Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mod Mix Monday #179

 Bed for a Princess. Last time I posted I talked about Prince Charming.
I can imagine feeling just like a princess sleeping in this bed. 
It's not fancy or anything it's just whimsical in a royal yet bohemian way.

These were my favorites from last time's Mod Mix Monday.
It's now Wednesday so let's just wait till next week and try again.
Shall we?
Working full time is eating my lunch or rather my blog.
 Orphans With Make Up shared her top blog posts of 2014.
Karen of Somewhat Quirky Design shared her favorite projects of 2014.
 Marianne of Macca took photos of first snow.
Just lovely
Redo It Yourself Inspirations gave us an after Christmas tour.
This photo made me laugh out loud. A monkey riding a weenie dog like a horse.
I think that is the perfect end to a perfect Christmas.

So usually this time each year I've posted things I accomplished last year and things I hope 
to accomplish in the coming year. 

But I'm not even going to try to pretend like I have it together.
The only major things I did last year were to quit a job, get a new job...get fired from that job and find another.

Big 2014 it was for me!
Said sarcastically

Really I feel like 2014 was a big fat fail blogwise. 
But I guess the fact that I'm still here...speaks for something.

I'll keep trying....


  1. I was just thinking about you. Love that bedroom. That dog with the monkey is really funny.
    Don't look at it like a fail but just real life. I hope the job is going well for you.
    I do miss your posts.
    How are the doggies doing.

  2. Lovely features, Nita! I can totally relate to Mod Mix Monday on a Wednesday night! It's hard trying to balance it all when you're working, so we're kind of in the minority here in Blogworld. You'll figure out how much time you have left to dedicate to blogging. I really enjoy your party and your blog posts, and if they're less frequent, so be it! I hope your job is working out and you're happy. Put your feet up and relax!


  3. We just enjoy what you share whenever you share it. Life comes first. Wishing you all the best for 2015!

  4. Listen Nita, you are a talented writer and a talented designer! We all have epic fails in our lives at one time or another, so keep your chin up and just keep doing what you are doing. Things will get better for you, after all we are all still here too!😍

  5. No failure from where I sit--just a busy woman doing her best. I would love to see more from you but am very glad you have not given up blogging. Here and ready to read whenever you can write. You're doing great!

  6. Nita your posts have been a tremendous joy to all of us. You're inspiring! I can't wait to see your new photos and posts all through 2015. You're doing a fine job at blogging.

    Thank you so much for the link ups too! I never expected to see Max and his monkey here. I spilled my coffee laughing when I reached the photo of your post. Thank you for sharing my after Christmas weenie dog! :)

  7. Please don't ever feel like you need to project a perfect life for the blog. We had a rough 2014 also, and I'm glad you're still here! Here's hoping 2015 will be better for us all. (And that bedroom is dreamy.)

  8. Nita, your first obligation is to yourself not providing an entertaining blog for me to read. I hope your new employers will realize you talent and skill and reward you well.

    Say a prayer and move forward.

  9. I really admire that you kept blogging through all the changes in your life last year! Hat's off!

  10. Nita, if all you can pull off is Mod Mix Monthly, we'll still love you for it! My blog went on hiatus when I was moving to Missouri, then mom passed away suddenly, then I started working full time and the blog is still on hiatus. So I admire you posting anything at all!

  11. Nita, I am a big believer that you have to have some lows to appreciate the highs in life. I think you have understanding followers and we appreciate whenever we see a post from you, irregardless of the quantity. Thanks for the feature this week.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup


  12. Girl I like you wit about telling you got a new job got fired got another job LOL
    hang in there is all we can dot these days LOL
    Love all your featured pictures especially the little dog with a monkey on his back

  13. Nita, I think you did better than you think. You keep it real and that's what keeps us coming back! Let's hope 2015 is better for all of us!


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