Monday, February 14, 2011

Crazy Heart

Heart Shaped Candy Box
I have always wanted one of those fancy heart shaped box of chocolates.
I never cared about the chocolates, I just wanted the pretty box.
But I was never given one and now I don't think they even make them.

So I decided to make my own.

The other night I bought a plain box of chocolates.
 This box is about 10"x10"
and was full of chocolates but of course they had to be removed (eaten) to do this craft.

After I made what seemed to be hundreds of crepe paper roses of red and pink....I glued them to the box top with hot glue.
Then I added some ribbon I had left from Christmas and a little pin from my jewelry box.
The white scalloped edge is made of paper towel with a little glitter on the edge.
The last bit was to tuck in a little antique valentine my friend Amy sent me last week.
I told Amy last night that I was working on a crepe paper rose project and she said she was working on a 
tissue paper rose project. 

She posted her's early this morning...

See Amy's at
I am posting mine now because it took me literally all night to make all those roses. 
I wanted to quit several times but then thought all the roses I'd made so far would just go to waste.
So I pushed on and finished about noon. 

I won't be making another...perhaps you would like to though.

I used this tutorial to make the roses.

Although I don't know if it was worth all the time spent...
I now have my pretty heart shaped candy box to add to my Valentine decor.

Keep scrolling down to see more Valentine pretties that I posted earlier today.

sharing at


  1. I love your heart shaped box and I always wanted one too. I have seen many in Rite aid, Target, Walmart but all about $15 with chocolate in them, I wanted the boxes not the chocolates! Maybe I will find one today or tomorrow t half price, lol, then I can embellish it some more and give the junky candy away! Happy Valentine's day, I love yours! Hugs Marilou

  2. At college during the sixties, the heart shaped boxes arrived by the dozens to dormitories all over campus on Valentine's Day - reds, pinks and yellows. Wish so much I had saved a few along the way.

    Yours is truly fabulous and a real keepsake.

  3. The crepe paper flowers are so pretty. I love the bold colors. Great job! The little Valentine makes it extra special. :D

  4. that is just beautiful!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you! ♥

  5. It is gorgeous! I love the way the blue ribbon plays alongside the lovely roses. And the jewel is the perfect way to finish it. Kit

  6. This is so cute! my room mate gave me a little box of chocolates today...perhaps I'll make a pretty little box for myself :)

    love it!

  7. Nita, your valentine is over the moon special and you should be so proud of how beautiful it turned out. My one tissue rose was so easy and I am a real slug compared to you. So even though we aren't in the same league, thanks for the shout out. It was kind of fun working on our projects at the same time and emailing back and forth, just like real GFs do. Blog friends are best!!!

  8. It's beautiful, Nita! You did a lovely job. How fun to bring that out every Valentine's Day or you could display it year round. It's really pretty!

  9. Nita,

    Whenever I need my daily Vintage fix, you always come through with the prettiest things! I so love your site! It is inspiring!

    Tara (Bandhura)

  10. Nita! That is so pretty. At first, I thought that opening image was from a magazine, seriously. I hope that's a treasured box for you for years to come. Happy Valentines Day

  11. That is the most beautiful candy box I have ever seen!

  12. *Squeal, It turned out fantastic! I think it deserves to be refilled daily? Just a thought ;0)
    have a wonderful day, Lynea

  13. PRETTY!!!!

    I love the aqua ribbon with it.

    I had a large heart box that I used for a photo prop for my dogs... oh dear, I must have tossed it when we moved! What was I thinking? It was 'purge' mode, which only happens once in a blue moon. Of course, like you, I had to eat the chocolates inside, so as not to waste them : )

    I'm thinking today would be a good day to go look for on-sale heart shaped chocolate boxes... merely for the box of course. Te-Heeee!

    Yours turned out beautifully, I am sure I don't have the patience to make that many roses though. It was delightful to see your lovely creation!

    ~ Violet

  14. Just found your blog (at My Romantic Home) and so glad - love, love, love it !! Gina

  15. It is absolutely darling. I love it. The roses in your previous most are so gorgeous. Lovely, lovely.

  16. Looove it, its pretty enough to be a jewelry box! So pretty, feminine, and delicate....lovely! Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day!

  17. OMG - wish I had seen your valentine box sooner - would've been a project!

    Thanks for visiting me,
    My Shabby Streamside Studio

  18. Nita, thanks for sharing this at the party this week.

  19. Wow! This is beautiful. I love that you mixed pink and red--the Tiffany blue ribbon is perfect! It was worth your time--this project is going to get lots of views, I'm sure! Come link it up if you like--love to have this treasure added!

  20. oh gosh, Nita, how fabulous is this!? So sorry you had to sacrifice by taking care of all that chocolate just to make this! te he! Thanks for coming to the party!

  21. very creative of you! love how the box looks now! so pretty! thanks for sharing! have a great weekend!

  22. So, so pretty! Thanks for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.

  23. Your box turned out gorgeous!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. I love it! You did a beautiful job! Wow! You would have to charge big money if you were to sell it! I saved several heart-shaped boxes to make myself one too. I will have to really think about making my own roses though... Happy PS!

  25. So pretty and sweet Nita!! It came out absolutely adorable and with the little Valentine - perfect! Thanks for sharing this over at my party this week! :)

  26. Your box is so lovely. I don't know what would have been the most fun......creating the beautiful box or eating the chocolates!!!
    Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  27. I love your chocolate box! What an inspiration. And I think it was worth every last second you put into it. I may just have to run out and see if I can find a plain box of chocolate to devour and decorate!

  28. It's stunning, Nita! Really, I can't imagine one any more beautiful than the one you created. I'm sure making all those roses must have been a royal pain. But it was sooo worth it!

    Thanks for linking to the party.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  29. Found you through Just A Girl. I love this heart box! I bought a medium sized box for my husband at the dollar store. I'm going to have to make him finish his candy so I can have the box back! Thanks so much for sharing!


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