Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Revisited

I'm showing last year's Halloween mantel because I'm still painting in the living room.
I hope to finish this weekend. I should. I am not working. But things change.
Anyway, I know I have a lot of new readers and perhaps they have not seen my 2012 mantel decor.
So this is a repost.
There is more Halloween decor under projects in my menu bar.

I still have more Halloween projects to make and show this year but oh...I'm having a hard 
time creating after standing on my feet 6 or more hours, opening boxes, building furniture and such...
I'm doing the best I can do at the moment.
I kept it simple last year.
I gathered up all my cloches and filled them with ghostly silhouettes.
I hung strips of white tulle from the chandelier and attached paper bats to it.
It looks like the bats are flying around under the chandi.
Very effective.
I've made these little ghosts before using interfacing fabric.
But these I made just using plain white paper.
I just taped the bats to the tulle strips.
These look spooky at night by candle light. 

I love Halloween!

sharing at


  1. This to cute, I love the tulle and hanging bats!


  2. I'm glad you shared this again, Nita. I missed it last year. Love it and love your mantel

  3. Did BH&G feature this last year? It's too cute. I loved this mantel. I'm going something special in my dining room decor wise, and I'm so excited about it! :D


  4. All of your Halloween decor is so fun and so creative. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  5. So fun and elegant at the same time, in a very ethereal style too! I loved it Nita! Hugs,

  6. Your Halloween decor is always a delight! That standing on your feet for hours on end is very hard on the body. It's partly why I haven't blogged in several weeks. I just can't fit it all in like I used to. You on the other hand, always seem to have a GREAT blog post! Good luck with the painting!

  7. Love the bats on the chandie.

  8. I am so making the ghosts under glass next year. LOVE them!

  9. Well worth repeating! I love it all but especially the way you've done the chandelier!

    I hope you do get time to work on your projects this weekend!

  10. This was a very poetic Halloween decoration. I'm keeping the idea of the trapped ghosts under cloches in my mind for next year!

  11. Oh! I remember this!
    Pretty and Spooky!
    Love it!
    Good luck with your painting.
    I hope you have a good uninterrupted weekend and get everything accomplished that you need to!
    XOXO - Cindi

  12. Oh! I remember this!
    Pretty and Spooky!
    Love it!
    Good luck with your painting.
    I hope you have a good uninterrupted weekend and get everything accomplished that you need to!
    XOXO - Cindi

  13. Sooo cute, I love the cloches with ghosts, and love the tulle. I also love that there's no orange in there! :)
    So glad I saw you on Fabulously Creative Friday! Have a great weekend! ~Lorraine

  14. Love the tulle strips and the cloche ghosts.


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