Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm Feeling Overwhelmed

How About You?
There is nothing better than a white house at Christmas in my opinion. 
I love my house but at Christmas...give me a colonial.
I grew up in a big white colonial. Our house looked like Holiday Inn during the holidays.
I want this to be in my house. I love love love this nook the buffet is sitting in.

The mirror...the wreath...the lamps...oh my!
I'm not crazy about that lantern. I know they are so of the moment. But I just 
can't embrace them. I don't like a big box hanging in the middle of a room. 
I think lanterns belong outside. This room is screaming for a chandelier in my opninion.
And it is all about my opinion here. yes...oh is.
another white house....oh beauty
lantern em.
I do love an all white Christmas! Look at the pom poms on the edge of the chairs! Toot Sweet! Love it.
source all: Southern Living

So like I said, I'm feeling overwhelmed and you probably are too so you won't even take the time to read this.
And I don't blame you....I probably wouldn't either.

So many parties to link up to and so many photos to look at and yet I still need to finish all of my
decorating. I have six real life holiday parties to go to. (at last count)
Cookies I need to bake for a party on Sunday...and I haven't baked a cookie in like 15 years.

I'm suppose to bring 5 dozen cookies....I live alone...I only have ONE cookie sheet! 
This could take all night.

Last night I was going to finish my tree but the heat went out in my house and I ended up going to bed
because I was freezing and I knew I could snuggle up with the weenies (yep...I said that) and 
stay warm. They were freezing anyway and kept asking to go to bed.

So this morning...I get up begrudgingly to a cold, cold house and just as I was about to call a heat and air guy....
the heat comes on!

Should I consider this a Christmas Miracle?

I know I shouldn't, but how would he know what to fix...if it is running?
I did open it last night and dust it....I'm sure that is what made it start working again.
I knew it was trying to come kept acting like it wanted to but then it wouldn't blow.

I think I'll take my chances...consider it a miracle for the time being and proceed on.

I thought I'd take a minute and post these photos of Christmas perfection.

It's so far from Christmas perfection plan was to finish the tree last night 
and then work outside today.

But I was too cold to do anything. 

The weather man says it is to be warmer tomorrow so maybe I'll finish up inside today and do all tomorrow outside. 
Ok...I now have a plan. I feel better. Teeny tiny bit.

But then I go by the linky parties and everyone is all done with all their decorating and I feel inadequate.

How about you?

Are you struggling?


  1. I'm pretty much done with my decorating... but I started November first. It took me a full month to get even close to finished. That's why I knew I had to start so early! And I totally agree with you on lanterns... especially a huge one over a dining room table! The only ones I can handle inside are the cute little ones that sit on tables. That poor dining room is beautiful, but seems so sad without a chandelier.

    Don't stress Nita, you'll get everything done and have a super time at your parties :) Happy Holidays!

  2. Jennifer -
    Yes, I like smaller lanterns on tables....heck...I even like big ones on tables. I just don't like them hanging in the middle of the room. Too many sharp edges...too boxy. I just know that everyone that is putting them up now...will be taking them down in just a few years. Of course these people would most likely be switching to something in a few years I don't know why I care.

    I know I should start my decorating earlier but I never can make's just wrong to me to see Christmas stuff out before Thanksgiving....but then every year...I'm scrambling.

  3. Nita, so glad you had your christmas miracle early and the heat came on. Now I have to say I haven't been invited to any parties. Is that what people do in Oklahoma? Well in Boston apparently not! I would love to go to a party and rub elbows and chat with you, that would be so fun. I have a party on Christmas eve but it is usually family and we all get dressed up. This year we are inviting some people who have no place to go and are getting divorced or don't have families.
    I think you should make the cookies that you don't have to bake! Like the shortbread types that you just roll around in powdered sugar at the end....there have to be some recipes for no bake cookies!

  4. Nita, I'm not struggling at all. But I've never even tried to keep up with all the craziness people try to do, especially this time of year. I keep it simple, and this year I decorated in the middle of November. I do that so I won't have to put stuff up and then take it down again only 2 weeks later or something. We haven't been invited to any parties either so far but we have a small one of our own this Saturday. Haven't started on that yet but we're keeping it simple and low key as always.
    As far as the cookies go I say just go to the store and get another one or two cookie sheets, they're not that expensive. And while you're there pick up a few of those ready made cookie dough packets in the refrigerated section, they're really good (and thus not good for you) and you just throw then in the oven and done! We have those all the time over here, yum!
    Good luck with everything. The best way to get away from the stress is to lower your standards if you can't get out of a full schedule. You're the boss :)

  5. OK, I'm going to be the lone lantern person here. I have my eye on a lantern for above my bathtub. It's similar to the one you pictured, but rounded on the bottom. At first I wanted a chandelier over the tub, but I see them so often that now I'm thinking the lantern may be the way to go. And I was getting close to being done with decorating, but I just found out that I am hosting the family party this year. So that means I have to take it up a notch, plus I need to actually clean my house befoer they come.

  6. Ha! I just got done with a post on my blog about being overwhelmed! I guess it's just that time of year. In my case, it's my own fault. I don't think things through and I create my own stress. sigh....
    I haven't been invited to any parties but since I'm a bah humbug and hermit, it's probably for the best. Years ago I used to throw an annual "Cocktail Christmas Party" -black tie optional. All the girls would wear their festive party dresses (so they got another wearing out of them! Ha!) and the guys HAD to wear at least a tie. (Not to say that they weren't used for a limbo contest later!) it was fun but now that I'm an cranky old bat and everyone else has kids to worry about....
    (SEE! I told you I was a Hum-bugger!)
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. How is it that some pieces just look like they were made to go in a space, such as that lovely buffet?
    I'd say you indeed got a miracle. Thankful.
    I'm not really stressed or overwhelmed. It just started snowing here! Unbelievable for south GA! Of course, it's just flurries at the moment. But I can't be anything but happy when I see snowflakes.
    Oh, and I'm on the fence about lanterns. It has to fit the decor for me. It does look awfully boxy with that delicate dining set but maybe the juxtaposition was purposed.

  8. I've been doing my decorating slowly, in small areas and am just not going to put pressure on myself about anything...what gets done, gets done!

  9. Hello Nita! I have just discovered your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it :D
    YES! I am feeling overwhelmed completely and so my tree is the only Christmas decor in my house this year. It makes me sad - as this should be a happy, exciting time but every year it descends more into stressed and frazzled territory. Oh well...
    Good luck with your cookies. One sheet should bake 12, so that's about an hour to 90 minutes of oven time, total, that's all. You can get some decorating done while enjoying the aroma :) Good luck!

  10. I always find this time of year overwhelming, and I don't really decorate because we're an interfaith household (Hannumas) I have a gazillion truffles to make for my holiday gifts. I still have to plan dinner for my wedding anniversary on the 21st, and the only gift I've bought so far is the anniversary gift for my husband. Plus, all other gifts have to be wrapped, packed, and shipped to relatives in other states.

    I think we need an extra month between Thanksgiving and the New Year...

  11. Hi You party animal, I am struggling, the water went out today, a main line burst in the street and now I am boiling water. The heat pump is simply not keeping up with the bitter cold weather and it's cold in the house. I did not get one thing done today and I travel over the next two days. Okay I whined. I agree that room needs a chandy. Heck all rooms need them...just sayin' ♥O

  12. I'm so glad for your Christmas miracle, nothing worse than a cold house at this time of year.

    I don't feel overwhelmed at all because my apartment is tiny so I was able to decorate it in about an hour:) Maybe a tad jealous of all of you homeowners tho...sniffle sniffle.

  13. if you believe in miracles, then i'd say that was one.

    the lantern looks awful in that room. i think they can look good in rooms (i say that b/c i have 2 inside) but that one just looks awful.

    am i stressing...hmmm. i have still not done one thing for xmas yet. not a one. this weekend i will and when i post pics you will most def be underwhelmed. but that is one way i stay destressed.

    but i love looking at what you and everyone else is doing.

    living vicariously through you~


  14. Hi Nita, As I've told you before, I love the way you write. I get a kick out of you, I really do, and I enjoy your stories. I'm totally overwhelmed this year, probably becuase blogging takes so much time. And, don't be impressed by other bloggers being all done. I think, like me, they're only showing what's done -- my behind the scenes of my photos? You wouldn't want to know! Hahaha. I try to tell myself to enjoy the moments and not let it all get the best of me. Your home is magical, don't fret about things.

  15. Ooh, I love those pretty homes and rooms. I am with you on the lantern light. Better outside.

    I'm trying to keep things more simple this year and not do so much decorating. I want to enjoy the season and not feel overwhelmed.


  16. Haven't done a thing yet -- still hoping to execute my grand plan for LAST year! Ha!!! What I've learned is my cat will love me no matter what (as will your weenies). And that well love whatever you get done and share with us.

  17. Your writing just tickles me so. Even when you are complaining (sorry!) you say things in such an entertaining way. I know what you mean, I just can't look at too many blogs or I start comparing. And I wrestle with showing my own decor and not wanting those who see it to feel inadequate, not that they should, but I'm just saying we only show the good stuff! Not the unfinished or messy rooms or the sad faces from no one baking because they've been decorating. LOl! So, I may be done decorating, but have not gone Christmas shopping yet. In the middle of the night I began to almost panic.... how many days til Christmas?!?!?! uh oh.

    I agree with you about the chandelier. So, you know, if you have to bake that many cookies, you are going to be bringing a lot home. (Do you want my address so you can send me some?!? Te Heee!)


  18. Oh...Violet -
    I don't do Christmas shopping till very last minute...that way you really get to feel that Christmas rush! Really...I kind of enjoy the panic in the air.

    The reason I have to do 5 dozen cookies is that it's a Cookie Exchange Party and everyone is to bring 5 dozen and then leave with 5 dozen of a different type.

    So 5 dozen out of the house and 5 dozen into the I need 5 dozen cookies!

  19. Nita,
    I'm having trouble keeping up with my blog reading. I just skimmed yours but I think you should grab another cookie sheet or two.

    Did you notice that picture 2 and 3 are the same room? I don't know if the color is faded on the second of the two, or if they painted the niche a different color. I wouldn't have noticed but I love the mirror so I noticed they were the same.

    My mom and sister both had no heat yesterday too. It must be something in the stars.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Ooooh your blog is so much fun. I just found it via Beatrice Banks! So pretty too.

    Hey, at least you KNOW about the linky parties going on... I'm reading your post thinking "WHAT LINKY PARTIES?"

    I'll catch up sooner or later. Maybe after New Years!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  22. I just wanted to tell you a few things (for now).......I love your blog, style, glam bath and have been a fan of batchelder tiles for quite some time. Also, I thought I was the only person in the world who had a dog named Newman. I've only made it up to your February posts but had to say "hey", and feel like I have found another sister! My home is not as stylish and creative as yours but I live with men/boy and do what I can with their interests in mind. Thanks for the BC Clark jingle, my hubby and I just had to get up and dance. "Fun Times" great nostalgia.

  23. Hi Nita~ I hear you. I am behind this year and am not even inspired as much as usual which makes it harder to get things decorated! I am trying to catch up on blogs too... Great inspiration pics and glad your heat is on! :)

  24. Oh I am so there with you! I am not done decorating either, my goal is by Saturday night to be done w/ all the inside and have my white lights up outside. I might fall apart if I don't have it done!! Just takin' baby steps...a little each night and it will happen, don't feel alone!!

  25. We just got our tree last night. I haven't done one Christmas post other than a Glee song. Pretty lame. Oh, and we haven't done any shopping either. I think tonight we're going to order our kids' whole Christmas on Amazon! So anyway, yeah, not quite ready here. We're also trying to finish up home reno projects so yesterday instead of Christmas stuff I was painting the last of my kitchen cabinets!
    Oh well, it is what it is. I know how you feel with all the blogs that had their decor up the minute the Thanksgiving Turkey was cool. I just can't keep up with that! Esp this year. I figure better to just enjoy what you do and what gets done, gets done, what doesn't doesn't. You can always buy cookies at the store!

  26. Loved all the photos! Starting to feel that feeling! Yuck!

  27. Oh, Nita! I had a bit of a breakdown last night. I literally cried! I was feeling so stressed after realizing I don't have everything done and pictures taken...And looking at blogs just made it worse. Then I looked around my house and realized I couldn't come close to all the great stuff that was out there...

    After a little pity party, I ended up realizing that my house going is not going to become perfect, that I can only decorate what I've got, and this is just as good as it's going to get. And that's what The House of Healy is all about. My house. I wish my house and my talent was more spectacular, but I'm doing as good as I can today! Hee hee!

  28. YES! Overwhelmed has been my word lately. I get so many great ideas from blogs, but sometimes I also get so discouraged- so many things I want to do and so little time and money. Yesterday I was staring at our tree talking about all the things I wanted to do differently and how it would look much better this or that way...and then I had to just snap out of it. Christmas is not about perfection, but enjoying decorating the tree and being at home all cozy. P.S. I only have 2 cookie sheets-nothing wrong with having one! I only attempt to bake during the holidays (and it is always a disaster). I usually end up making chocolate covered pretzel sticks- no baking required. Hope your cookies came out delicious. If I had to bake even ONE dozen cookies I would probably panic!


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