Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MVL Book Club #4

So I just finished reading Summer Rental by Mary Kay Andrews.
I won an autographed copy from The Lettered Cottage.
Wasn't that lucky? I was so looking forward to reading this because
it was about an old house at the beach and a bunch of girlfriends.

Well, this book is the perfect day at the beach book.
It's a very quick read. 
Three girlfriends that grew up together in Savannah get together to 
spend a month at a North Carolina beach in a big run down beach cottage.
They each come to the beach trying to leave behind personal problems and 
difficulties in their lives. 
They have an exciting month at the beach in which all their problems are
magical fixed as these things happen in books and movies.
Too bad real life doesn't go like this. 
In real life you go to the beach with a bunch of problems and when you get home 
from the beach you have even more problems.

I have to say this book was light and fluffy and slightly entertaining.
I'm sure a lot of people would love it.
It was very predictable. Everything I thought might happen, did.

It was not my sort of book.

I liked the premise for this book...I just wish it had been more.
I like my books a bit darker and more serious and or more quirky.
I did enjoy the setting. I could almost imagine staying at the shore in the big old house.

I am not saying don't read it because lots of you might enjoy it.
But myself....I kind of wish I had back those hours I spent reading it.

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  1. Love how you tell it like it is~that is why I like you Nita! I might have read that book along time ago, but now I would feel too busy to read a fluffy book. I am reading Kathyrn Ireland's Summers in France and really enjoying it. Very different kind of a read, but good.

  2. I do not like fluff either Nita. I just read "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" this week and was fascinated and appalled at the same time. Have you read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle?" I love that book and the dogs in it are so special. I always read books years after they come off the best seller lists but I may just re-read that one.

  3. I agree with Amy. I love how you nicely let us know what you really think. I agree, I just don't have any time for fluff but I can understand how it can be a nice "escape" for some people.
    I've talked about the Edgar Sawtelle book before....I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and RAVED about it to everyone as I read it and then...
    I HATE HATE HATED IT! Horrible last couple of chapters! Don't do it to yourself. Sorry Olive :(
    XOXO - Cindi

  4. So funny just picked this up 2 days ago and its my next book in line to read after I finish, my latest Molokai'i.
    Thanks for the review!!

  5. Thanks so much for posting our Everything Annie Sloan giveaway button on your sidebar!! I hope all your friends and followers come over and check out this amazing giveaway!! I am your newest follower!

  6. I actually did go to the beach with a bunch of girls when I was about 21. I arrived with problems, and they were here when I returned. The time in between...priceless. We did have such a good time. Thanks for the review.

  7. Nita, I hated Summer Rental, but I loved The Fixer Upper. Go figure.

  8. I picked it up at the shop but glad I didn't buy it. I am reading Every Secret Thing by Emma Cole. It is fabulous!!

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