Monday, June 16, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #156

Oh how I love all of that above.

I'm still trying to get my house in a summer mode.
Hard when I am at work all the time these days.

I had Sunday off and I spent it planting things in pots.
I found a bunch of pots on sale and a bunch of geraniums on sale I got busy.
I also found a huge pot for my hydrangea.
I hope it will be happy in it.
I'll show soon.

Here are my favorites from Mod Mix Monday - two weeks ago....
I love this party but was just too tired to get it done last week....please forgive.
 Custom Comforts got some projects done at her house which included painting the front door 
and shutters black on her cute little cottage.
 Ann of Tarnished Royalty shared how to make this very pretty photo holder.
Rosemary and Thyme showed off her rose garden. 
Angela of Number Fifty Three found a treasure of a mid century china cabinet.
A little white paint and some unusual hardware makes it a prize piece. 

 Vickie of Ranger 911 finished her pretty little guest room.
Christine of Little Brags turned her potting bench into a beverage station for the summer.

With all the rain we've gotten so far this summer, my whole neighborhood is looking
the best it has in ages. 
It helped that we didn't have any violet storms this spring either.

I must get around and take photos. I will....I will..


Share your Mod Mix's in this week's party below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. No violet storms?? Too funny -- your darling doxies must have been on your mind as you wrote that. Love your picks and that first pic, sigh...

  2. Love your features and the party!

  3. Thank you so much for including our guest room among this weeks fabulous features, Nita! I'm glad you found the time to get your flowers planted yesterday. I'm on vacation this week and I've got a ton of things I hope to get done. Unfortunately it looks like lots of rain in the forecast, so the outdoor stuff may have to wait....again. Thanks again for the feature and for taking your precious time to host Mod Mix Mondays!

  4. Dear Nita - I feel bad that you're working so hard. It is okay that you took a break from the party. I just have two things to add this week instead of one. Take care of yourself dear lady.

  5. I always love your inspirational photo and great choices!

  6. I always love your inspirational photo and great choices!

  7. Hi Nita, thanks so much for including my beverage station with your features today!!!! xoxoxo Christine from Little Brags

  8. Hope you're feeling well and rested! Thanks for hosting the party, Nita.

  9. Thank you so much for the feature, Nita-Sweeta! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  10. Nita, I love your inspiration picture but, mostly I love the lampshade done with the vintage doilies.. so unique... thank you so much for the party each week... Cathy

  11. Lovely features! Thanks so much for hosting!

  12. I am expressed of the way you are always able to give a new life to things that many of us would trash. It is a great gift and your projects are so expiring and the final results are always amazing. Thanks for running this blog and giving all of us so many useful ideas how to mix old and new together.

    Lucas SW8

  13. That's really a great MMM inspiration….LOVE EVERYTHING about it, too!!! Great features, too, Nita.


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