Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #173

Pipe Dream
Have you seen this bathroom before? It's Vanessa's of Vintage White's Blog.
All that exposed copper pipe makes this bath so special. 
But then Vanessa's whole house is special.
Karen of Somewhat Quirky Design really out did herself on this little dresser.
It's just amazing! Karen is one very talented lady and know what? 
She was a sorority sister of mine way back in time when we were in college.
She wrote me one day and said..."I think I know you."
She was a couple of years ahead of me and you know how people in classes under you,
you don't remember as well as those above you. 
But yes...she and I were Delta Zeta's way back. 
Kelly of Kenilworth add two antique doors to her living room and decided they needed a little something. 
Book page wreaths were just the thing. I love the whole look of this room.
 Natalie of Sette Design shares how to propagate your own little rosemary topiaries.
I've tried to make topiaries before by growing a rosemary plant but never thought to 
snip off a large branch from and existing plant. It gets you started much faster.
Read her how to at Sette Design.
House of Hipsters linked up their front room. It's super cool and super cute.
Vickie of Ranger 911 has been busy in her spare time making these sweet little knitted acorns.
They are precious little things.

Please join in this week's Mod Mix Monday!

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Hi Nita, thanks for hosting each week, I dont say it often enough.....xoxoxo Christine

  2. danke für die tollen bilder und inspirationen, ich wünsche ihnen einen schönen dienstag, alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my acorns among the fab features today, Nita! You've introduced me to a few blogs I haven't visited before. Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

  4. Amazing mix of interior designs. The tubes bring some rustic touch to the place. Love these colourful tulips on the table and how they contrasted with the white-grey atmosphere in the room. The knitted nuts are super cute.

    One off cleaning Kensington

  5. I was really wanting to put a shower curtain with heavy piping up in the bathroom much like that! But, Our bath will only be equipped with a regular faucet (not enough water pressure)But its a wonderful idea just the same!

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my front room! What a nice surprise to come home to today! Kyla @

  7. Hi Nita - Thanks for the party. You always pick out such great features.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  8. Nita, thank you so much for featuring our antique doors! I am glad you liked them! I also really enjoyed looking at the other features - beautiful!

  9. Love the features, Nita. Thanks so much for hosting!

  10. So glad I found you a while back. I enjoy your posts very much and appreciate your parties too! Thank you for sharing your time.


  11. Hi there! Thanks so much for hosting another fun party! Blessings,Cecilia

  12. love all of these. makes me want a bath like that and to drag some junk from my garage and do some projects asap!
    thanks for sharing and the links.
    did you go to school here?


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