Friday, November 4, 2011

Giving Thanks

A World of Friends

Last summer I expressed here on the blog how I wished I had some shells to do a little summer decorating.
But alas, I could not afford to buy any.
Back in August, Amy of Maison Decor sent me a box full of shells she collected from her vacation to Martha's Vineyard. 
Shortly after that, Traci wrote to tell me she would send me sand dollars.
Well, they arrived yesterday....a whole box of the pretty white things.

Traci -
I hope you read this. I so appreciated them coming as a surprise. 
I can't wait to use them in my decorating next summer.
I would email you but I've lost track of your email and I have several Traci's that I communicate with.
So please let me know if you read I can thank you properly.

I've received so many nice gifts over the last year and especially the last couple of months. 
Bloggers are so thoughtful and kind.
Elegant burlap pumpkins made by Donna of D Reyne's
Donna sent me a precious burlap pumpkin in September.
Seems everyone in Blogland was trying to cheer me up.

I haven't shown my burlap pumpkin yet. The photo above is from Donna's blog. 
I wanted to show once I'd used in a display. So I'll show it very soon.
I have to say they do look very wonderful with old silver.
I love her blog so much with it's Tinker House and all the beautiful things she makes and all
her fabulous projects in her home. If you don't know her need to go there immediately.
Amy's blog is in my top blogs I never miss too.

Today, I'm out to find some sort of part time job. I've not been able to find a full time design job.
So I'll be going in to retail...I suppose. I haven't done that in a very long time.

Shelly had her first catscan today since being on this last round of chemo.
Things are kind of just staying about the same.
Lungs are better on one side and a little worse on the other.
The chemo has slowed the cancer but it's still there.

But she is feeling better when she is not deathly sick from chemo. So it has helped.
She will continue with more treatments of chemo and will have some other therapy added.
She had hoped to go back to work but it does not look like that will happen now.
Of course we were hoping for remission. But we'll take any added time we can get.
Have you seen these salad plates at Pottery Barn?
Oh...I'd love to have these to mix with my Richmond White Johnson Brother's china.
Even though I never have Thankgiving at my house.
But these would be perfection with white china and lots of old silver.
Someone get them and tell me how fabulous they are because I can't afford to.
If I could, I'd buy them just to make a tablescape to share with all of you.

Thanks for being there...


  1. You've received some great gifts from blogging friends! I'm glad to hear the good report on Shelly. While it could be better, at least you have more time with her and that is wonderful. Good luck on your job search! Retail is hard on a girls' feet but maybe it'll bring you in some extra cash for the holidays. Oh, and those PB dishes are divine!

  2. Isn't the friendships made out here in blogland the best part about blogging? Sharing our love for design with like minded friends has brought us close and it has been a blessing. This was a nice post. It is good to be thankful for what we have. Nothing is etched in stone, and those with good fortune have no guarantees. Just reading this is a reminder for me to be thankful for all I have~and that includes you and Donna and lots of other bloggers.

  3. Nita,
    I had a part time job at Pier 1 for eight years....Nice place to work, but after eight years my boss told me I wasn't the right fit for the new direction of Pier 1. I couldn't keep up with the newer, cheaper employees that could open 3 or 4 Pier 1 credit cards a shift. I'd average about 2 a month. He didn't want to fire me because I never missed a shift, and was always on time, but he was getting pounded by his boss to get better results so he did asked me to leave. So I did....
    I guess I have no point to my story... except Pier 1 was a nice place to work.
    You might want to try there, just be sure you talk up the Pier 1 Card.
    I love those plates from Pottery Barn too, and glad to hear Shelly is hanging in there. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog...I think you're the only reader, LOL!

  4. Love the plates! I actually gave those as a gift to someone, they are soo beautiful!

    I like you am grateful for the wonderful friendships I have made through the wonderful world of blogging!

  5. Lovely thoughts lovely Lady...

  6. I sense you have been fragile just like the sand dollars. Hold on and know you will and can endure and thrive. I continue to pray for your sis.

  7. I agree, blogging has brought WONDERFUL people into my life too. You have become more of a friend to me than some people that I have known for 25 years! I'm so glad to see that you have so many others that cherish your friendship also. You deserve it SO much. I just wish the perfect job would pop up for you. I cringe at the thought of retail...I did that for so many years and it can be so stressful when you have to meet sales goals. I'm wondering if there are any book stores (you could advise readers!) or maybe a little coffee cafe?....I just hated retail SO much and I so want you to be happy.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers as is your cousin. (I'm glad to hear she's maintaining but I continue to pray for a miracle).
    I wish I could buy you those little plates if it would make you have a Happy Joyful day.
    XOXO - Cindi

  8. It is a wonderful gift to be connected to so many wonderful women through our blogs. You are a special friend, so funny how we met.
    So sorry to hear about Shelly being so ill with Chemo, not everybody is, but she apparently isn't one of those.
    Do what you can to be happy, sweet lady and know that there are people who really care.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  9. I love those burlap cute! So nice of her to send them to you....made from the heart! What did you think of AHS last night? I am still loving it! Who do you think that shiny black vinyl man/person is?~Hugs, Patti

  10. Hi Nita,
    I love those Pottery Barn dishes too! I think they may be based off the Johnson Brothers Game Birds pattern ( ).

    I'm starting my own set of those! you'll never believe how I acquired my set. My favorite thrift store had them as a miss-matched set that someone donated. It had five dinner plates; 1 large , 1 small serving platters; four bowls; and nine mugs. They priced it at $300 and it sat there for months. i was always admiring the colors in the plates but was too cheap to pay that much. then they marked it half price after four months. $150 was still too much. they sat there for a couple more months. I was still admiring them. Finally, on a night my mom and I were on our way out and I made a comment how much I loved them but even with them being half off the already marked down price, I still didn't see the deal. A worker over heard me and said "make an offer" so I low balled and said $40!. She came back after speaking with the manager and countered with $55. SOLD!! that was last year. I bought them just in time to use them for Thanksgiving!! this past summer my neighbor had a garage sale with some of his mother's items and he had the "harvest" pattern of Johnson Brothers. Just a few plates, a small serving platter and a sugar and creamer. I snitched those up right away since they complement my dishes!! I love thrifting like that!
    Just thought I'd share my find!! :o)

  11. Erin -
    Those are fantastic. I think you are right these were inspired by those. What a great deal you got. I love Johnson Brothers china. My Mom has Old Friendly Village which we always use at her house at Thankgiving and Christmas. My Mom started buying me Richmond White years ago as presents for Birthday and Christmas. I love it to mix and match with my antique rose china but it would look so good with the birds too.

    Thrift stores here have really high prices on things too. Goodwill and Salvation Army have anything they think is of value pretty much at regular price. Next time maybe I'll just make an offer!

  12. Whoever hires you for part-time holiday help will be SOOO lucky! I can just imagine how good their store will look :) I thought about applying at Pier One for the holidays this year. Too bad we don't live closer, wouldn't it be so fun to work there together?!

    We love you, girl! You bring alot of happiness and cheer to us here in blogland, too. Oh and good taste :)
    xo, Andrea

  13. hi Nita!
    Thank you for sharing my little pumpkins! Your a sweetie!
    I too am so thankful for the friendships I have made with fellow bloggers! They always seem to be there right when you need them!
    Get yourself some fabulous bubble bath and a good pair of shoes to wear while working this Holiday Season. Mine kill me! Everyday when I get home from the store the first thing I do is take a hot bath and soak my tired tooties!
    Back to work...have a wonderful weekend,

  14. Dear Nita,
    What wonderful and caring friends you have! Such lovely gifts.
    I just took a full time design job and my world is upside down but things will settle and fall into place soon.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I know you have so much to carry on your heart right now. Take care.

  15. What lovely Thanksgiving plates. So festive and cheery. Sand dollars are my favorites! We sometimes find them with our toes in shallow water.

    Hope you're having a good weekend...

  16. Oh, I love the burlap pumpkins! I just posted some burlap projects on my newest blog - it's such a great fabric.


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