Sunday, September 11, 2011

Open House Sunday 18

Cottage in Carmel
One of my favorite blogs is

I anxiously await each post in which Linda walks around historic Carmel with its precious 
storybook cottages and takes gorgeous photos of all.

A few days ago she posted this cottage which actually is only about a year old. 
I'm sharing here a few photos she took of the grounds.
Go to her blog to view all....they are all lovely.
A dream landscape...
Again be sure to go by Linda's blog to see all of this garden.
She also gave a link to the inside of this precious cottage and I thought I'd share here for our 
Open House today.
This home is owned and designed by

Lots more to see at her website.
Click on her logo above to go to her site.

Thinking of 10 years ago today.....


  1. I would have it decorated totally differently but what an amazing house. Love the living room ceiling and that light at the front door. Gorgeous.

  2. Sigh, swoon, absolutely dreamy! Thank you Nita for sharing this with us! Wishing you a happy day! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. I just went to her blog and viewed her garden....I'm speechless.
    and in awe.
    The interior is beautiful but too rich for my taste, though I LOVE the stove. Amazingly beautiful.
    Ten years ago....doesn't seem that long ago, hard to believe it's been ten years.

  4. wow Nita, this is stunning! One to add to my dream list I think. I've added her site to my e mail list, thank you for introducing us to her. This particular cottage is gorgeous inside and out. My mother lived in one in North Yorkshire, U.K until recently when she moved into sheltered accommodation. My regret is that I didn't take more photos of her cottage during the many years that she was there. I hope you are finding your days a little easier to get through, hugs, Sally xx

  5. I love that little cottage. I wouldn't decorate as the way they did but that's okay.
    Hope your days are getting better.
    My Little Izzy went back to the doctor yesterday. Still very sick but the doctor thinks she will be okay......on 6 meds now. I love how you ended with the picture of clouds. I posted a picture similar.

  6. Oh to have a story book cottage! This one is magnificent but a bit too formal for me. Hope you are feeling better.

  7. Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Inside and out, thanks for sharing it with us Nita, Martina

  8. Gorgeous house, how much? I'll take it!!
    God bless America and keep it safe.

  9. I am smitten with the kitchen and the exterior of the house.

  10. I love Carmel. It really it like a little fairy tale community. So much charm. I just love the patio of this house.

  11. Wow, I love the inside and outside of this house. Plus she has a La Cornu range in the kitchen *le sigh*.....

  12. That is an amazing house! In spite of its only being a year old, I think I might could live in that one. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  13. I can ditch the kids and come on over to that place.

  14. Well I was surprised at how grand the inside was, and I totally LOVED it! I was thinking it would have low ceilings and cutesy decor, but it was quite amazing. My favorite room was the kitchen, with so much to admire!!

  15. The landscape is to die for. Interiors are grand too. Gotta go check out these sites. Thanks for sharing!

  16. What a lovely home. When I saw the inside, I almost lost my breath, it is decorated so beautifully. It looks like a home that has evolved for many years, to get to this point. Hard to think the grounds and all are only 1 year old. Amazing..I want to move in today...


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