Monday, July 22, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #111

Simple white linen on an antique sofa mixed with brightly colored pillows.
It looks modern doesn't it? Yet that sofa is very old.
It's a Mod Vintage Mix!

Here are the best Mod Mixes from last week's party.
Brandi of Don't Disturb this Groove got inspiration from a high end pineapple lamp she spied at Horchow. 
She spray painted her thrifted brass pineapple lamp to look very much like it.
Super fun!
Laura of Whimsical Perspective painted the floor of her porch using a stencil.
It now looks like a giant crocheted rug is on the floor!
Revi of Revisionary Life did a $1.50 makeover of her thrift store sofa.
First, the sofa has great lines and once really looks wonderful in her space.
She says she will eventually reupholster it.
Rachel of Maison de Pax made these amazing smocked drapes out of drop cloths 
and her sewing skills.
Kelly of My Soulful Home showed off her container gardens. 
This big bowl of flower garden caught my attention and the chippy table it sits upon.
How about these great curtains? These couldn't be easier
Manuela of A Cultivated Nest just hung some table cloths!
They are perfect!

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Nita,
    Thanks so much for hosting each Monday!!


  2. I do love that couch and it does have a modern feel. Love the idea of hanging tablecloths too! Thanks for hosting, Laura

  3. wow, I love that stenciled floor! thanks for hosting, and happy Monday!

  4. What a great line up! Honored to be in the "mix"!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my curtains, Nita! And thanks for the party. :)

    Rachel @ Maison de Pax

  6. Hi Nita! Thank you so much for including my lamp makeover in with your features! Hope you're having a great start to your week.

  7. Hi Nita, thanks for hosting. Love reading your posts. Have a great week.

  8. Nita, thanks for hosting again...Christine from Little Brags

  9. Wow, Nita....when I first saw the inspirational photo I thought it was my in-laws' living room....their sofa was very similar, and it was covered in white Irish linen. Oh, and they had black and white art above the sofa, too.

    My FIL passed away a year ago this week. I can't believe it's been a year!

    WONDERFUL features from last week!


  10. Thank you for a great party Nita!! I love Brandi's pineapple lamp, so cool :)

    xo, Tanya

  11. Thanks for hosting! Have a pretty day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  12. new to your blog and I love it!


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