Monday, October 4, 2010

Frame Gallery

Color Challenged? - Not Me!
I'm interrupting my all Halloween...all the time...for a special post.
Donna over at 
is celebrating 3,000 followers with several events, one of which is the Color Challenge.
This challenge spurred me on to finish my gallery wall of frames. I've been collecting frames for a long 
time with the intent of adding them to this wall for ages and because of Donna...I decided now was the 
time to finish it up. I had put it off because I still needed two more frames. I'd just buy them as I'd 
find them. I had two frames that were sliver which I wanted to keep silver for another use...but I didn't 
really have a use...but I do love silver. But last week because Donna said "show me your color". I 
thought...what the heck...I'll paint them and add them to the wall. 
I can always find more silver frames later.
This wall is in my den/study/office/studio. The official name for this room historically is "Swing Room". 
That is what they were called back in the 1930's when my home was built. It was a room that could be 
used as a bedroom or a library or den. This room used to have a closet on this wall. Someone before me 
took it out and closed the doorway. That closet became part of my hall bath which I showed a couple of 
weeks ago.
This wall began with an inspiration board I made several years ago. I intended on putting all sorts of 
things on this board but I printed out photos that I liked on the internet to fill it temporarily and I liked it 
so much that I haven't changed it much.
But the wall always seemed like it needed I started collecting baroque frames in bright 
colors. But of course they had to be inexpensive, 
so this has taken a couple of years to amass the number I needed.
The large purple one is one that used to be silver and I spray painted last week.
Really love that pink one. 
The light blue one was silver also. I really still needed two more ornate frames but thought...this could go 
on for I painted two small frames I had around the house white...just so I could get this done. 
I might switch them out later if I find two more frames suitable.
The middle frame was bright pink originally. 
But I had too many pink frames, so I painted this one purple too.
I love how this mirror looks with all the art tucked around it.

And finally...I thought I'd show the light fixture in this room that I added color to.
This is the only original light in the house. It was originally in the dining room. All others had 
disappeared over the years. Originally it only had the top round of prisms and the clear bead chain. 
I bought the turquoise beaded chain off Ebay several years ago not really knowing what I'd do with it. 
Then one day it occurred to me to add it to this light.
I love color but often admire homes that are monochromatic. 
I don't think I could limit my palette that much though. I love color too much. 
I really like my wall of frames. Its next to my desk and computer so I see it all the time. 
I'm so glad I finally finished it up. Thanks to Donna...I can cross one project off my list. 

Also sharing at 
because the original board was inspired by these bulletin boards at Ballard Designs.

Update on Oct 8, 2010:
I was picked in the Top 10 at
and showing at


  1. Nita how fun and artistic I love what you did to enhance the lighting fixture!!

    Art by Karena

  2. You took your inspiration board up a notch with the mirror in the middle. I love the original light! It is gorgeous.

  3. So cute and definitely colorful. I love the huge white frame around the bulletin board and the special mirror in the center.

  4. Such a cute, and definitely colourful, Colour Challenge. Love all the different shapes and vibrant colours.

  5. Well that sure is FUN!!~ I have not seen a burst of color like that in a long time. Looks great!!~

  6. I love your inspiration board! And the frames are perfect, great colors. I also really love how you embellished your lamp, what fun!

  7. I love all that color. Great idea surrounding the large frame with colorful smaller ornate ones.

  8. Your posts are always so inspiring! I get giddy when I click on one of your links. :)

    Fab wall! So fun, just like the rest of your lovely home!

    Nicely done on the project... yahoo! NEXT! :)


  9. How fun! I love your wall of frames! It puts a smile on my face to see all of that color. Your turquoise chain adds a nice whimsical touch to your light fixture. Your house is fun and happy!

  10. I love this! Great use of color! Love your collage of art print/photos! It all looks so good together!

  11. You should show more of your house, it is fantastic! I love what you did to the light, and the frames are lovely:)

  12. I agree! GRAND TOUR!
    Tour! Tour! Tour!

  13. It looks very cute. I love the white frame with the color pics inside. A very fun touch witht he empty colorful frames around it. Great idea!

  14. LOVE IT!

    My bosses and one of my old professors always laughed at me because I highlight things in different colors. For me the colors jump off the page and I know what category everything fits into.

    Great wall! La

  15. I am a new fan and follower ... very creative and oh, so cool!! I love everything in this post.

  16. I love all the color. And as bright as it is, it all goes sooooo well together. *swoon


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