Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowed In

A View From My Window
A very gray day.
The neighbors
(looking across to Harold's house)
A strange snow. It didn't stick to the trees. See, no snow in the trees.
I'm guessing because it was so cold.
My large urns on the front pedestals drifted in snow.
I took these photos early in the day when we got up for all the weenies to go outside.
Which amounted to said weenies going as far as the deck.
Even Violet who loves cold weather wouldn't venture further.

All came back in and RAN straight for my bed again.
I couldn't refuse them and I will admit that is where we spent the day.
In bed....oh...the luxury...this is the first time in my life I didn't have to worry about whether
I needed to try to get to work or not.

So there are some benefits to being unemployed.


  1. The pictures are beautiful and your day sounds pretty good too.

    Hang in there; something will come your way.


  2. Oh how cozy it sounds! That snow looks so pretty:) Yes, unemployment does have its perks! Take it from me:)

  3. Nita a winter wonderland here as well. It is great as long as you do not have to get out in it...a blizzard!

    Be sure to enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa!

    Art by Karena

  4. Well, oh my stars, it is so much prettier in your yard than it is in mine, for sure! Here's to day 2, right?! :D

  5. Weinies and a warm bed -- now that's a winter wonderland!

  6. Nita,
    I love the photo with the misty/frosty corner of the window. It's so moody.

  7. Nita,
    I love the photo with the misty/frosty corner of the window. It's so moody.

  8. Y'all are getting slammed by the snow. The urn is beautiful. You and the weenies stay safe and warm.

  9. Beautiful pictures! We had a quite the blizzard here today. Makes me all the more ready for Spring!!

  10. I am jealous! It has been a while since I had a bed day just because I wanted it, not because I was sick. It is definitely time.
    And the photos are amazing. Your house looks so great.

  11. Great pics, Nita. My post has the same title! How funny!
    I've been in my pj's all day long!


  12. It never got above 15 degrees today at my house. I hopped in the shower at about 3:00. My middle schooler happened to get home while I was in the shower, and I'd locked everything up so tight that he had to jimmy a window to get inside the house. I felt awful! But we watched a quick cartoon together while sipping some cocoa and it's all better now.

  13. The pictures are so pretty! We don't get snow where we live and I wish we did at times. It sounds like a wonderfully, cozy and relaxing day you had with your puppies, Nita.

  14. Brrrr! Enjoy the beauty and stay warm :)

  15. Beautiful view -- with or without snow!

  16. LOVE IT! Hope you can enjoy the snow and still be able to get around ok. I'm jealous as we don't get snow very often over here, and I'm craving it! :( Have fun with the fickle weanies...I've grown up around them and my mom still has one...I totally get it! I "upgraded" to a fox terrier...she just gets hypercharged in the snow and spends the whole day staring out the window like it's a Victrola! Hee hee hee! Enjoy your cozy days!

  17. Hi Nita ~ I'm thinking its going to be a snow day here as well ... we're in the midst of a blizzard. And I am where you were during your storm, in bed surrounded by the dogs!

  18. Nita, I love imagining the weenies running back into the house and jumping in your bed! I had to take Dillon and Tobey out this morning and it is piling up high over two feet now! Dillon hates the snow, Tobey loves it...I really liked seeing the vantage point of your house from the inside out! I think I will grab the camera and take some winter wonderland pics myself, inspired by you my dear.

  19. Stay warm and cozy and enjoy being snowed in! Here...only rain. I love your lamp turned finial, by the way! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  20. so pretty! here, (MA) we have 4 feet of snow piled up, but it's not pretty at all!

  21. Your neighborhood looks SO pretty. But truthfully I am VERY sick of all this snow! I can't wait for Spring. My big guy Blue creates a path as he walks around the yard so luckily I don't have to shovel one for the tiny dogs. Unfortunately at first, the little ones refused to "go" outside. They were holding it and pooping in the laundry room! Sigh.............at least it's like rabbit pellets :)


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