Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Green Christmas

I've been pinning away Christmas decor that speaks to me.
I keep being drawn to silvers and greens.
I think I'm starting to feel the pull to switch up all my holiday decor.
I've been doing a white tree with vintage shiny brite ornaments and vintage putz houses 
and elves for quite a few years now. 

I love my Christmas stuff and I have lots of it. 
But I'm feeling an urge to change.
I will not be acting on this urge. 
I have many beautiful holiday treasures and no money to try something else.
But I can admire all these beautiful images.

Do you change up your holiday decor every few years or just keep adding to what you have?

I just keep adding to what I have.

I survived three straight days at Target and now I will be at Pier One the next two.
Much shorter hours for that job. 
And I love being around all the pretty stuff. Nice customers too.

So I got comfortable shoes to wear....and my feet hurt in entirely new spots today.
My toes went numb on both feet by end of day.
My ankles felt like I had twisted them.
It's bad....really bad. Not just a little uncomfortable but my feet feel like they are on fire.

Last night I worked from 5pm til 12:30 am.
Store closed at 10 pm. But the next two and a half hours were spent putting away things
that people had left around the store and returns.

I have always been good about putting things back when shopping but I always imagined
someone in the different departments taking their stuff and putting it away.
That is not how it works. Once the store closes and the cashiers clean up the front, they 
all go to the different parts of the store to put away merchandise which involves walking all over
the store searching for where everything goes. 

And you are so tired.

I also had to go out into the parking lot (it was freezing and I had no coat) and put away 
shopping carts. I kept asking "where are the boys that do this?"
No answer.
I guess they were loading new merchandise at the dock.

I will never ever not put something back in its proper spot.
The only thing that made it bearable was that the girl working with me 
had torn tendons in her knee and she was struggling as badly as I was.
We were a fine pair.

Tonight as I drove home...I thought...always in my life I've said..."I might be having a rough time
but I still have my dignity". 

Now that is shot too.

No more dignity.

I'm walking like a very old lady.


  1. Oh, Nita, bless you! I hope a more suitable job opens up for you soon. I have foot problems, too, and cannot imagine standing all that time.

  2. One thing that really helps my sore feet, when it's more of a muscle ache along the bottom, is to roll my foot (in socks only) on a golf ball. I carry one in my purse when my feet are hurting badly. It's like a mini massage and it also helps exercise the muscles.

    I saw a sign at a thrift store that said, "Please hang up the clothes after you try them on. Your mother doesn't work here." Maybe all stores should have similar signs. :) You've convinced me to be better than ever about picking up after myself at the store. :)

  3. ((hugs))Take care! I can imagine retail is a tough job, especially this time of year.

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  4. Oh Nita, working until 12:30 a.m....that has to be so hard. I am with you on the putting stuff back and sometimes I am still guilty of it, after reading your post today, it really convicted me. Thanks for the reminder. Yes I do change my Christmas decor but not every year. Last year I bought a white tree and this year we are using it again with bright ornaments and lots of vintage kitschy things around the house. I have bought quite a bit at thrift stores and antique stores for my Christmas decorating this year. I think it's fun to shake things up every now and then. I bought some vintage lights for $4.00, unscrewed them and filled an apothecary jar with them. It looks so cute. Rest those feet when you can. You are a trooper!!

  5. Oh, that second photo spoke to me too - it said, "please please please"! You take care Nita and do something special just for yourself, you deserve it!

  6. I'm so sorry you are suffering with your feet! I do not think you've lost your dignity though. You are a classy lady.
    I want to change my decorations out every year but don't b/c I can't afford to. This year I spent about $20 total to add some different colors in with what I already have. I've had some of my decor so long that it actually bores me to put it up. But there's something to say about tradition and sticking to the same things.

  7. NIta, you still have your dignity. Because you are doing what you have to to pay the bills. That is responsible and dignified. Hang in there!

  8. Hang in there, Nita! This is only temporary, and it will be an amusing memory one day. I usually add to what I already have tree wise. I love Shiny-Brite ornaments. I have a few, but I mostly collect MacKenzie-Childs ornaments.

    My tree is over the top, but I like to use fresh flowers and greenery a little closer to Christmas. This I change from year to year because it does not last. Our house is small, so it does not take much to make an impact. My decor is more subdued than at other times of the year.

    I love the inspiration you have posted, and I think Silver and green is a lovely combination for Christmas. :D


  9. nita dear i really feel for you. life can be humbling, no? i tell you i've worked in the service industry my whole life and i think that is where i first began developing my compassion in life. working in restaurants and spas and even once in a clothing store has taught me so much about people and kindness.

    loving silver and green too this year.


  10. I told my hubby he could have an intervention if I bought any holiday decorating items this year! We seem to accumulate so much over the years. I'd like to tone down the red and focus on silver, white and pink. We will see how it goes when we start pull out the stuff.

    Keep those feet elevated when you get home or soak those feet & toes in warm water. There is always dignity in paying your way, sorry your feet are suffering. I am visualizing a wonderful new job in your future! Laura

  11. I so hear your PAIN!! I've worked retail for MANY years...I hope your feet are better...try ICE water and rolling a golf ball with your foot!
    This year I am changing my colors and kinda love it.It's silver, white and sage! I just posted about my mantle if you want to see.
    Take care!

  12. I actually think you have just lost sight of the dignity within you. Dignity is taking on 2 jobs to make ends meet so you can keep your home and feed your puppies. Dignity is working hard and battling through the tough bits, being kind to people no matter who, and passing on your kindnesses to other such as you do with your ill friend. Girl, you are just looking in the wrong place. It`s right there.

  13. The post before me is just beautiful. Razamataz, I think. Yes, my dear, you still have your dignity.
    I was worried about your standing when you first said you were doing this. The burning concerns me. I hope it gets better. Can't believe you had to even get the carts outside.
    I will never not put things back after hearing this. I am so sorry that I have done that a time or two not knowing I was hurting someone else.
    I wish I had some answers for you but I don't. ((((((HUGS)))))

  14. I'm going to name drop - Gold Bond makes a pain relieving foot cream. When you get home and are ready for bed, apply and sleep with feet slightly elevated. You will wake with new feet! (I used to work retail and I've done many conventions in heels!)

    PS - love to the weenies!

  15. Miss NIta,
    Dignity is working to make ends meet instead of expecting a handout as so many do these days! I have relatives that wouldn't dream of working one or even two jobs but don't mind asking us for money...they have lost their dignity not you my friend! Sorry about your aching feet...I can relate as I am a nurse and somedays I am on them all day...I drag home exhausted..but I am grateful for my job! I'm not a spring chicken so I too walk like an old lady because I am one!! LOL. I shop at both of the places in OKC you are working at...hope I see you there sometime..I promise always to put things back where I found them!! Blessings and hugs to you!
    Miss Bloomers

  16. There is nothing undignified about doing what you have to do. If anything that takes dignity and strength of spirit. My heart hurts for you. I always put away what I pick up, and always fold the sweater back the way it was after looking at it. Poor thing, I hope you can take some time to rest those feet.
    I too have been contemplating changing things but I have so much and certainly cannot afford new. So maybe just switching the tried and true around will do it!

  17. Ditto with the others on dignity. You are the Duchess of Dignity. I would even say Princess if dignity started with a "P." But Princess of Pignity doesn't sound as nice, does it?

    Love these trees you've presented to us. I did see a gnarled white pine in a pot that I wanted for my tree a few years ago and friends said I was crazy. If I had only done it, I'd be all over blogland today. I'd be the Prince of Pinterest!

  18. Suggestion: Buy support hose and wear them faithfully. I am much older and because of health problems have to wear them But they will help your feet and your legs no matter your age since you have to stand and walk so much.

  19. I also worked retail once upon a horrible time and I never try on anything without taking back to the correct spot, even if I didn't find it where it should have been. I think some people must imagine that "clothes fairies" put everything back.. Good luck on finding a comfortable shoes, I'm not sure they make one. One of the best things you can do is use Johnson's Foot Soap and soak your feet in the warmest (not hot) water - it's like a mini foot massage. Good Luck!!

  20. Many good suggestions. I have one that works every time----PRAY. Make it a daily, hourly habit. Your thoughts will be heard and you'll get through it with dignity and money in your pocket.

  21. I used to work in plant merchandising at Lowes and my feet plus hands, arms, back, and more killed me. I could never believe how a man (young and old) could watch me struggle with a huge ball and burlap tree and not offer to help. Praying something better comes your way. Big hugs,

  22. Chania's comment is the best. Cannot add to that. I do not add to my tree ornament much but did subtract this year. I did not put up two boxes of ornament that I usually do because I am just too tired. I took all those boxes back upstairs and said enough and donated several boxes to the Salvation Army. Our consignments are adding to our house, as you know. Hang in there.

  23. I've been slowly changing out some of my old ornaments for new silver ones, and sticking to a more natural color scheme of green, silver and brown for xmas.
    I am so sorry about your feet. I feel your pain. I have worked retail several years, and besides being a nurse like my mother, I honestly don't think there's a more tiring job. Especially for a gal like me pushing 50.

  24. At 53, I have spent most of my life working some sort of retail job(s), almost always on my feet. The stint at Home Depot was the worst, where I could wear athletic shoes, but was expected to lift 90 lbs regularly! There were days I'd load 2000 lbs of mulch for folks and now I've got the bad back for it!
    I have learned a few tricks that have helped me over the years. 1) get TWO pairs of shoes, and rotate them. That alone will make a world of difference. I love SoftWalks; they're expensive but much cheaper than foot pain or surgery! 2) do the tennis ball roll or stretches when you can get off your feet. 3) remember to keep your abdomen pulled in. As you tire, one begins to slump and then the leg and lower back pain begins. 4) when you get home, a soak in Epsom salts is your friend! Then rub a peppermint lotion into your feet. Ahhhh!!!!

  25. In addition to the other recommendations, you might also consider taking a couple of ibuprofen before you start working (and your foot pain begins to escalate)...,get in front of the pain because it takes too long to get relief once the pain starts!

    You'll always have dignity if you don't toss it to the side or give it away. I'm pretty certain that there are co-workers and customers commenting to others on how you're inspiring them to stay on point and to do what is necessary to keep their heads above water. You never know how your actions - even when in pain - help others aspire to be better! This too shall pass...it didn't come to stay.

  26. dig·ni·ty/ˈdignitē/
    The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

    I see lots of others reacted to your "no more dignity" in the same way I did. In fact , I find you quite worthy of respect.
    I always love the beautiful pictures - and yes, I just keep the same decorations every year. I like the continuity.
    But I like the way you express yourself in your writing. You are an excellent writer . I am also sure that you are putting into words, experiences that many are having in this economy.
    Like others who have commented, I will not leave messes for others to clean up late at night when their feet hurt and they are bone-tired.
    A very old lady would never be able to do what you are doing.
    Thanks for being willing to share all these things with us, they are far more meaningful that glittery decorations on a Christmas tree.

  27. You know what? You must have something I don't. I have a BS in Business Management. I work full time. I've had retail experience years ago. I'm friendly. I'm pretty smart. But I cannot get an interview at Target to save my life. We need some additional income since we have a kiddo in college, but I must be doing something wrong! You must tell me your secret!

  28. I agree with so many of the other comments. Dignity is holding your head up and doing what it takes to make ends met. Even if you are hobbling as you do it. Your "job" doesn't define you, it's just what you do to pay the bills. You are so much more and so many people know how special you are!
    That being said, get some Crocs!
    They are Ugly but with a thick pair of socks, they work for me!
    Christmas...I'm not decorating until the house is organized and painted. So maybe next year....I just have a little tree out on the front steps this year. Hopefully I'll be less of a bah humbug soon!
    Luv ya!
    XOXO - Scrooge

  29. i can really feel the Christmas right now. it was a wonderful collection of Christmas decors.


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