Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite Christmas Movies

White Christmas
I know "White Christmas" is a favorite for many.

"Mutual, I'm sure."
I almost called this blog..."Mutual, I'm sure"...cause I love that line so much.
The Fabulous Haynes Sisters
My sister and I have sung the song "Sisters" over and over with each other every year at Christmas
to the point that my Mom wanted us to shut up.
I once had a boss that said he and his sister sung it all the time too...huh?
I guess you could change the words to work for a guy and a gal.

I read that this number was added to the movie. It was not planned.
It was added after Bing and Danny were messing around between takes
and the director liked it and added it to the movie.
Get a Minister Handy....
Has there ever been anything more beautiful than Vera Ellen?
I wish I was back in Army!
That tree! 
Bing and Rosemary behind the tree, Danny and Vera too, and then they open the doors and it's snowing!
I kind of have an obsession with this movie.

One year I went to my company's Christmas Party as Rosemary Clooney in the big red satin dress.
My Mom and I made an exact duplicate of the costume.
Complete with white fur muff and hair ornament.

Now before you think I'm a total goof. 
It was a costume party.
Yes, we had costume parties for Christmas.
And the theme was "Movies".
You were suppose to come as a character from a movie.

It's really hard to drive a car with all those petticoats on...let me tell you. 

But this movie has it all....friendship, a good story, glamour, love, good music, pretty sets and costumes.....

Those Haynes sisters in their blue dresses....oh how I wanted a dress like that.

I used to create one of a kind dolls.
A few years ago I created The Haynes sisters for a charity auction.

Here's a photo of them...

Not a great photo. I didn't take it. It was snapped at the auction.
But thought you might want to know how far my obsession went.

Another favorite Christmas movie of mine is
Absolutely by far my most loved film version of the Charles Dicken's classic.
Michael Cain as Scrooge is brilliant.
The very best Scrooge, ever. You truly care about him and you really believe he is changed by
his encounters with the three ghosts.

He makes the words "Bah Humbug" seem like a perfectly logical thing to say.
Really, he gives the best delivery of this line ever.

Scrooge at the beginning
Scrooge upon waking Christmas Morning
Scrooge enjoying the merriment and true meaning of Christmas at the end.

This is a must see for me every year.

"Please sir, I want some cheese?"

"No, Cheezuz for us Meecuz!"

He he...that makes me laugh every time....and I have to repeat it several times after hearing it.

Have you seen this version?...If need to rent immediately.
I love the music so much, I play the soundtrack here in rotation with my other favorites.
It's playing as I type this.

Finally, It's GlitterFest around here...
I found some cheap plastic deer ornaments at Garden Ridge yesterday and earlier today found
where in town I could buy German glass glitter, so I've been glittering and glittering.
The deer were white with a little white iridescent glitter sprinkled on them.
Well that wouldn't do.
So I'm applying Mod Podge and sprinkling the glass glitter.
See where his leg is still white? That was where I held him while I glittered the rest of him.
Now all I have to glitter is that leg...and I'm done.
I found cardboard snowflake at Michael's that I'm applying the glitter to also.
Isn't satisfying?

My motto....

"Anything that is good, 
is even better covered in glitter."

Wouldn't you agree?


  1. Your glittering looks like such fun and the cheap reindeer have now been transformed into chic and on trend Christmas Decor! Okay, would you believe I have NEVER seen the movie "White Christmas". I know all the music (classics) but have never watched the movie! My personal all-time favourite - "It's a Wonderful Life"!

  2. This sounds kind of dumb in blogland, but I never glittered before. I bought some and tried doing it...any tips? I see you use modpodge. I wondered how you get it to stick on something. I also see you do it on tin that so you can reuse the glitter that doesn't stick to the object? Its amazing what glitter does. Your movie recommendations are great, I will make sure to get the version of Scrooge that you like best!
    Congrats on 400 followers Nita, you will be at 1000 in no time.

  3. the glitter reindeer are fab-why do i never think of things like this? i see things as they are, and that's it! i'm trying to change, i tell ya!

    i have never seen the first movie (don't forget, jewish-i'm sure that's it!) but a muppets xmas carol is in fact a classic. so, love actually-i'm hearing alot of people say that's their go to movie this season. i need to watch it again-seen it once, and have no memory of it. what i DO watch each and every year is the christmas episode of my so called life (which i have on dvd). it aint christmas without the chase's finally ending up at church and patty talking to an angel!

  4. You crack me up! My sister and I love that movie and sing the song repeatedly! It is the ringtone on my cell when she calls me. I am a dancer and I know the number "For Dancing" the firt time they meet and dance outside the club. Yes, I am a fellow dork!

  5. Hi Nita! White Christmas is my all-time fav. too! I am a bit of a classic movie fanatic to begin with! Your glittering is fabulous! One question, where is the photo of you in your Rosemary Clooney red velvet dress??? You know we are all dying to see it!
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Mutual, I'm SURE!!!!

    Te heeeee!!!! I LOVE that movie. And those Hayne sisters.... those clothes..... You had a Rosemary Clooney Christmas dress??????? Ooooohhh!!!! Yes, we need a photo.

    I also love "A Christmas Story".... our family repeats lines from it year round.

    Now I want to go watch White Christmas again..... snow.... snow... SNOW!!!! Must be beautiful in Vermont this time of year......

    ~ Violet

  7. ohhhhh GLITTER what would I do without it. go on line and buy glitter its less expensive than that sold in stores. I love glitter ,it catches the light and things just shimmer,just like a winter wonderland. love your reindeer. hugs JoAnn

  8. I submit another vote for the Christmas costume photo!
    Somehow White Christmas never made it into my childhood Christmas viewing, which in retrospect is odd since that family's name was, indeed, White... So I never saw it until about 4 years ago! My personal fave is George C Scott's Christmas Carol! I'll have to find a copy of the Muppet's version to watch again because I can't remember it at all! Though George C Scott being the heavy favorite going in, I'm not sure I can't be biased... : )

  9. I am coming out of lurkville just to say....


    I didn't know there was one other single adult in the WHOLE universe that felt that way about "The Muppet Christmas Carol"!!!!!

    It's the first movie we watch each Christmas--my poor children.....

  10. An absolutely great movie. Can I just wish for Vera Ellen's legs and dancing ability.
    Nita this is a fabulous blog. Thanks for all the inspiration and ideas. Love the reindeer. How do you apply the modge podge? Would spray adhesive work as well?

  11. White Christmas stole my heart the very first time I saw it! I make sure to watch it every year. The costumes were amazing and I just loved all the songs. "The best things...happen when you're dancing." My favorite! Love all your pictures you posted and those dolls are great!! I always tried to get my sister to sing that song with me too, she was never too keen. :)

  12. Muppet Christmas Carol is my ALL TIME FAVORITE! Perfection. Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas!

  13. I have never seen the Muppet movie must have been released in the 80's when I was working in the hospital. I will definitely watch it. Your glitter is fab dahling!

  14. I knew a bunch of you would love White Christmas of course...but so glad to hear that many of you love The Muppet Christmas Carol too.

    About photos of me in my costume - That was about 5 years ago and the only photo of me I had was on my work computer which of course I forgot to copy when I left so I don't have a photo. I do have the dress...but I am not digging it out and doing my hair and putting it on for the blog...sorry.

    Let's see about could use Elmer's glue too....I just decided to use Modge Podge because it's at the perfect consistency to brush it on. These reindeer are kind of large, so I did them in sections.
    I'd do as much of the reindeer as I could glitter..let dry and then do more ....leaving one leg for last.

    Spray glue probably would work...I've certainly used in the past for projects. But I felt the Modge Podge would let me get MORE glitter on and you can't spray over with the spray glue if you miss a spot. I'd stick with brushing on the glue.

    I poured my glitter into a bowl and spooned it on...holding the deer over the bowl...but with tin foil beneath to catch sprinkles and there will be sprinkles....then you can fold the tinfoil and pour the remaining glitter back into the package.

  15. Created dolls? Girl, you never cease to amaze me.
    Love the motto. Couldn't agree more.

  16. I saw White Christmas for the first time last year, and fell in love.

    My favorite Christmas movie has to be Love, Actually. Could Hugh Grant BE any more dreamy?

    As for agreeing with your motto: yes, yes I do. :)

  17. My favorite Christmas movie is The Preacher's Wife with Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington. I also love Holiday Inn.


  18. I loved "The Bishops Wife" because it has Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young in it. Anytime that I see Loretta Young, I think of my Mom. She looked so much like her.
    I loved "White Christmas" too and it's been AGES since I've seen it! I had forgotten how blue those dresses were!
    I adore "Love, Actually" even though it makes me cry and feel sad.
    and it doesn't seem like Christmas if I haven't seen "It's a Wonderful Life"...I ALWAYS cry when all the friends and neighbors run into the house with money.
    and of course EVERY Xmas my brother-in-law plays "A Christmas Story" over and over and quotes and laughs hysterically over it!
    I'd like to see "A Golden Christmas" but I think it would push me over the edge and I'd have to get a Golden pup!
    XOXO - Cindi

  19. what a fabulous post! I enjoyed every minute of it. My sister and I sang the song once on stage. She is seven years older than I and I was about twelve at the time. I forgot part of the words and she was mad and said she'd never sing with me again but...she did.

    Thanks for the movie clips. Simply great!

  20. I think you and I were separated at birth! I LOVE White Christmas; it isn't Christmas without a viewing! I love those dolls; and the costume party dress was inspired.

    I'm also a sucker for "The Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant and Loretta Young. And, of course, "A Charlie Brown Christmas".


  21. Oh Nita, the dolls are fabulous! My oldest daughter has an autographed picture of Vera Ellen (it's suppose to be authentic and came with papers but who knows) and she has a framed poster from White Christmas in her room. She is a dancer and tap is her passion. We watch White Christmas many times during the year. I'm going to email her a link to your post.
    My husband and youngest daughter look at us with bewilderment when we talk about taking a trip to Rosemary's museum.
    I am beyond envious of the owner of the beautiful sister dolls. You are so talented!


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