Friday, December 3, 2010

Thrift Store Goodness

My Finds Last Week

Well, so I start doing the mantel...and my lights are malfunctioning...I have some special twinkle
lights on sparkly branches and only one works. 
Darn it.
I replaced all the bulbs and the fuses and still no luck. I regroup from that...

Mandi at 
asked everyone to show their thrift store finds for the week.

I don't shop Thrift Stores much just because I have a garage full of stuff that needs to go
to a thrift store.

But last week I went with a friend and of course had to drag a couple of things home.
This huge lamp. Love the details.
I haven't even tried to see if it was 1/2 off
so I got it for $4.

I'm thinking I'm going to pull the electrical out of it and paint it white (of course)
and it will just be a big huge finial thingie.
Big enough to set on the floor.

I really don't have a spot for a super huge lamp...but I'm still thinking about it.
What do you think?

I also got the little silver plated stand.
I'm sure I'll find a good use for it and at only $2...I couldn't pass up.
I also got a couple of vintage sliver spoons at $1 each. 
But forgot to show them....actually...I wonder where I put them?

As you can see these are sitting on my newly sanded dining room buffet.
It's waiting for paint.

Now I'm off to the 1st of the Month Paseo Artist's Walk.
It's perfect weather for it.
I'll try to take some photos.

sharing at


  1. Love that lamp and painted white it will be stunning. I have a thing for lamps and find them and shades all the time, it is one of my vices.

  2. Nita, I am loving your header on your blog! *swoon*
    And for that matter, my heart pitter patters through all of your lovely inspiration pics!!!!
    I found some neat stuff thrifting today too, it's so fun.
    I like your idea for the lamp. Fab.

  3. Great idea with the lamp. I can see it in your home looking beautiful! Wish I lived closer, I bet you have some beautiful items in your garage to take to the thrift store :)
    P.S.(Love your new header!)

  4. YES! Paint it white! Then show us! I also LOVE the header on your blog!
    Have a pretty day!

  5. Sounds like you have a lot of projects to work on! I have had more strands of lights go out than I can count. Drives me crazy!

  6. Nita. Seriously? I am so jealous right now. I would totally make a thingy out of it too! Thanks for linking up lady!

    love your guts

  7. To make the lamp into a finial is a brilliant idea! Details are outstanding. Do you have a sander? And did you sand all the way to bare wood? I couldn't really tell in the pic. I haven't done a lot of furniture pieces so was just curious.
    Have a happy Saturday!

  8. Nita,
    I think you should contemplate this lamp for a little bit. I think it could look dynamite painted something like turquoise with a big white barrel shade. Maybe a few aqua crystals hanging off the harp? I think there could be something really exciting there.


  9. Love the silver stand. I think it was originally a warmer -- the small divet in the bottom is for a tea light candle and then a dish is put in the top part. The candle keeps the food warm.

  10. Hunting thrift stores is so much fun...looks like you did well.
    Happy Day

  11. Oh yeah, I can see the lamp as a great big white finial thingy. Great eye!

  12. Ooh, another idea for that lamp. How cool would it be as the base for a Christmas tree! Just insert the trunk in the top and instant upgrade.


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