Saturday, March 19, 2011

Local Home Tour

Cape Cod for Sale
(built 1938)
I was searching local real estate listings and found this little charmer for sale in 
Crown Heights, Oklahoma City. Crown Heights is the neighborhood just to the north of me.
A major road separates us...other than that, our neighborhoods are right next to each other.
I love browsing real estate listings, don't you?
The decor in this house I feel doesn't really go with the style of the home.
There are some pieces I like but most of it seems a little cheesy. 
I'd love to get my hands on it and restyle it. 
I do like that big chesterfield sofa in the living room.
Pretty blue on the walls and I like the chandelier but hate those chairs. 
I think the table could work but those chairs are wrong.
Do I see a mirrored buffet? I wish we could see more of it.
Hate that bench too.
Blandsville. I see someone has a dog. See the dog stairs?
I have a ramp at the bed in my own home. They are necessary but really unattractive.
See the black and white photos taped to the wall above the fireplace. 
That is straight from the pages of Domino.
I remember seeing that done and loving it. It worked in the Domino room but really doesn't here.
I'm diggin' that mirror as a headboard and the mirrored night stands.
Everything else can go away.
Pretty bathroom but obviously not original and you know how I feel about that.
And lastly, a galley kitchen. I like the door in the kitchen. It brings in lots of light.
How do you feel about the heavily distressed cabinets?
I think I could make this kitchen really sing!

** Dining Room Furniture Painting Update **
I'm almost finished with the buffet now. It WILL be done tomorrow.
I can't paint at night because I don't have enough light to see to do a good job.
And I can't move the furniture out of the dining room to paint because it's too large.
Today I had a big time lunch meeting and then had to run errands so I didn't get 
to finish the buffet like I'd planned.
I did paint another coat of paint.
The chairs took 5 coats (2 primer, 3 paint).
I was hoping the buffet would only be 2 and 2 but we'll see.
Then I just have to paint the table and I'll be done.

Anyway....soon I'll be able to start showing something.
I can't wait to get this project out of the way.


  1. Thanks for the tour Nita! With your touch...this house really would sing! I really enjoyed looking at this home. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. you crack me up!
    "Hate that bench too"
    I agree with you about most of it.
    Especially the taped photos, good idea but wrong room.
    (but I do adore monogrammed bedding)
    anyway, love this post.
    I like to haunt real estate listings for ideas or in case I win the Lottery...but I'd NEVER want to buy this house because of the first photo. It looks like the neighbors houses are VERY close!
    :) - Cindi

  3. Beautiful house on the outside. I agree it needs your touch. I love the kitchen for sure. Some of the others things are out there. But someone might say that about my home.....but it's not on the market. When we had ours listed two years ago we had it very neutral. Fun looking and commenting on someone we don't know. When they are on the market it is free game, hah.

  4. What is up with that shade around the chandelier? Is that a new style? I think the house has some good points to it but the furniture and decor is a miss match of styles. The kitchen feels heavy and laden with a lot of cabinets. Should be more contemporary or even country or just something that goes with the style of the house in general.

    I think the current owners have a grander style than their house will allow for. You should offer to resyle it if they are having a problem selling it! :)~Ames

  5. I love hearing your inner thoughts come splashing out on the page of what you really think! It is fun to critique a room. I think the hubs and wife have two different styles...there is a mix of 2 styles that clash in this house. She loves the romantic style of vintage french cottage, and he likes the dark straighter lines of masculine decor. All of her venetian mirrors, the toile wallpaper, the shabby kitchen cabs I loved.
    Anyway Nita, so glad to hear you are nearing the end of the project from hell. Can't wait for the reveal!

  6. you are right, they furniture doesn't go with that house!!

  7. What a freakin' potpourri of styles! It's really funny.

    And what's up with the some of the windows being almost down to the floor? That happens in the upstairs of old houses but I can't understand why they're like that in the living room.

    I love looking at the inside of houses so I appreciate the tour.

  8. Nita, I can't wait to see your reveal *squee* I know everything is going to be so, so pretty!!! :D

  9. Hey Nita! I like to look at Real Estate listing too.

    They can really make me crack up sometimes!

    thanks for the tour...xo kelley

  10. This blog was linked from cotedetexas. I find it disturbing that someone's home listing is splashed all over the internet/blog for others to criticize. They are trying to sell their home, not trying to show it off through a blog. I am sure they are proud of their home, just as you are of yours.

  11. Thank you for the house tour Nita:) I personally think the distressing in the kitchen is overdone...I love the distressed look and I love chippy paint but it's a little to heavy. It is a lovely house tho, I wouldn't turn it down!

    Can't wait to see your reveal, you're really keeping us in suspsense here!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend Nita:)

  12. Dearest Nita,

    For me the kitchen needs to be redone; no doubt! I never liked any distressed look. A couple of decades ago, that would mean the stage of furniture or cabinets when people would throw it out and put it as garbage to be collected... Can't see the beauty of it. Just another commercial crazy thing.
    A pity that the home has low ceilings, that impacts almost everything...

    Stop by please to read my Japan adventure from July 2007 to the area that is hit hardest now. Our host families are fine, got word yesterday that they only lived one week without power and minor damages due to being more inland. So I was so joyous and finally could post this; held back out of dignity till knowing for sure they were allright.

    Lots of love,


  13. Pretty things do come in small packages! Very tastefully done, especially love the hardwood thats dark and the pretty galley kitchen, great floors in the kitchen too (and love the wallpaper, neat touch)
    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend!

  14. It's always fun to tour a home...

    Your painting project, you must be so glad to be almost done, and then we get to see it! yay.

    Hope the doggies kept their tails paint-free!

    ~ Violet

  15. It is such a thrill when the inside of a home is as lovely as the outside. Sometimes that is not meant to be.

  16. Wow, I hope the people who own that house don't read your blog. They probably think their house looks pretty good since it's THEIR style they're living with. We all have our own tastes and no one person's style is right for everyone in the entire world.

  17. I love home tours. We all critique listing when we see them- I don't think there is any harm in it, everyone has different styles. And I agree that this home is missing 1 thing- an original bathroom. I always look for vintage tile bathrooms in listings...

  18. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!
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