Sunday, September 29, 2019

Open House Sunday

Well, the title of this page is deceiving. I have struggled of late to find houses I wanted to share.
So today I am sharing a couple of places on the outside. I have been out and around town a lot lately and these two places really struck a cord with me.
This first one is such a lovely example of mixing modern with traditional.
I love this house! It's kinda all by itself in an iffy part of town - empty lots on either side and run down houses on the rest of the street. But that part of town is changing rapidly and one day it will have neighbors befitting this home. 
 A little closer look.
 This little 1920's apartment complex is so charming. Kind of Melrose place-ish.
 The courtyard comes to life at night. This is close to Paseo so I imagine artists living there.
Probably not, but that's how I pretend it is.
Early in the week I procured this. I have wanted a potting bench or bakers rack for the back deck forever. This one will do nicely. It needs a paint job. That will have to wait till spring, most likely. 
I can't wait to fill it with plants, flowers and accessories.
This photo is from the listing. I found it on Facebook Marketplace.
I have been searching for the perfect bakers rack for at least a year.
This is the perfect one!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely bakers rack! Great find! I can see it full of pretty plants and garden items. So many new areas in Oklahoma City to discover..lots of remodels even in the iffy neighborhoods.


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