Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grey Gardens

Where do you think you are living
...Grey Gardens?
It's out of control here....

With all that has been going on outside the house and the dogs being trapped in the house all day while so much was going on the outside and then Newman hurting himself.
Our routine is shot.

The dogs have had a lapse on being house broken.
Not Violet of course. She is perfect.
But three plus weeks of not being able to go out whenever they wanted or needed to and me being distracted by Newman not feeling good. Well...there has been a lapse. Bad dogs....very bad dogs.

The good news....Newman all of a sudden started feeling much better Monday night. On Tuesday afternoon, he was back wanting to play and be with the rest of the gang. It was out of hand....they were playing, with me yelling at them to stop because I was afraid someone would get hurt....uh...Newman.

They were racing through the house and knocking things over and grabbing the mail as it came in the mail slot and ripping it up before I could get it. Then Harvey was flipping the food bowl and food was going everywhere. There was food all over the bathroom floor because I'd put it in there for Newman to eat when he wanted to hide in the bathroom during his convalescence.

Oh...and they've been catching and eating locusts like crazy. Violet has eaten four, now. Newman two. Because you know he has not felt well...and that limited his hunting capabilities.

At night the buzzing of locusts has been so loud its been unbelievable. Like little high pitched chainsaws going and going and going, piercing your brain. That noise has been driving me crazy.

My yard is looking terrible...things are dying because even with daily watering the three weeks of 100 plus degree weather is just burning up my bushes and grass.

The place is just a mess and I've been too busy to stop and just organize and clean house. I found myself yelling at the weenies.

"Where do you think you are living....
Grey Gardens?"
Harvey, thinking about it
He, Momma.....
Newman is feeling better....thank I'll let them slide. I can forgive all.

But today's chaos and me feeling out of control and living with wild animals got me to thinking about Grey Gardens and I looked it up. Of course I was all into it awhile ago when it was on HBO but I wanted to see what it is like today. Perhaps as inspiration that I can get this place back in line.
Grey Gardens as it was in the 1970's.
Grey Gardens as it was when it was first built.
I found this interesting video of the house with the current owner. It's delightful to hear Little Edie's reaction to the new owner when she said she wanted to buy it.
The Grey Gardens garden playhouse. My garage could easily look like this. I've got the blue trim...just need to plant loads of hostas and a flowering vine. My brother in law...the one that I almost electrocuted three weeks ago (I think I told you about that) is coming back this weekend to finish pulling down the carport. 

Everyone is asking to see the after paint photos of the house. They are coming soon. I'm just trying to get the dogs in control, the landscape in control, put all back in place outside and get back to a place of sanity. You'd love the outfit I wore today... panty hose over my shorts with a lovely scarf pinned to my head. I think it's important to look your best even when just around the house.

I'll be back on track will the can only hope.


  1. Whew! I'm so glad Newman is feeling much better!

    LOL! I'm laughing because I know EXACTLY how you feel with a herd of little doggies running around. You love them but...sometimes (like little kids) they can just drive you crazy!
    I love GREY GARDENS! I have today off so I'm working out in my OWN garden so that it doesn't look like EDIE'S!
    Another great post!
    Take care! XOXO - Cindi

  2. It's very nice to hear that others also live in chaos with multiple dogs. Ahhh, but we love them. I'm pleased Newman is better!

  3. Soooo funny! Well, maybe not for you;)

    Did you ever see the original documentary of Grey Gardens filmed in the 70's? It's a MUST SEE! You will watch it over and over again. And it will make you feel sane!


  4. First, I am so glad Newman is better. Secondly the video is wonderful. Grey Gardens the house is beautiful and thank God for Sally Quinn. The Eddies are very interesting especially for this psych nurse. Joe and I just saw the movie two weeks ago. hugs♥olive

  5. I am so glad that Newman is feeling better. I laughted out loud while reading about the winnies ripping up the mail.

    I have never heard of Grey Gardens but I really enjoyed the video clip.

  6. Glad Newman is on the mend...glad your brave brother in law is returning!

  7. Hi Nita! I just found your blog on the blog hop:) I can so relate. Happy to hear your Newman is better. We have 1 Norwegian Elkhound..Shadow..and 6 cats....okay before you go no....let me explain. We were normal dog folk last year. I have never had a cat before, dog person here. Well someone threw out 9kittens from 1-2 wks old in our yard. Well 6 made it the first few days..after a couple of weeks Shadow took over. He taught them to eat and drink out of bowls. He'd herd them together when they were getting into trouble..he wasn't gonna get blamed for the mess.....when it was nap time he'd lay at the gate where they slept in the hall. He is Doggiedaddy, they are his Kittencaboodle.
    LOL, I am now happy to say we 1 dog and 6 cats that think they are puppies. They do not like cattnip, they chew mini dog bones, and carry(drag) or sleep on large dog stuffed toys. But, I know chaos and for the last 14 months we have been blissfully living in it.
    It will get better...hope spring eternal ;)

  8. Oh, but they are such adorable dogs!!
    Besides, everyone's going nuts in this hideous hot weather!!

  9. Sounds like your fur-babies have been a bit naughty. But ya' just gotta' love 'em!

    I wanted to stop by and say hi, and let you know I'm back, and my blog parties are up and running of this week.

    Come join the fun!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  10. I'm so glad Newman is feeling better! That's always so stressful since they can't tell you what's wrong.

    I absolutely adore Grey Gardens! I have watched it a million times!

    Can't wait to see pics of your house with your new paint!

  11. Understand completely how living with dogs can be chaotic yet fun!

    Loved the video! I've got to learn how to do that...


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