Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Burlap Table Runner

Dressing the Thanksgiving Table
Here we are just a day before Thanksgiving and I just finished up making a table runner for my 
Thanksgiving table.
All that counts is that it is done right?
I have yet to arrange the table but wanted to show the things I am using.
I made the burlap runner and the napkin rings plus I really wanted turkey salad plates
but could not afford any.
So I found a vintage turkey image online...photoshopped out the background and added a border 
then printed to photo paper and cut it out to set in the center of my white plates.
It gives the appearance of turkey plates...but of course you can't eat on them.
But it's no big deal to remove the paper before putting your salad on the plate.
Is that too much to ask?
The napkin rings are personalized to work as napkin rings and place cards.
As you can see this one is all ready to mark little Franklin's place at the table.
All the supplies I used for this project came from
All part of the Jo-Ann's Celebrate the Season campaign.
Want some great ideas for Christmas crafts?
Check out their current craft catalog.
Just click on the image above to go there now.
But be sure to come back here to follow my instructions on how to make your own 
burlap runner and napkin rings.
The burlap runner is good all year round.
I thought about stenciling something on it but didn't because I want to use it for other holidays as well.
These are the supplies I used for the napkin rings and table runner.
I was inspired to make the napkin rings when I found these little wood frames.
I painted them with white craft paint and sanded the edges to shabby them a little.

Then I set up each of my guests names on the computer to fit within the frame.
I printed them out on cream colored card stock (actually a manilla envelope cut to fit into my printer)
I cut a paper towel roll into 2 inch lengths and covered with burlap.
I just hot glued the burlap by laying around and tucking it into the inside top and bottom of the roll.
I then glued a little brown velvet ribbon around the ring on top of the burlap.

I glued the cardstock name to the backside of the frame and attached the frame 
to the ring by poking those little fasteners through the holes in the frames 
and through the ribbon and burlap and finally cardboard ring.
I did make holes using a nail first on the napkin ring so that they went through easily. 

To be honest...this craft was kind of a lot of trouble.
I doubt anyone will really do these.

After I finished I kind of wished I'd put the word Thankful on all of them instead of personalized names.

Now the burlap runner. 

You'll want to do this.

I bought 3 yards of burlap at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores.
Three yards was more than enough. 
But I wanted some left over to use on anything else that I might think of in the middle of the night.
It's good to have burlap always on hand.

I have been wanting a burlap table runner for quite awhile.
I was glad that I signed up for this challenge because it made me get busy and make one.
Here is how to make your own....
I was very happy with the results.
I have to say burlap is both easy and hard to work with.
Easy in that the sewing machine just glides along because of the large weave.
Hard because it's cumbersome and sheds.
Just be sure to stabilize your edges by sewing a running stitch along the edges before you work 
and you won't have any problems.
Also using a spray bottle of water to dampen the fabric makes it more pliable and you can finger press
as you go. I love that. Not needing to get up an do at the ironing board all the time.

But making the ruffle is a little difficult because of the open weave and the stiffness of the fabric.
Basting everything by hand ensured that it all stayed in place and sewed up perfect.

I'm a big fan of hand basting. 
It always makes my sewing projects turn out their best.

Let me know if you make one of these.
Use this coupon to get a great deal on your crafting supplies 
at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores.

If this date gets by you be sure to download the Jo-Ann App on your smart phone
and you'll have access to great coupons all the time. 

Happy Crafting!

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  1. Pedro wishes you a Happy Turkey Day! It will be his first and he is super excited! :)

  2. I like the way you've worked the double ruffle into the ends of your runner. I would never have known that the center of the plates was a paper design! Very clever!

  3. Your runner is beautiful, the tutorial is wonderful, thanks!

  4. Beautiful table runner! And the plates looked like the real thing, Nita. That shade of blue is so pretty with the burlap. I smiled when I saw Franklin's name on the napkin holder.

    I went in the Pier One store here yesterday, and could hardly tear myself away. Must go back without my husband sometime so I can browse longer, but we did buy 8 pieces of glassware on sale that I love.

    Next I must go to Jo-Ann's! They should both be paying you for all the customers you send to them!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Wish I could work with burlap, but I have to be careful. I had a terrible asthma attack the last time I messed with it-the fuzzy stuff flying everywhere I guess. I do love the napkin rings too.

  6. Wow. Fantastic post,
    and what I really love is how you used a paper towel roll and cut up a manila envelope.
    Yo are always proving that you can create loveliness on a small budget.

  7. I love the runner and thanks to your explanation, even I might be able to do it.

  8. I must have missed this post.
    What a great runner! I saw that first picture and thought "WOW, Nita got her turkey plates!" After seeing your plate now, I think they really need to produce a line of china like that... simply beautiful! I LOLed when you said the project was too much trouble to really do. That was real honesty. Have a great weekend.


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