Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall Container Gardening

Just a little inspiration for Fall container gardening. 

I'm making stuff here and working....
show and tell coming soon.

Remember when I found this piece of furniture off Craigslist to use as 
a kitchen island?
(bad Craigslist photo)
I took the fold up ends off and added wheels and
it lasted in my kitchen about a month.
I kept having to roll it out of the way.

I went looking for a photo of it and realized I never took one.

I never showed it because I just wasn't happy with it.

It is now being used as a tv stand in the guest bedroom.

But this week I thought of the perfect solution.
It wasn't wrong... it was just too big. Even though it was was still to big for my kitchen.
I needed a really small and square island for my galley kitchen.
You'd think I needed rectangular but no....what I needed was square.

So I found a smaller piece of furniture at the most frugal place house!
I don't know why it never occurred to me to try it before.

I'll show soon...because I'm making it taller and adding a top to it and I do think 
this time
it will be just the perfect island.

I almost bought cabbages and pumpkins today for my urn outside...
but instead ended up getting stuff for my island. 

I have too many projects going.
I'm painting the living room and dining room, recovering an ottoman, creating a kitchen island,
making cloth pumpkins, painting a dog portrait and creating a Halloween craft for 
Jo-Ann's Fabric and Craft Stores.

I need to focus....just focus on one thing at a time. 
How Frustrating!


  1. Isn't it hard to focus lol ???
    LOVE those images - just gorgeous - all of them!

  2. I love decorative kale ~ that texture is fabulous! Glad to know I'm in good company with focusing issues! :)

  3. I look forward to seeing your new kitchen island. Funny how things can all of a sudden fall into place. I love seeing all of the container gardens, my favourite by far is the window box with the black "trees" in them, wonderful looking!

  4. It is frustrating, isn't it. I can't seem to prioritize, everything seems important. I can't wait to see your new kitchen island. I argued for years with hubby about getting one. Now that we have it, I think we both love it. I think you and those sweet pups will too!

  5. I'm with Cindy -- the window box with the black branches over those blue windows is divine!

    Can't seem to focus my -- oh, look, a chicken! (Creative ADHDers, unite)

  6. Great images!
    I LOVE that kale!
    and the window box with black trees is very cool and original.
    I made a little island from a small cabinet that I took the back off of and the door and then added a butcher block cutting board for the top was too small and too square! I wish you lived down the street and I would have given it to you! But I did find a cool one at ReStore for $10! Wahoo! Just need to paint it now and add a towel rack! after I landscape the yard and paint all the rooms in my house and....

  7. All so very pretty! I love the line of Kale, soooo gorgeous! Kit


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