Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Comes

But Once A Year...
 I'm going to put off Mod Mix Monday till next week.
Because...Christmas comes but once a year.
And I can't do it all. I can't even do a small part of it.
I didn't post Sunday morning because I thought my internet was down.
We had a giant ice storm and yesterday afternoon I realized I had no internet.
But I still had cable...which was odd.

So I thought I'd just wait awhile and surely it would be back up.
Sunday morning I went to church services at my Mom's church.
She sings in the choir and was very very happy that I came.

After church Mom and I went out to dinner and then I went to visit my sister, 
my brother in law and all their dogs.

When I got home...I still didn't have internet.
Time to call my cable provider and ask if it was out in my area.
So I call technical support and they tell me to look at the back of my modem
"Look for a gray wire," he says.

I find the gray wire and realize it's been chewed in two!

I was like...
"is it the skinny one?"

And he said, "No", that would be your phone.

Me: "that would be why my house phone has not worked in 6 months"
Yes, I've been paying for a phone that does not work for at least 6 months...hey, maybe a year.
Not smart.

So he tells me to check the other wire or cable and it is loose on the back of my computer....
problem solved. 

So actually, my internet was never out.

Things are always going wrong with all these dogs around.

Anyway...after that....

I was just about to lose light for taking more photos of my Christmas.
Yesterday's photos were not the best because I was losing light then too...but I snapped a few to share anyway.
I'll try again tomorrow.
One of my newer putz houses. A friend gave me this one a few years ago.
Some of you noticed the new wall color in the living room.
I am totally loving it! It's just the perfect color.
Windows are still not painted and neither is the dining room.
Here is another reason why I didn't get many photos done...Franklin.
He was running loose in the room. He and Harvey are insisting upon helping me decorate.
Light quality is not great...but I snapped this good pose of him in front of Xmas pillows.
He seems thrilled with all the Christmas going on in the room.
 There's Franklin's tail as he explores.
 Another putz house...yes this one is the same as the other.
Shannon doesn't know she gave me two alike but that's ok.
They don't sit next to each other and I love them lots.
I keep thinking I'll change one of them up but I haven't done it so far.

So hopefully, I'll get more photos shot tomorrow...and I can show you the rest...
but you never know how things are going to you?....

because this is how things go here.....
Got a love him anyway.

He doesn't like pooping on icy grass.

sharing at


  1. Everything looks wonderful Nita! I really love your white tree. I vowed I would purchase a small one this year. That didn't happen. I don't know how anyone does it all although some bloggers seem to. I assume it must be their full time job.:) Me....I can barely get anything done here lately!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Ice storms are sure difficult for our pets!

  2. Well, I think everything looks wonderful. I think the "light" that you had makes everything look very warm and homey. I love it.
    Your tree is beautiful!!!
    Just lovely.
    My dogs are pooping in the laundry room today because they hate to go outside in the snow. I will set them out there and they just huddle at the door. Sigh.
    and then Ruby was breathing funny today but now seems fine.
    These fur-babies are my world but I understand how you feel.
    I'm pretty stressed too.
    Work is at full throttle right now and of course I have to work some of the Holiday.
    Oh well! hang in there, I'm right with you. xoxo - Cindi

  3. Sooooo pretty! Love those little houses and Franklin is so cute.
    Harvey looks so thin now and so guilty. The walls look good. Glad you are happy with the color.

  4. Nita, I am always amazed at what you do accomplish and I enjoy your honesty and sincerity concening every day life. Wishing you a lovely holiday! CeCe

  5. Oh Nita your home is just gorgeous decorated for the holidays! I love your style and the mantel scarf is so fun and pretty! We are in Florida but have heard about all the ice...stay warm my friend! Merry Christmas!

  6. I was still laughing at the wayward tail when I saw the caption and about fell in the floor with laughter. That is one reason I'm a cat person!! LOL!! So glad your mom is doing well, and your wall color is perfect!!

  7. Your decorations are just lovely! (and that includes Franklin!)
    Also, the new wall color is great.

  8. Your doggies and your Christmas decorations are so nice. Love the white tree and the Putz houses.
    My Yorkie will not step outside if it is wet. So spoiled.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family.....and the furr babies.

  9. You've got the right attitude, Nita! Sometimes you've just got to laugh at life. I'm glad you got your phone and internet issues squared away. It sounds like you talked to somebody who actually cared and knew what they were doing! Miracle! Your living room looks magical with your white tree and new wall color. Your dogs are darn cute! Our small dog left us little presents on the floor after the first snow, too. At the time we had green carpet in one of the bedrooms, so I guess it looked like grass to her. I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Isn't it so fun to open the Christmas decor each year and see what's there? I always am wary of it all until I open a bin and see the beautiful items... and then I can hardly wait to put it all out!

    Your new white walls really look good with your Christmas decor

    Those sweet doggies! when our dogs were younger we had to block off the Christmas tree with a fence, they would not leave it alone, and they'd unwrap presents...

    Merry Christmas Nita!
    ~ Violet

  11. i just love the fun mantel snowballs hanging down!
    merry christmas!

  12. Wow your mantle is beautiful and fun, your home looks beautiful.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas~

  13. I LOVE the putz houses- may have to collect a few this year :) A very happy Christmas to you and yours and especially those little weenies!

  14. Uh oh, we have a little furry pooper here too! They sure don't like the cold. Everything looks amazing and so pretty Nita, Merry Christmas!!

    xo, Tanya

  15. I love the new wall colour!
    Merry Christmas to you and your furry family!

  16. Looks like a winter wonderland Nita :) Lovely!!
    Hope you had a lovely wishes for 2014 :)

    (Dear Thirty)


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