Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #126

Dueling Sofas
Well, here, finally is Mod Mix Monday...late but here.
What do you think of about two sofas in a living room? 
I like it.
I love that whole room. 
The very limited palette of white, gold, yellow and brown is quite nice. 

Let's get on with my favorites from last week, shall we?
 Love this bedroom created by Vickie at Ranger 911.
It's all creamy white and then she painted her bed mint green.
What makes this room for me is the little doll house above the bed.
The whole thing is sweet and pretty in just the right way.
 Suzanne of Simply Suzannes made this Halloween banner.
I love the mix of patterns and faded oranges and blacks she used.
 Look at this light created by Melissa of Shabby Love
She made this light fixture out of an old funnel.
I guess that is stating the obvious. It's very cool.
 Debra of Common Ground showed off her sideboard. She does this up for every holiday.
I'm always amazed by Debra's vignettes. 
Tiffany of Avocados and Geraniums showed off her fun Autumn mantel.
Danielle of Finding Silver Pennies is back with another great painted piece.
This one a wine cart. It was ho hum before and after it's cheers worthy.

Give me what you've got for this week!

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Thank you, Nita, for featuring our guest bedroom!! I already follow Debra and Melissa and have seen their fabulous rooms, but I need to visit the others. And yes. I love the 2 sofas facing each other in front of the fireplace and would like to try that arrangement in my own house. Love the vintage looking sofas, too!

  2. I love the look of two sofas in a room. It works in both small and large rooms. I've enjoyed the look for several years now and it never gets old! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Nita, I LOVE that room with the yellow couches. Love everything about it! Thank you so much for featuring my wine table this week! x

  4. I love that living room too but it was the artwork that captured my attention in that room.

  5. Thanks for hosting, Nita! Have a delicious week! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. I really like that limited palette of the first picture......but I love mustard and those sofas are the perfect splash of colour.
    However, I know me, and I'd start adding other splashes of colour and It would end up looking more bohemian than trendy!

    (Dear Thirty)


  7. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Thank you so much for the lovely feature, Nita!
    And for hosting another fun and inspirational link party!
    Have a beautiful week,

  8. I love the bedroom that Vickie from Ranger 911 did! Thanks for hosting, Laura

  9. We have two sofas on either side of our fireplace, Nita, and really enjoy them. Thanks so much for hosting...have a great one!

  10. Love the vintage looking bedroom with the dollhouse and green accents. Thanks for hosting!

  11. I wish we had room for two sofas facing each other because that would help to keep people talking instead of wanting to watch television!

  12. Thank you so much for featuring my Autumn Mantel. It's been fun getting to share it with your readers:) thanks again.

  13. I dearly LOVE your picks this week. I'll visit the blogs individually, but I wanted you to know that. Thanks for hosting this week's party.

  14. Thank you for hosting, Nita. Hope the rest of your week is more restful! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  15. Hi Nita! Sorry to be sharing Halloween items AFTER the holiday is over but I didn't have this post up till Halloween night AND a lot of times my posts don't have anything mod or vintage that I can bring to your party. I have sympathy for your long days and trying to work blogging in too. Thanks for having your party for us even tho you were/are tired.

  16. thanks for hosting love the inspiration

  17. Nita, You have such a nice linky party. Thank you so much for hosting. I hope to be able to participate with a project sometime in the future. I love to see what everyone has been up to, there are so many clever and talented people in this world and it is wonderful to have venue's like this so they can share their wonderful projects.

  18. Nice living room. That mirror seems so attractive. Thanks for sharing these home decors to all.


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