Friday, September 23, 2011

Virtual Sleepover

I'm sleeping here tonight....
This is Donna's guest room.

Donna is having a virtual sleepover tonight and all are invited.

I don't know how much sleeping is going to happen because we are watching our favorite movies 
that inspire our decorating ideas. 

She's showing "It's Complicated", "Somethings Gotta Give" and "The Holiday".
All of which are some of my favorites.
She asked us each to bring a favorite decorating movie.
I'm bringing...
The sets and fashions in this movie take you right back to the 1930's.
It's a great movie too.
If you have not seen this need to. It's delightful. 
The sets are beyond pretty and it's a good old fashion love story. 
Music is wonderful too.
As for what I'll be wearing to the sleepover....
I imagine myself all glamorous like Jean Harlow in "Dinner at Eight".
This movie's sets are to die for also. 
But this is the real thing...not a modern version of 1930's decadence.
But in reality I'm more likely to be wearing something like this...
Besides to keep from being wrinkled in such fabulous silk gowns you actually have 
to sleep standing up!

We'll grill a few trays of these.... 
Zucchini Pizzas

and since we ate those healthy pizzas....We can then splurge on these...
Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies! a night we'll have. 
I hope you all can join us and bring lots of goodies to share.


  1. Haha! So great to bunk with you Nita! Hope you aren't a bed hog, cause I am sleeping in the guest room too. I am gonna have to watch that movie now too, another one I haven't seen.

  2. Ooh, you are truly going in style.
    I love all the photos and I love the photo of Jean Harlow propped up on the set. LOL!


  3. Nita- I never saw that movie! Another old one to look up and watch. I am with you- I am more likely to be wearing the soft, ankle lenght cotton (or light flannel) nightgown. Have fun at your sleep over and don't be staying up all night now! xo Diana

  4. This is wonderful Nita...I've been in a very 1930's Hollywood mood lately having recently got back from visiting 'there', and to top it off, we went to the Jean Harlow exhibit at the Hollywood museum which was celebrating her 100th birthday along with Lucy's, who was also having an was fabulous, and we left feeling very glamorous!
    I've not seen either of these movies but now they are an absolute must, thank you!
    xo J~

  5. How fun is that? Have a great time. i would want to be wearing feety pajamas! Can you reply and tell me -- so you do blog design? Thanks, Nita

  6. I saw Miss Pettigrew in the theater and loved it. Just recently bought it so I need to watch it again! I love the gown you posted that you might sleep in. Adorable!!

  7. Oh my goodness Nita!
    I have never seen the first movie and after seeing these stills...I need to! Such a gorgeous time period~ So elegant! I have seen the second and forgot how beautiful the sets were! So stunning and decadent!
    I love your gown choice too! I am a gown girl~ Always looking for pretty and comfortable ones!
    thank you for being a part of my little sleepover!
    I knew you would have something fabulous to share and you totally wowed!
    hugs from here

  8. Miss Pettigrew is one of my all time favorites! I left the theatre in such a good mood! Have fun at your sleepover!


  9. Oooo I have to make those red velvet cupcakes. I love anything red velvet to eat but I don't have any red velvet in my house. Love the cottage in The Holiday. So very charming and Something's Gotta Give is one of my faves. Love that house.

  10. Hi Nita,
    Sounds like my kind of evening. I am actually going to the library this weekend and renting some Doris Day movies, I can't wait.

    I started a new blog as I needed a fresh start, please stop by!!

  11. Oh my! This sounds delightful! I'm in! I love Ms. Pettiegrew too! :)

  12. I actually say Ms. Pettigrew! but I haven't seen "The Holiday"...have to rent that one!
    My decorating movie would be "Fatal Attraction"!
    I LOVED that psycho's apartment!
    Just adored it!
    I'm sure that some people probably think all that white drove her insane. But that wasn't it. She just didn't like to be ignored.
    :D :D :D
    (actually on the flip side, I loved the wife's home in the country too!)
    XOXO - Cindi

  13. What fun!

    I recently acquired my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies... I will have to watch them to see if there's any inspiring decor.

    A virtual sleepover, now that's a fun idea....

    ~ Violet

  14. Oh Nita! I want to go to that party! I am putting my jams on now! I have not seen any of those movies. Can you believe that!!!
    Netflix here I come!
    Have a pretty day!

  15. Hi Nita
    It is so nice hanging out with you tonight... I love these movie choices. I have seen the Dinner at Eight but I don't think I have seen Ms Pettigrew, I will have to rent it.
    Your nightie is beautiful and looks so comfy...

  16. Nita, it's totally appropriate that you chose a movie from the 1930,s ... since your home and that gorgeous neighborhood you live in was built during the 1930's. I do love that era! And I love Ms. Pettigrew, too. If you haven't read the book "Ms. Pettigrew ..." it's even better than the movie. Also, the other three movies mentioned are all Nancy Myers movies, which are my favorites. How about "Parent Trap" (which also happens to be a Nancy Myers movie.) How would anyone ever choose between that Napa house and the house in England. I always try to imagine which one I would choose!

  17. I loved Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. Frances Dormand is *awesome*

    Cute ideas for your virtual Big Girls' Sleepover! :D

  18. Nita,
    It was so nice to meet you at Donna's party! You brought the GLAM dahhhling! I have not seen Ms Pettigrew. I'm not certain why, because it's my kind of movie! I watched Dinner at Eight with my Grandmother when I would sleep over at her house. She would let me stay up to watch the Late Late show! Thanks for rekindling the memory!
    Have a great weekend!

  19. Sounds like loads of fun! Eat some sweets for me too!

  20. Hi Nita,
    Sounds like tons of FUN!
    I love the 1930 sets, so glamorous!!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  21. Oh, a new blog to explore--I just posted there how you're the ultimate 1930's dame! I'll bring Tootsie so we can ogle Jessica Langes pink LR and Out of Africa so we can ogle Robert Redford -- oops, I mean the wonderful decor. As for jammies, leopard for me -- meow!

  22. What a fun time - that is my idea of a slumber party.


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