Friday, September 13, 2013

Very Chippy Paint Finishes

All these images from my Pinterest board - pretty furniture.
I'm in love with the extremely worn finishes on these pieces.
Even this one that looks like it's flaking everywhere.
I wonder how hard this look would be to duplicate?
Courtney of French Country Cottage shared this piece earlier this week.
This is a brand new piece of furniture from the Accentrics Home furniture line.
This piece got me to thinking about my favorite distressed furniture photos 
I've pinned.
I think that finish would be pretty easy to copy.
This cabinet has just the right amount of chippiness to it.
Don't you think? Love everything in this photo.
 This just says fall to me.
I adore those lamps, lampshades and that console table.
Oh the mirror and chandelier too. 
I think this is just a perfect entry to a home. 

Makes me wish I had an entry.

So, lately I've found some really good things on Craigslist.
I'm thinking what sort of painted finish I want to give them.

Which is why I was browsing my Pretty Furniture board and thinking how I will transform them.

It finally started to cool today here.
It was only 84 and everyone acted like it was a cold snap.

I had a lady and her Mom come in the store buying all kinds 
of fall decor stuff and lots of candles.

They said all of a sudden it felt like fall outside and 
they had to come get their fall stuff to 
fix up the house. 

They couldn't wait to get home and light all their candles. 

I'm feeling that way too...all of a sudden I'm ready to get the fall candles out.

Today, I received a giant box of goodies from Jo-Ann Fabrics.
All kinds of great things to use for crafting.

Like glitter fabric paints, glass paints, different adhesives, scrapbook paper,
etc.....a huge box of stuff! 

Oh...sometimes it's so good to be a blogger!

I'll be crafting projects for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas using 
supplies I get at Jo-Ann's.

I'm very excited about it!

Hope you have a great weekend.


I'll be getting my craft on!


  1. Hi Nita, chipped paint never looked so beautiful....gorgeous!

  2. Your "pins" are so you.
    Very pretty and elegant.
    I'm excited to see what you found on Craigslist and what you will be doing. I've been search Craigslist myself for a metal gazebo or something along those lines (but I keep finding horses! and I can't afford a horse! LOL!)
    Today the temps dropped here too and suddenly I want to gather everything Fall and think about Halloween. Makes me Happy because I do love FALL the most!
    xoxo - Cindi

  3. Oh I cannot wait to see what you come up with out of that box! I have serious envy over that stash of craft goodies :) I absolutely adored what you did with your lamp shades. We got a touch of a cool breeze this morning here too, I want to be decorating but we are doing some catch-up in the garden this weekend. Have a good weekend and enjoy your nice weather! xoxo

  4. Oh my gosh...I LOVE all the furniture you shared! Courtney always finds the neatest things, doesn't she?
    Have a fun time with all of your craft items for the holidays. They tend to sneak up on us, and suddenly they are upon us.

  5. That first picture is just enchanting. I'm pretty fond of the last one as well. Those lamps are pretty dreamy.

  6. Good morning Nita! How fun to see your comment last night! Thanks for coming by! And I too love the feel of the chippy paint. My husband enjoys it too and little by little, we are incorporating more into our home. The next thing is to add exposed beams to our great room and that should also add to the feel we seek. Glad you came by for some visual inspiration and have fun painting! Anita


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