Friday, November 21, 2014

Setting the Table for Thanksgiving


I cannot believe Thanksgiving is almost upon us!
I've been way busy with the new job and didn't decorate for Thanksgiving this year.
That photo above shows the burlap table runner I made last year.
Instructions on how to make it can be found here.

I have been thinking a lot about my Christmas decor however.
I was sick to death of having a white tree. Way over it.
The tree I want is $300.
I can't do that....but I bought a cheap green tree the other day and I have a plan for it.

If it comes together as planned... it will be good. 

I'm ready to get started on it. 
But it will have to wait till after Thanksgiving. 


  1. danke für die bilder und inspirationen, ein schönes wochenende wünscht angie

  2. Looking forward to seeing your ideas! Hope you have time to decorate this year.

  3. Beautiful Thanksgiving inspiration. Enjoy decorating your new tree!

  4. Hi Nita!
    I just purchased a tree from Walmart for 69.00 love it!
    My daughter came and did a quick decorating for me, my head is spinning! Can't believe its before thanksgiving!

  5. Happy Thanks giving! Lovely table setting.

  6. Dreamy, Nita!
    So many beautiful images!!
    Thanks for sharing the inspiration :0)
    Wishing you and your family a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving,

  7. Such beautiful table settings! I also really love your burlap runner - so pretty with the ruffle!


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