Sunday, January 9, 2011

White Kitchens

It's Snowing Here Today!
Perfect weather for a Sunday.
It made me think of snowy white kitchens.
But I always love white kitchens.
I like to document them here for my own future reference.
For that time when I'll revamp my kitchen.
This one is white and warm and cozy.
This one modern and rustic at the same time.
I never tire of them in all their varying shapes and forms.
 Do you?


  1. Oh, Nita! Any of those kitchens are to-die-for! Well, maybe not quite that; but, they are beautiful and great inspirations. We can dream of white, tonight for sure! Stay warm!

  2. Nita, I never ever tire of a white kitchen. After renting in apartments for many years, we finally rented a vintage home on an avocado farm if you will. The pretty country kitchen was adorable in a pretty white, my Brother helped us make it warm and cozy with sprucing up the counter tops and wall papering. It was the start of my love affair with white kitchens. Now my kitchen is all white , and I have plans to paint the tile. Yep. Painting the tile. I love it, even though it's tiny, it's white, clean, and cozy. The perfect backdrop for vintage accessories. xoxo tami

  3. At first I was put off my white cabinets but now they have actually grown on me and I appreciate their brightness. The clean lines white lends to a space and then adding a few natural woods works for me.

  4. Those are so pretty. I keep thinking about painting mine lighter, but I have a problem with wallpaper being under that paint and not sure it can take another two coats of paint without problems.

  5. hi nita,

    i never tire of white kitchens. you've chosen some of my fav pictures here. i'd kill for the hood in the third pic. really, i would.


  6. So beautiful! I hope you are enjoying our snow. Ours melted already :(( But it was sure pretty when it was coming down!

  7. Ooh lovely white kitchens. I do love them and I had a completely white in our other home. Now I have vanilla colored cabinets with an accent soft yellow hood and cooktop cabinet.
    I think it's great to keep your idea file nearby.


  8. woooow, mama LOVE that third from the last one. what an inspiring post. I so desperrately want to redo my kitcken. I think I may print that out as motivation ;) Love your creative lil blog, great post!! xxoo LA

  9. These kitchens are all examples of white done right!

  10. The second kitchen is a dream! Oh to have a ladder to reach those gorgeous high cabinets... It's snowing in North Texas, too and everything is beautifully white. Hope you have a lovely day!!

  11. I am with you all the way. I would love to have a white kitchen (someday) with warm hardwood floors. Perfection!

  12. Oh, Nita, I never tire of a white kitchen...your selection is fabulous! xoxo

  13. I see a white kitchen in my future too someday. I think they are timeless, and can go in any direction, elegant or country or farmhouse or modern.

  14. I hope you're staying warm! Out kitchen here in Florida is white with black countertops...and a sky light which really makes it bright! I love it! Hugs! ♥

  15. Well, ya know that I LOVE white!
    My fav is the 5th one with the cubby hole wall and also the 6th one with the brick walls. I'd be in Heaven with any of them but especially 5 and 6!

  16. Hello Nita!
    Out browsing and landed on your blog!
    Love it here!
    Will spend some time now catching up...
    Kathy @
    sweet Up-North Mornings...

  17. Stunning pictures, I am drooling all over everything!

  18. Beautiful kitchens Nita. And love the first image of snowy road.
    Just stopping by to say hello! You're one lucky girl btw, for getting a sketch of your home from Amy at Maison Decor. It came out so gorgeous! I hope I win her giveaway.

  19. I love a white kitchen.... =)
    Just working on mine.

  20. I like them so much I have an all white kitchen. That white warm and cozy one is divine. My daughter said it was snowing in Seattle this morning when I talked to her. Sun is shining here in Phoenix which is lovely now but not so much in July :)

  21. You know I love a pretty white kitchen!! Love the pics!

  22. No, I never tire of them. The kitchen is, after all, the heart of the home.


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