Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vintage Halloween Postcards

Vintage Halloween
Close ups from the Fireplace Mantel
These are Halloween stand up cut outs created from antique Halloween postcards. 
All of these were created from antique postcards except for the big skeleton man.
(but he's the same concept)
I did not make these. I purchased them from a lovely seller on ebay. (Gifts of Nostalgia)
I went today hoping to include a link to her auctions and found she has not sold on there since 2008.
Which is about when I bought my last one.

But these could easily be made by making enlarged color copies of vintage postcards and mounting
to thin particle board, then cutting out around them with a jig saw. Or mount to heavy cardboard...
if you'd like it to be an easier job and cut out with an ex-acto knife.
The bottom stand could be made of two pieces of quarter round, painted black and glued to each side. Then apply glitter liberally.
Cute little glitter straw mouse.

My friend, Shannon gave me three of these little guys last year. She does not celebrate Halloween.
Instead she celebrates Harvest but she loves to decorate for holidays and I knew she'd
eventually break down.
Last year one night before Halloween, I got to her house and found she had xmas trees on her porch
with little jack-o-lantern ornaments all over them.
I exclaimed upon seeing these...
"You broke ARE celebrating Halloween!"

"No", she said, "These are Harvest Trees and those are just HAPPY PUMPKINS".

But I know they were jack-o-lanterns. I told her it was just a matter of time till she felt the need
to buy a skeleton.

She says, "Never".

"Yeah"...I said...."Like "Nevermore!"

(she didn't get the reference)

sharing at


  1. Holy friggin' moses. This is ah-mazing. I mean, spectacular. Maybe I should say Spooktacular (shoves elbow in your ribs).

    Is it okay to say I have total blog envy? And home and decorating envy? I'm just emerald with it. :)

    Everyday I see blogs like yours, and I think, What the heck am I doing here? But I think somewhere along the way I'm helping out and they makes me attempt to only get better. ♥

    Thanks for the gorgeous post!

  2. Those are so cute. I love the lady with the shaw and harliquin dress. Have you been to the Graphic Fairie? She specializes in free vintage graphics.
    How are the weenies? We have been on vacation and I am so behind in everything. But I will be catching up soon so expect an email from your fellow night-person.

  3. Hi Nita ~ I love your glitter decorations. I have one that is similiar, but it's for Christmas. Your mantel is stunning ~ I hope you're hosting some kind of event so some friends have the pleasure of viewing it up and close and personal! Have yourself a wonderful day ~ Lisa

  4. Those cut outs are awesome. I may have to try to make one tonight. Think I will stay away from the jigsaw though and maybe try balsa wood for the backing.

  5. Wow - love it! What a fun Halloween mantel! Great idea with the cutouts - they are fabulous :-)

  6. LOL!! Harvest trees with happy pumpkins. :) Love it! Glad she's coming around... Your vintage decor is lovely. I'm trying to use more vintage inspired items in my holiday decorating these days. So charming!

  7. I really enjoyed looking at the vintage postcards -you have displayed them so nicely

  8. How very clever! The vintage cards fit in with the theme of your house, too. :-)

  9. Love the vintage look. What an inspiration.

  10. Hi Again Nita... I have been enjoying all your fab halloween decor! I am jsu crazy for the glitter and the mercury glass.. but htose too cute GCS have stole my heart, just the funnest thing I have seen out there in blogland this halloween... pure delight!

  11. These are great Nita, and love that you shared your ideas on how to make these ourselves. Your mantle is just fabulously vintage Halloween and I love how you've decorated it. Thanks so much for joining in on VIF. Great post!!

  12. I so enjoy vintage halloween...reminds me of my childhood :)


  13. I love vintage Halloween, and these are wonderful!

  14. This is the best vintage Halloween I have ever seen! Really fun. I so enjoyed it! Over from Common Ground. Nice to meet you!

    Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

  15. Visiting from the VIF party at Common Ground! Halloween is my second fave holiday after Christmas and I LOVE the wonderful vintage Halloween images on your mantel!!! Thanks for sharing these great ideas! Julie from

  16. They're wonderful, Nita. Of course, they involve two of my favorite things - vintage images and glitter. Too bad the eBay seller no longer sells them. After your post, she would probably have had quite a few sales.

    Thanks for linking to my party. It's fun to see what you link up each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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