Monday, September 8, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #166

I'm loving that paneled wall in this photo and the sconce and all the fun florals.
I guess I never tire of florals in pinks and turquoise. 

Last week I went with Mom to pick out new eye glasses.
These are what she chose with my approval.
They are kind of a gun metal gray that changes depending 
on what she is wearing to black to blue to gray.
Isn't she cute in them?

I also got my air conditioning fixed. Wednesday morning...I had cool air again.
It wasn't anything too complicated....a worn out capacitor. 

It was so brutally hot that the weenies and I slept on the back deck for three nights.
The first night I took a large papasan cushion out there and covered it with sheets and pillows and the
dogs looked at me like I was crazy.

It took a bit for them to decide to join me.
The next night, I couldn't get the bed made without them all in it as soon as I'd put something down.
I had to keep moving them so I could finish making the bed.

Oh...they were all about it. They loved camping outdoors!
All except for Violet. She refused to.
She slept in a dog bed in the breakfast nook just beyond the open door. 

She was not into camping at all....nope...camping is not for her no matter how hot it was in the house.

She is such a Queen.

So here we go with my favorite things you shared in last week's Mod Mix Monday...
 Martinel created this wonderful vintage looking clock.
 Martha of Martha Leone Design took an old cabinet, added wheels and paint
and now it's very cool. I love the way she styled this too.
 Melissa of Shabby Love decorated her booth space for fall.
Look at these little deer and moose heads she made to sell!
Very cute.
 Brooke aka Creative Country Mom shared her Flea Market Styled Living Room.
I love the bit of lace she tied on to this lamp shade.
Jamie of So Much Better with Age gave a tour of her lovely home.
I could really spend some time in her living room. 
and finally...
Kelly of Groovy Green Designs couldn't get excited about painting her barn until she decided
to paint it with a mural design. 
It still has a hint of a red barn but it really compliments the house.
It's just fun!

This past weekend the weather was rainy on Saturday but Sunday it was just perfection.
It had cooled to 80 degrees.
I have to admit as soon as it cools a little...I do start getting that fall feeling.

Share your Mod Mix's in this week's party below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. A big thank you for featring me and my clock in your so chic party:)

  2. Good morning Nita,
    Thanks so much for including my cabinet in the features this week. I always enjoy visiting your blog and thanks for this weekly party!

  3. Such fun features this week, Nita! Thanks for hosting! Glad you have cool air now. Wishing you a happy week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. Love your Mother's new glasses - she is adorable. Thank you so much for hosting Nita. Hope you have a wonderful Monday. Cathy

  5. Thank you so much Nita for featuring my fall booth!!! :)

  6. Hi Nita!
    So happy to hear that your air conditioning got fixed! Loved reading about your weenies. Their personalities are cute :0)
    Tell your mom that her glasses look great!
    Have a great week . . . and thanks for hosting another fun party!

  7. Impressive features, Nita! I've got a clock that needs face work, and the clock you featured is so pretty! Thanks so much for hosting once again and I'm glad your camping days are over!!


  8. Hey Nita! I can just imagine you sleeping out on the deck with the kids. And I can totally imagine that second night while you were trying to make the bed! Glad all is fixed now and you're back in the house safe and cool. I'm headed your way end of month, early Oct.

  9. Love your features Nita! Glad the air is fixed!

  10. Your mom has a gorgeous smile! You helped her pick out some great frames. I got a chuckle reading about your camping buddies. So cute! Thank you for hosting your party today, Nita. Have a wonderful week!

  11. Thank you for hosting another great party!

  12. You shared really amazing things as always! This vintage wall clock is gorgeous!
    Home cleaning Kingston

  13. You shared really amazing things as always! This vintage wall clock is gorgeous!
    Home cleaning Kingston

  14. You shared really amazing things as always! This vintage wall clock is gorgeous!
    Home cleaning Kingston

  15. I bet you are so happy to have the air conditioning back. Although I think the cats really enjoyed their camp outs too. Have a wonderful week..... Candy

  16. Love your Mama's new sassy look! They look comfy too which is a plus when pickin' put stylish glasses!
    The camping adventure on the porch sounded like fun but I know you & the weenies are probably happy that the a/c is fixed.
    I am looking forward to the weekend weather here! Cool and nice.

  17. These lampshades are too cute, I think the maker of these shades is inspired by metal shade structures. Hehe, anyhow they are good-looking, gonna have one of them in my room for sure.


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