First of all let me say...I'm sorry Mod Mix Monday didn't happen this week.
I'll just pick my favorites and do it next Monday instead.
I've been trying to get my outside spaces together.
I'm so behind on everything since I'm working all the time.
But yesterday and today I spent shopping for pots for the collection of flowers and plants
I've brought home over the last month or so.
On Monday night...I hit Garden Ridge, yesterday I drove out to Statuary World
and today I went to Greenhouse at Norman, Oklahoma.
Pots are so expensive! I wanted a big turquoise one to plant my jade plant in.
I found one and at 39.99 and I thought that was pricey but
further investigation showed me that it was actually a bargain compared to other places
where similar pots were twice as much.
Back to these patio photos....
Isn't that top one just the ultimate?
These first three I especially like because the houses are similar in color to mine.
truly love that crunchy pea gravel
much more elegant than my space
here I love the grass between the slabs and that big concrete ball!
I saw some of those today....oh my....I won't have one any time soon.
this stone patio is a hidden gem
All of these would be perfect on the backside of my house.
One day....