Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MVL Book Club #3

Killer Stuff and Tons of Money
June's selection for the

I was asked to review this book by TLC Book Tours and it was sent to me to preview.
I agreed, thinking it sounded interesting. 
But I will admit when it arrived and there were no pictures, I wasn't that excited about reading it.
Now, I am not a person that must have pictures in my books to enjoy them but I thought a book about antiques 
and flea markets would surely need them.
I was wrong.
This book reads like a novel. I've been reading a bit at bedtime each night and find that I can't wait to get 
back to it to find out what is the next thing the book's hero is going to buy or sell.
The book's author, Maureen Stanton, follows Curt Avery, the books central character around from show to show, even 
camping out with him in his pickup at the major antique shows.
For anyone that thinks the antique business is glamorous, this book lets you know it's not.
But it is exciting, risk taking and lots of hard work. 
Curt Avery is a gambler. A well educated gambler.
In the antique world, its all about what you know. 
If you know an items value but the seller doesn't, then you have the advantage.
I was trying to hurriedly finish this book for I was schedule to review it today, but then I had a revelation.
I'm well over half way through...but I don't want to rush it and read it all in one sitting.
Because I'm enjoying it too much. 
So I decided to review it half way done. 
Like I said, this book is non fiction but it reads like a novel and anyone interested 
in the antique business will be fascinated by it. 
This book talks about the ups and downs of the antique business...much is said
about big retailers ruining it by buying antiques, copying them and then having them mass produced.
The popularity for true antiques has waned because of this. 
People are buying the copies instead of searching for the real thing. 

The book is full of interesting characters and situations. 
The descriptions of the big back east antique shows and auctions have made me feel like I've been there. 
These are places I've always wanted to go.
Fascinating stories are included of fake antiques being sold for thousands as real, fooling even those who curate museums. 

Another thing this book points out - it doesn't matter how much a thing is worth...
if you can't find a seller for it. 
The excitement of the business is that your next buy might be that thing worth thousands 
and that you'll have a buyer for it. 

But the main character in this book, Curt, obviously just loves the business.
He travels tirelessly and educates himself on as many facets of it as he can.
It's more than money driving this man.

So....my conclusion on this book is that its a great read. 
So many of you enjoy the things I enjoy and I'm guessing you will enjoy this book also.
And I will say, I was fully prepared to give it a less than stellar review but nope, I truly am enjoying it very very much. 

It's available right now on Amazon.
author: Maureen Stanton

I'll talk about it some more after I finish reading it. 
I can't wait to find out if Curt Avery scores the big find!
Mod Mix Monday is still going on here.


  1. Nita, I will read it eventually. Right now I am reading "The Help" and it is wonderful. Especially since I remember those years vividly. I was talking to an eighty-nine year old antique pottery expert dealer and collector from Edgefield, S.C. and he firmly believes young people just are not interested in antiques any more and almost all the antique stores in that historic town have closed. His is one of the last standing. I do notice at these estate sales I frequent that antique furniture does not seem to sell as well as smalls. Thanks so much for the review. ♥O

  2. this part... "it doesn't matter how much a thing is worth...
    if you can't find a seller for it." true about many things!


  3. Olive -
    Everything is cyclical. Antiques are not as hot as they once were....they will be again. But there are always people that always love them. And to kids...things from the 70's are antiques and they love that stuff. I know that American antiques are not hot like they were in the 80's. But they will come back eventually.

    I do remember when I'd go to flea markets searching for the perfect knick knack for my home and now I can go to Hobby Lobby and find something from China. Which is just wrong. That is what is ruining the antique business....everyone buying all the knock offs.

  4. Sounds interesting, Nita. I do so much better with magazines. It is hard for me to get through a book. I must have some ADD going on, or something. I do love biographies, tho.

  5. Thanks for the review, Nita. I will place it on my Wish List! :D

  6. good point about needing a buyer no matter what condition or what we think something should go for!

    in case you don't know, you won a giveaway for a book at the diy showoff. congrats-you could probably do a book review on it!

  7. I'm SO glad that the book exceeded your initial expectations! Thank you for being a part of the book tour.

  8. That sounds very interesting!!! I will have to see if I can find it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. You've sold me! It sounds like the perfect summer read...so glad it turned out to be a goodie!
    xo J~

  10. Hey Nita, A million thanks for the info and good review on this book. Since I am in the business, I can't wait to read it(and yes I have slept in my van before selling at a flea market). It is indeed hard work and my all time favorite kind of work. Good antiques will always be wanted it's just finding the right buyer, just like you said. We dealers and designers always have to remenber when we born and where we grew up.
    Try showing a American Empire piece to Hollywood client!!!!!!!!
    By the way your front porch looks great.

  11. Nita this book sounds so intriguing...thanks for posting. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo,

  12. I'm reading it also, Nita! Yes, it does read like a novel. I might think twice about trying to bargain down the price on something. Gulp.


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