Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yard of the Month - Aug 2013

in Edgemere Park, Oklahoma City
Here the month of August is almost gone and I'm just now posting the yard of the month.
This tudor house was built in 1930.
I've long admired this home. It sits on a large corner lot.
The present owners have lived there since 2008 and they've updated the look of the house since moving in. 
They have also redone all the landscape themselves.
This is how the home looked when they bought it in 2008.
As you can see they painted the casement windows and trim in a dark gray.
A new roof in a slate pattern and color was also added a couple of years ago.

The new color palette is much more sophisticated.
Looks to me that they've stained the concrete path to the front door.
I'm surprised by this as I didn't think you were allowed to stain concrete in a historic neighborhood.
The color does look nice with the home...but I have to admit...I kind of love the color
of just regular old concrete especially after it's aged on it's own. 
I prefer it.
A lovely mix of bushes and flowers line the walkway leading up to the front stoop.
That's the neighbor's house there to the left. It sits close to the property line because 
there is no driveway on that side...instead this house's garage is accessed in the back.
Here at the front door you can get a really good look at the weeping mortar that makes this house so unusual. 
The weeping mortar on this house was done very well and I think it really adds character.
I love it that the house still retains it's original porch light.
Those casement windows are to die for!
Very pretty details to this house. Here you can see the new slate look shingles.
A perfect choice for this home.
The front porch is small and uncovered...the only negative to this house.
It is always nice to have a covered porch but I like the feel of this front stoop.
It feels very urban.
The curbing is very pretty around the front beds.
A weeping mortar fence goes down the left side of the property.
A small cupid watches over the garden.
I got stung by a bumble bee while taking this shot.
I walked right into a crepe myrtle and I guess right into the bee.
It was one of those big fuzzy ones.
He stung my shoulder and it really hurt.
For a moment I feared it was a Killer Bee...but was relieved when a swarm of his friends 
didn't join in and try to sting me to death.

I'd never been stung by a bee before. 
I once was stung by a wasp when I was a child but never a bee.

Those big fuzzy ones usually, don't get angry very easily...at least in my experience.
But this one sure did...although I've never walked right into one before either.
After that I decided it was time to go...and back down the path I went.

This is one of my favorite houses in the neighborhood.
I'd live here in a heart beat...if someone told me I HAD to move out of my house
and into another.

But most likely...I will always live in the house I'm in now.

Do you like this house and yard?
How do you feel about weeping mortar?

I used to think I didn't like it but I LOVE it on this house.

sharing at


  1. This is a beautiful house and I love the weeping mortar.
    The yard is gorgeous, I wonder if the people who live there are professional landscaper, because it is extremely well done.
    The grey trim is perfect and the windows are gorgeous. All in all this is a truly beautiful house.
    Have a good week!

  2. What a gorgeous home - not sure about the weeping mortar - looks messy to me but for some reason it's quite lovely on this one.....
    Now, were you actually walking around someone's home taking those photos - I'm laughing my head off here - what if they would have come outside LOL??? We are too funny us bloggers!!!
    Off to pin some of these images!
    Oh and I'm absolutely in love with the stained concrete!

  3. I love Tudor style homes. We don't see many brick houses in our area, but I like the look.

  4. Wow Nita...everything about this house is lovely! Love the color they painted the window casings and the roof they chose. Makes the house look so much richer! The yard is beautiful, but sorry you got stung by a bee...usually they don't bother us humans!! Thanks for sharing...love your neighborhood, always enjoy driving through by the park!
    Miss Bloomers

  5. How unusual - I've never seen weeping mortar before. It certainly adds character to the house :)
    I rather like it!

  6. Lovely home and garden ! I am always attracted to the older homes !

  7. I love the roof...very storybook or even Disneyland. I don't like the weeping mortar kind of looks unfinished or even sloppy (just my opinion). Sorry you got stung those big fuzzy bees usually mind their on business.

  8. I'm so glad it wasn't a Killer Bee!
    I'm not a big fan of the weeping mortar either, but the house and yard are lovely.

  9. Not a fan of the mortar. To me it looks like a sloppy job although I bet it is harder to do than regular mortar.

  10. Nita....fearless warrior blogger! Ouch! I bet that hurt. Thanks so much for the tour. I, on the other hand, happen to like the weeping mortar. And you have educated me as I never knew what it was called! Love their landscaping, paint, and new roof. $$$ they spent plenty!

  11. Gorgeous home and beautiful write up.
    Thanks for this lovely share.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  12. I have never been a fan of the weeping mortor but I agree it looks good on this house. Paint the trim on this house made a huge difference and that makes me want to change my trim color. Love the garden and the variety of plants that they used. Thanks for sharing it.

  13. I love this tudor style home. They did a lovely job landscaping and I love the new roof. I'm not a big fan of the mortar but it works on this house. Hope your bumble sting has healed. I was stung by one several years ago. It just came from out of the blue and attacked me. It got stuck in my top and stung me 3 times! It was quite painful. It actually made me rather sick too. I haven't had any problems with them since though. Thanks for sharing the tudor house photos!

  14. I love the house and the weeping mortar! You have so many brick tudor homes there, more than I've seen anywhere. Is there a story behind that? A reason for their popularity at the time period? They certainly stay stylish and popular. I adore the roof lines in these houses.

  15. When I was a little girl my mother had friends who lived in a neighborhood with houses like this one, and I loved them. I called them "story book houses"!!!

    This house has so much charm.
    And such a beautiful yard!

    Thanks for sharing...and bringing back my childhood memories!


  16. That house and that yard are gorgeous and I like the changes they made. So sorry you got stung by a bee, fortunately that hasn't happen to me for a long time, but I know it hurts. I like that they stained the concrete it seems to really fit. Thanks for sharing.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  17. That is a beautiful home, thanks for taking us on tour, there are so many pretty details to appreciate

  18. Any chance you know the paint color of the trim?

  19. Any chance you know the paint color of the trim?


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