Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Tudor House Tour!

Just Catty-Corner Across the Street
Built: 1934  1,929 square feet

This little tudor storybook home is for sale just catty-corner across the street from me.
Won't you be my neighor?

I took these photos from the realtor's listing here.

The landscaping is a little over grown.

Here is how it appeared in 2004.
Much better. You can see the house.
Living Room
Living Room looking into the Dining Room.
I was in this house a couple of weeks ago. There is no dining room furniture.
Unusual fireplace. No mantel?
I've never seen one in the neighborhood with no tile or wooden mantel shelf.
I love this breakfast nook so much. 
Love, love, love the built in china cabinet. 
Many of the homes in my neighborhood have variations of these. 
Mine is just a small corner cabinet. 
I do wish I had a big one. I could certainly use the china storage.

This kitchen is unusually wide. Its laid out like a galley kitchen but it's wider.
I could so go for that. But it does not have the original cabinets. Which is a shame.
I'd have to paint these cabinets white of course.
Another view of the kitchen.
Master bedroom...which actually has an original attached bath.
Very unusual for a house this age and size.
Very cute. But that vessel sink is so wrong.
The main bath is large. It has peach and black tile with lavender walls.
(strange combination)
But I was so impressed at how large this bathroom is. I'd kill for a bathroom this big.
I bet I could make that peach and black tile work.
The basement is bright and dry. Love the rustic fireplace with original gas heater.
This little nook is in the hall.
You can't really see it in this photo but it has a curved ceiling to it.
You can see its shadow.

Now for my most favorite part of this house.
drum roll please....
I went over last week to snap this photo while no one was looking
because it is my most favorite part of this house.
Adore it! Wish it was mine.

As with many things at my original porch light had been removed long ago 
and replaced with a very nondescript one. 
It looked like it had been picked up at the hardware store for $5.99. 

So as soon as I moved into my house, I started searching eBay for just the right 
Arts & Crafts porch light. And one day I found one that I could afford and that I liked. 

It originally had panels of amber and purple glass in it. 
But one of the panels was broken when it arrived 
and I just haven't gotten around to getting new glass as of yet.
But here it is.

I love vintage lighting so much.
Yes, I need to get some glass for it.
But the glass is going to cost more than what I paid for the fixture.
Which was about $40.


  1. A-dore it!!! That tile in the bathroom is wonderful!!!

  2. What a great house, my wheels are turning! Thanks for letting us peek.

  3. Hi Nita - just like you, I like looking at homes for sale as person and online :) The house you featured has a real nice architecture. I will have to post a house for sale in my hood that has got to be the most romantic french style home. I'll do a post about it tomorrow.

  4. I would love to be your neighbor! Your neighboorhood is so charming. This is really a great house. And the bathrooms could be fabulous with some styling and paint of course! And yes, that porch light is wonderful. I love the one you chose for your porch too.


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