Monday, March 28, 2011

Outdoor Bed

Remember This?
Last week I posted this picture which was from the home tour I did of this house.
See the whole tour here.

I thought that bed was a dream and something so hard to find to incorporate into your garden.
But then....

The new Pottery Barn catalog came on Saturday and look what's in it!
Wow! An outdoor canopy bed is now available for the masses.
Now, the masses don't include me. I can't afford Pottery Barn because I work for myself.
But I'm sure there are lots of people out there that can. Plenty of my friends can.

has really stepped it up.

I used to not be into Pottery Barn but I have to say lately they've had things more to my liking.

Things have definitely gotten lighter and brighter at Pottery Barn.
I don't like dark colors and I think that is why it didn't appeal to me very much before.
These metal stools are fantastic and not too expensive.
I want this giant shell. To hell with my no shells unless I live by the beach rule.
I talked about bar carts last Friday (here) and look at this one that PB has.
Very nice.
Actually, I think this would make a very cute bar.
It's on sale for $149.
I'll still keep searching thrift stores for mine though.
I could really go for this potting bench. Here it's being used as a bar/potting bench.
I totally have a spot where this garden gate wall thing would work on the back of my house.
Well while I'm at it, this whole group would work nicely on my deck.
I'd use this daybed outside...but look at the mirror hung on the stack of suitcases.
That is inspired! I absolutely love that.
Very pretty chandelier. If I didn't have all vintage chandis...I'd be so tempted by this one.
I can't help myself....I love this floral huge umbrella.
How happy is that?
These door panels would add instant architecture to any room. 
I'd paint these chippy white or perhaps distressed turquoise.
Ok, this is just a summer dream. 
What a fantastic setup for watching a movie under the stars.

Thanks for humoring my little fantasy shopping trip.


  1. I love PB, can't afford it but love to look! That outdoor bed is fabulous!


    greetings from switzerland


  3. I agree that PB is singing a different tune these days. I like it alot! You have shown off a lot of beautiful ideas here. Love that last image...

    George and I are currently working out the new deck space for summer living and we are seriously considering some of these ideas. I also wanted to let you know I just adore your blog header!
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD
    Stop by sometime.

  5. there is too much to love on this post.. I don't see my chores getting done soon :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. What awesome photographs! Outdoor bed, a winner!


  7. Your post is a feast for the eyes. I want the potting bench and the large shell, please.

  8. Hi Nita - I'm with you about Pottery Barn, but they have stepped it up lately. I love the "bar" and the daybed that has the "bon nuit" pillow! Both will be perfect in my backyard.

    In answer to your question, the white scrolly metal thing in my shop is a bowl with two matching candleholders. Perfect for outdoors to put flowers in!


  9. They are looking better than many great items! Like you, I WANT that giant shell..such a cool piece! I love the outdoor beds too....all I would need is my down pillow and a great book and I'm good to go!

  10. I found your blog a few days ago... I really like it! I like your pictures and I wonder where you find them!
    I love home decor and furnishings and I love what you do!

    Alexandra from France^^

  11. I could go for one of each =) I love outdoor furniture....sweet.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh wow! Love all of these! I can only imagine the price of that bed. sigh..And the suitcases! I'm all into them right now. Adorable! One of my favorite things about PB is looking at their vignettes. Great inspiration.

  13. Hello Nita! I love the idea of having an outdoor bed. But our space at home is too limited to fit one. hehehe

    I also love the idea of using the giant shell. In my country, I saw several houses and establishments using giant shells as an outdoor sink or wash area. If you want I can show you some pictures.

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures with us.

  14. Hi Nita!
    Maybe you can't go shopping right now at Pottery Barn but you can go on a $100 e-spree at Joss & Main because you are the winner of my Giveaway!!!
    It couldn't have gone to a more deserving gal :)
    Lots of Love,


    Please send me your email so I can forward it to Joss & Main where they will credit your account with $100.


  15. I loved the fantasy shopping tour! How fun to have some of those things for the outdoors. Pottery Barn has been changing over the years, I do love what they do.


  16. that last picture is fabulous! i saved it. loved your comment today - the tree is still the same, all this time later! we almost cut it down this winter but now it's green all over the limbs it still has!

    i did buy the chairs and am going to do a story on them soon! waiting for a few more things though.

  17. I always say that I love my home because each piece of furniture has a story.....
    and if I won the lottery, I'd drag it all to the curb and RUN over to Pottery Barn!
    :) - Cindi

  18. You are right, Nita. PB has truly stepped-up to the plate! I love the pictures you've shared. I do not get the catalog anymore, probably because I shop in the store and I don't order anything mail order....


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