Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Heritage Lace for Halloween

Instant Spookification
Look at all this great lace that will instantly creepify your haunted home. 
These Halloween designs and many more available from 
I'm really loving this lampshade. 
Lots of inspiration here in how they've styled the photos too. 
You might think that I've shown all here but - No!
There is much much more in the way of Halloween decor at
So take a peek. Let me know if you order something. 
I really want this...several of them, actually.
I can envision these hanging in every window of my house. 
How spooky would that be?
It would look like a house full of huge spiders. 
You just pop them on spring rods and 
Great idea. 


  1. Thanks for joining the Terrifying Tuesday blog hop on Cheapskate 4 Life! I'm now following you! Love all the Halloween ideas :)

  2. Seriously, I am going to be sooo disappointed when Halloween is over:( I have seen more ideas on your blog than I've ever seen in my whole life, THANK YOU!

  3. Erin -
    Well there is lots more to come. So stay tuned....I'm so happy you are enjoying.

  4. Perfect for those trick or treaters! Thanks for sharing. xo

  5. The black lace curtains are so mourning jewelry. Reminds me I have a lacy spider tableclothe somewhere. You are on a roll Nita! hugs♥olive

  6. I love your changes to your banner! Great idea for Halloween :)
    After reading your post I am sitting here looking at our windows trying to figure out where we could use a lace panel! Oh my goodness...these are so cool.

  7. I think you must love Halloween! Love the holiday themed banner. The count down to Halloween is wonderful.

  8. You'e had some great ideas and inspirational photos. Really is getting me into the mood to start decorating. The most I hvae done is dress up some mannequins that I have in costumes. I love all of that black lace! It's been fun to see your blg and all of your creations.

  9. Hi Nita what a great blog you have! So much to look at and so much fun. I love your home, I have Tudor envy :)! I'm going to check out the spooky lace right now, I've never seen it before. Have a great weekend, Nan
    PS, I'm now a follower!


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