Thursday, August 7, 2014

Vintage Kitchens

and what is up with me
or not up with me
I'm home today and cleaning my kitchen.
top to bottom

Everything in my house has been neglected since mid March
when I started working all the time in furniture sales.

Of course cleaning the kitchen got me to thinking about changes to the kitchen.
And so I hit Pinterest to look at some of my favorites.
I wish I had a spot for some open shelving.
love the marble counters in this photo
This kitchen is cute and quaint.
What a magnificent stove!
I love the way this one is set up with a shelf above.

So I have laid on the sofa for a week now....

Done absolutely nothing.

Time to tell you what is up with me.

I was let go from my big furniture job for low sales on July 30th.
My manager said she'd give me a glowing reference if I needed it.

I only sold $54,000 in merchandise in the month of July.
Not enough.
I needed to sell about 10,000 more.

In the time I was there I sold over $200,000 in four months.

Not enough.
Not that the next person they hire will do better...but it's worth it to them
to look for another.

On to the next thing.

I don't know what that thing will be.

So I pretty much did nothing for a week. 

Dogs didn't mind. 

Dogs never complain about anything I do or don't do.

Good news is...I'll be here more.

Bad news is....I've got to make money so I'll be looking for another job.

But for today....I'm just going to clean the kitchen.

That will be enough.


  1. Sorry to hear about the job Nita! I hope all goes well with your search. I know I will enjoy more posts from you and I bet your creative juices will be flowing.

  2. I love the kitchen pictures. So sorry about your job. With your experience why don't you write ebooks. I'm learning to do that so I can share my work with others. Wishing you the best with job hunting.

  3. the next door you walk through will be a better fit i bet! that is an awesome sales record and you should be proud!their loss. with that said the weenie babies win and there ain't nothing like a couch and puppy snugglin'!

  4. Dear Nita, I am sorry about your job. $200,000 in four months is amazing! I hope now you get to do more fun projects around the house.


  5. I bigger and better opportunity will come along for you..

    email me and I'll give you a little feng shui tip that'll make it happen..

    link to email is at the top of my blog.

  6. Oh, Nita, I'm so sorry! I know exactly how you feel because I got laid off on July 18th. I spend every morning looking for a job. Then I tackle an indoor or outdoor project. Today I cleaned the two bathrooms from top to bottom. Then I had a nap (I've been napping a lot lately). And at 5:00 I'm going out for a bus ride with my best friend who's a bus driver. That's my entertainment because I can't afford anything else.

    I wish you the very best of luck in your job search.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your job, Nita. I hope you're efforts are appreciated more at the next one.

  8. My heart goes out to you, Nita. All I can say is it's their loss! Nothing wrong with a week on the couch to help you get your bearings back. We've all been there! I hope you can enjoy a few days of leisure and I know there's a job out there for you somewhere. I wish you the best of luck when you start the job hunt again.

    xo, Vickie

  9. You will come up with some thing you will enjoy more I bet. Sorry you have to have the stress of it all...but you are such a gem Nita! i hope you find a dream job soon. xo

  10. So sorry to hear about your job! Prayers something comes your way soon that's even better!

  11. I love looking at your blog and with your decorating talent and attitude you will find something soon - I just know it.

  12. Oh, Nita, I'm so sorry to read about your job. You seemed to really enjoy it and to be so good at it. It's their loss, really. I bet they'll realise it later.
    At least, you have some time for yourself and I'm sure that with your talent you'll find something else soon.
    In a very selfish manner, I'm glad we'll see you more on the blog!
    Happy kitchen cleaning!

  13. So sorry about your job, Nita! I know it's difficult, but I am impressed with the positive attitude you have. You are a hard working, creative person. A glowing reference really does matter to people and I imagine it will be a true asset for you in getting your next position. I hope that is soon! Thank you for sharing these beautiful kitchen pictures, it's hard to pick my favorite! Have a blessed day with your loyal, supportive doggies. :)

  14. I've been laid off before and man does it suck. Give yourself a few days to re-group. Cleaning out rooms is great therapy and then start network in there are jobs out there and you have the skillset for them. Good luck!

  15. First, who buys furniture in July? Second, if you do buy, it’s usually on sale which equals a lower commission. Third, you were pretty darn close to your quota. You did the best you could but it just wasn’t meant to be. The important thing is that you took a risk and learned from the process. In my experience, people who take risks eventually get what they want with a little perseverance. However, even though things will work out, losing a job is one of the sucker punches of life so I hope it helps to know we’re all rooting for you.
    Thanks for the inspirational photos. Someday I’ll have the kitchen of my dreams but for now I just keep filing the ideas away on Pinterest. Still not a fan of open shelving as I think they would be too hard to keep clean.

  16. For what it's worth, I'm sure you'll be missed by their customers, because you actually cared about about them, not the store's bottom line. It sounds like you should proud of your time there. Wishing you the best of luck for whatever comes your way!

  17. Hi Nita! The first kitchen is my favorite :) I am sorry about your job. For me, some of my best opportunities have come after struggles or disappointment. You will be in my prayers. Blessings,

  18. Nita, You already know that I think you are destined for bigger and better things. I'm so sorry. It's scary when you have no one to fall back on and you lose your income. I've been there and it's terrifying. But you are super talented and so charming and sweet, You are destined for something better than lining the pockets of greedy money hungry people. You will find something, or create your own job, where you are working for YOU and not some Ebenezer Scrooge.
    Hang in there, get some rest, regroup, clear your head and start over again. You can do it because you are AWESOME. xoxo

  19. sorry to hear about the setback, but i bet you can turn this around beautifully. love these examples of gorgeous kitchen lovely. sending you light and encouragement.


  20. Oh Nita! I can't believe they would let a gem like you go! I'm so sorry but I believe that everything in life happens for a reason and I'm sure there is something even better for you out there. I can't wait to hear what the next great adventure will be! In the meantime, spend a lot of time relaxing with the pups in between the therapeutic cleaning binges!

  21. Oh sweetie! I am so sorry, but I do think there is a silver lining in there somewhere. You are so creative and have such an eye for beauty. The right job where you are valued will come along.

  22. Sorry to hear about the job loss. You're so talented. Go out on your own and open a designing business you'll do great. Best of everything to you.

  23. Ditto. I don't know what's around the corner for you, but it makes the ride a bit more exciting. Alas.

    I'll be sending good thoughts your way for a solid job to come your way very very VERY soon!

  24. Sorry to hear about your job; with your talent I think you will find something soon! Sending good vibes your way.

  25. Sette Design
    That is so ridiculous! Don't they realize the world changed in 2008. Here in Italy the crisis is hitting hard, they seem to say it will be another 20 years. Imagine the whole country sitting on that couch.

    YOU are an amazingly talented woman, and funny too which is more important than sales. Humor can save your ass and soul over and over again. I just know that something better awaits you. I'll suggest - follow your passions and simplify.
    Un bacio di Italia

  26. I am sorry read about the job not working out and it made me think about how great you would be at home staging. With the housing market making a rebound stagers are once again in demand.
    I am sure the weenies are happy to have you home.

  27. I am so sorry about your job! Bummer. But I guess it wasn't meant for you. Another one will be around the corner and it will be perfect! Kit

  28. I'm sorry about your job; we are in the same boat. I was laid off pretty much that same day. I was the highest paid salary, and "they needed that money" they were spending on me. For me, this is the 3rd time in 4 years. I always take that first week to do nothing, as well. That's the least we deserve, right?

  29. Wow Nita, I hadn't been blogging most of the summer since Sam now has weekends off with me. Just thought I do some catching up only to read the terrible news. Sorry about that job going bust...they are unreasonable at those companies. We had a guy leave Pier 1 to work at Z Gallery and he mentioned they had expectations like that too. Needless to say I never saw him working there long.
    But you now have that experience under your belt...time to find a better job. Hang in there.
    Your friend,

  30. Wow! That's amazing that they let you go when you were so close and the economy is what it is. Sounds like you've been doing quite well over those four months. But, on to new and better things, right? :-) I wish you the best of luck!

    I found you through a comment you left on my blog. Thanks for stopping by. I popped over to visit your blogs and quickly became a follower of both. They look like a lot of fun.

    Have a wonderful weekend! And, enjoy that clean kitchen. ;-)


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