Tuesday, March 22, 2011


In the Garden
I'm kind of obsessed at the moment with succulents used in gardens.
I remember seeing this garden in Cottage Living several years ago which made me start 
thinking about them. I love the succulent topiaries up front.

These framed succulents created by French Kissed got me searching the web for more examples
and I found lots. Isn't this an amazing display? I want this hanging in my garden this summer.
click on logo to view more of the succulents in her garden
French Kissed's garden is so beautiful...you really must go by and see it.
I'm thinking if I can't do a succulent wall...I could do a succulent topiary.
I think succulents would be a nice addition to the garden this year but....
What to do come winter? They'd have to come inside.
So perhaps succulents are best for a year round warm climate. 
Have you ever grown succulents?


  1. It is so funny that you posted about these today because...I am giggling that I am actually typing this...they have been on my mind too! lol I haven't ever planted them but really like the way they look kind of cabbagey...does that make sense? I think I may try a few in some pots on the front porch and mix them in with some other things...but I do like the idea of a wreath of some kind...I am going to have to do some more research on how to accomplish that. I don't think they require much care??


  2. Love the framed succulents! I've never grown them. But growing up, I remember my Momma growing the hen and biddy (chicks) variety (sempervivum tectorum). She used a vintage washing machine as a planter.

    Mary Ellen

  3. Those are awesome. We have a wreath made of succulents we've had for years. They are so hardy. At least here. I don't know about colder places.

  4. I love succulents, they are so easy to take care of! These images are beautiful, I especially like the oval frame with the succulents nestled inside.

  5. I love succulents. My father belonged to the Men's Garden Club and we always had exotic plants around our house. I remember having string of pearls, and chicks and hens and devil's backbone, jade and of course mother-in-law tongue among many others. I should do an urn of succulants for my porch.
    I like the rusty sconce on the fence too. ~Ames

  6. So beautiful..makes me want to run out to the nearest nursery and get busy planting! Succulents are really resillient which makes them easier to manage for those not feeling that they have a green thumb. Beautiful stunning pictures!

  7. I love succulents... And that's a good thing because I DO NOT have a green thumb at all...

  8. Dearest Nita,

    That looks almost like lace embroidery with life succulents! Such great ways for presenting these great, undemanding plants!

    Lots of love,


  9. Hmmm kinda on the fence about those vertical walls of succulents...but I do love the vintage looking frame with them in.

    Having been raised in a coastal town in West Australia I am very partial to succulents and love what great fillers they make due to being so easy to proper-gate new ones.

    Blessings Kelsie

  10. Oh you have no idea what you have started...but then again....maybe you do. :)
    Rockin post!!!!

  11. I have several. I have had a ghost plant for about 25 years and have divided it dozens of times. Really you just put a leaf on soil and anothet one grows! Here I leave them out in winter and it gets knocked back a bit by frost but not much. Many you know are alpine plants and grow in rocks and mountain crevices. I like that they thrive on my neglect but I do not do fancy stuff with them just some strawberry pots.

  12. I currently have my geraniums and my hens and chickens, along with some annuals from last fall sitting in the laundry room next to the window waiting for Spring.
    The hens and chickens were planted in a strawberry terracotta pot and multiplied so much that I had to transplant some to other pots!
    I live 2 1/2 hrs west of Chicago so....YES! I brought them inside.
    When it finally decides to stay a little "warm" around here, I'll move them to my enclosed porch and then AFTER Mothers Day (that's the RULE in this area) I'll move them outside.
    :) - Cindi

  13. I dont know about other varieties of succulents, but it got down to 10 degrees in Middle Tennessee this winter and my "hens and chickens" made it just fine. Now if the squirrels would just quit chewing on them they would be very happy.

  14. Hens & Chicks and some sedums are very hardy. We have them in outdoor beds in northern Ohio, They survive and are some of the first things to start rowing in the Sprin


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