Saturday, October 8, 2011

White Pumpkins

A Ghost of a Chance
Yesterday, I posted a photo of some white pumpkins.
Several of you wrote saying you could not find them in your area.
I understand your frustration.
I'm normally a very calm person.
But I did throw a fit in a pumpkin patch one year when I could not find
the type of pumpkins I was looking for.
I remember, it was about 1998 and I'd seen white pumpkins in 
Martha Stewart Living for the first time and I HAD to have white pumpkins.

I was living in Atlanta at the time, so one afternoon, my boyfriend and two friends of 
mine set out for a pumpkin patch in north Georgia where I was just positive I'd find 
all types of fancy pumpkins.

Only the usual orange ones as far as the eye could see.
Well, since there were no casper pumpkins or fairytale or any other of the specialty sort,
I started looking for the ideal orange pumpkins.
My boyfriend and friends grew weary as they watched me go up and down the rows searching
for the perfect pumpkins.

At one point my boyfriend said, "Let's go!"
I stomped my foot and started to cry...
"I have to find the perfect one!"

He shrugged and told the other couple we were with that it was going to be awhile.

I did find some good pumpkins that year.
But the boyfriend? He dumped me soon after.

I am not known to throw tantrums...but don't mess with me when I'm in a pumpkin patch!
That's serious business.

Fancy pumpkins are quite plentiful around these parts.
A trip to the Oklahoma City Farmers Market down off of Reno will bring you
a wide variety of pumpkins.

We also have "Under the Sun" plant stands that set up around town in the spring and fall 
which carry quite a huge selection of all the fancy types.

A ride south to TJ Farms in TriCity will also reap you loads of all 
different sorts of pumpkins.

I'm sure there are other sources to find them but these are sure winners around here.

So if you are having a hard time finding them near you...head to the farmers markets and the fancy 
nurseries. They should have them or have an idea where you can get them.

And if all else fails a little white paint on an orange pumpkin will do the trick. 


  1. Yes! I can try the chalk paint on the pumpkins right? Annie says it will stick to anything....
    I adore those pumpkins with the graphics, I would love to try that.

  2. Who needs a boyfriend that doesn't understand the importance of white pumpkins...sheesh!! xoxo

  3. I have had great success with spray painting pumpkins white. And they seem to last longer, getting sealed by the paint.
    xo xo

  4. I love the white ones and the cinderella too. They are pricey here but most things are in CA. Wish I could grow them in my garden but I have not had much luck.

  5. I love white pumpkins too. I found a bunch of them last year at Trader Joe's- do you have that store in your area? I tried painting them- but wasn't happy with the stark white that came out- so this year maybe I will try a different white on them too.

  6. So glad to see you are from Oklahoma City area.
    I am too. And I was already a follower.

  7. I don't blame you! The pumpkin images here are gorgeous also.

  8. I was too late this year! They had sold out of all white ones by the time I decided to go!
    My sweet husband did however bring home the sweetest pale, creamy orange one though! It looks like the color of a creamcicle!
    It's better than nothing!

  9. Trader Joe's has real white pumpkins and Michael's has the faux ones. Hugs and Happy pumpkins hunting! Marilou

  10. I am loving all of the white pumpkins that I am seeing in Blog land, I haven't seen any in my land, though, unfortunately.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. I posted about white pumpkins too.... but mine are ceramic. I did find some real white pumpkins locally a couple of years ago but have not seen any this year.

    White paint to the rescue?!?!?!
    and some glitter too,
    ooooh yes!

    ~ Violet

  12. *love* the glitzy-glam pumpkins in the third photo. :D


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