weekend hours. It just doesn't feel right to be working then! Hang in there and keep the faith - a new door will open soon!

  18. I love the bright colors, and they are done so well, too.
    I don't buy magazines very often any more, they are so expensive and I can find such pretty things on peoples blogs now.
    Thank you for the chance to see this, though.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  19. Nita, I admire you! This is an inspiring post in so many ways! Retail is hard work! I've done it too. Take care of your feet and try to rest when you get home! I do love the pictures- very inspirational! Take care of yourself!

  20. Oh Nita, my feet feel for your feet! take care, honey!!

  21. I actually bought this issue just for this house! My tree reminds me of the way the home is decorated in lots of ice cream parlor pastels! Nice post.

  22. God Bless You!!! You are brave and courageous. I'm proud of you.

  23. What a magical house!!!! I know it is so far from my "traditional" reds, greens, golds that I probably would never do it...but magical it is.

    I just found your blog and can't wait to read more about your adventures! Merry Christmas and here's to comfy shoes!!!


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