Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tudor Home Tour

Historic Tudor Love
Searching real estate listings for historic charm.
This first home can be found in Dallas, Texas
built 1929
Wow! That gate. 
I don't really get the point of it but it's beautiful. 
I have been thinking of smaller versions of this to keep the weenies confined. 
Prettier than a baby gate.

Back balcony. 
Yes, I'd like to add one of those to my own house but then I'd have to add an upstairs too.

Fabulous bathroom. Check!

Cute, vintage tile bathroom. Double check! 
Although it needs accessorizing badly.

Los Angeles
built 1928
(more information and pictures here)

This darling tudor cottage is all pretty and clean. 
It just needs better decor.

If it were mine...
I'd tackle that fireplace first and remove the white paint to reveal what appears to be vintage tile. 
I love white paint but not over vintage tile, thank you.

I love this charming little area. 
It's definitely not living up to its full potential yet.

Dallas, Texas
built 1929
A fairy tale of a place.

Over the top.

Monrovia, California
built 1927

Cosy living room with original Batchelder fireplace.
I'd get rid of the ceiling fan and hang a chandelier the day I closed on this house,
 if I bought it.

This kitchen would do me just fine. 
This one is badly in need of love. Just someone to take care of it and bring it back to life.
Los Angeles

This one is a fixer upper. 
This is by far the best room. 

But look at the garden out the backdoor!

And Lastly, This one is not a tudor but dates from the same era. 
It's Mediterranean in style. Too cute not to show.

Los Angeles
built 1926
Nice living room with lots of potential. 
Huge monster in the room has too go. 
No giant TVs allowed to ruin a pretty room. 
I like the sofa and chairs in this room but it needs different curtains and get rid of those shelves. 
New rugs needed. But love that window. 
See it looks inside just like a tudor.
Another view of the living room. I hate the burgundy walls..I'd paint those immediately. 
And that fireplace has great potential. 
Normally, I wouldn't change a vintage fireplace but this one needs a heavier mantel piece. 
I'd have a heavier wood one built to slip over the top of the existing mantel. 
Just the top part to make it more substantial. One that could always be removed if need be. 
Remember the oath in Historic Living....
First Do No Harm!

And this is why I really had to show this home....
ta da!
This bathroom of course!


  1. I just love those gorgeous California bungalow homes. Whenever we visit the States we always start our trip in Beverly Hills and take long walks in the neighborhoods...I love the architecture and the beautiful homes and gardens.

    Best wishes and happy day,

  2. that was a fun post. it is kind of fun commenting on what you would change about a house! love the bathroom at the end too.

  3. Well, I was headed over to your email to send you a link to a bathroom I just saw and adore, so I guess I'll leave it here instead
    I love this tour! My favorite would be the INSIDE of the home in Monrovia. My fav exterior is probably Dallas 1929 and I really don't care for the last one very much. all honesty, I'd probably chose the blue one in Los Angeles, I'm a sucker for anything that needs some TLC (houses, dogs, cats) anyway, that reminds: about the big Iron gate, my first thought was "big dog" LOL! Instead of babygates in my home, I have decorative iron fire-screens blocking my little ones (I think I have an old post on that somewhere) anyway- you made me laugh out loud about putting in a chandelier the day you closed! (But of course!)
    XOXO - Cindi

  4. Hmmmm ... let's see - I'll take ANY OF THE ABOVE. They're all so lovely!

  5. Beautiful!! I have always wanted to live in a Tudor.. don't find them much in San Antonio! The second one in Dallas is my favorite!

  6. Gorgeous! I love the first home! You have dachshunds? I have a 12 year old dachshund, (soon to be 13), named Buddy. He's a funny little guy! I am now your newest follower!

    p.s. Not sure if you saw my Ann Taylor Loft giveaway but it's open if you are interested. xo

  7. What a great home tour and I never left my own bed. Did you notice how boastful the first house was? I loved the reno in the masterbath but the kitchen missed the mark with me, too modern I guess.

  8. Haha you're right, what's the point of a gate inside??
    Beautiful - I much prefer these kinds of houses to the more modern kind. The newer ones just look cold, and un-lived-in. My favourite is the Monrovia, California house. Just lovely.

  9. Gosh I loved one more than the other...they are all so gorgeous!

  10. Wow, so many beautiful houses! They all look to be well-constructed and designed. I'm so impressed!

  11. I love all of these... You think just like I do, whenever I see a house on the market I start thinking about what I would keep and what I would change. Of course I would never never change that amazing vintage tile (in the bathrooms and on the fireplaces!).


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