Monday, June 17, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #106

Pretty Industrial White Kitchen
I love all the stuff in this kitchen. 
That huge old sink and there's a vintage stove. 
The touches of silver, stainless and other gray metal finishes.
Even the concrete floor adds to the vibe.
Touches of pink don't hurt either.
Looks like you could get a lot done in this kitchen.
It's not looks hardworking but it's pretty and feminine too!

Each week there is more and more stuff in Mod Mix Monday that I love and I just
can't pick only a handful to show off.
So I don't. 
There were even more than this but I forced myself to edit.

Here are my favorites...
Tanya of Twelve O'Eight took and old changing table and spiffed it up into 
a nice beverage stand for her 
Laura of Cottage and Broome showed off her cottage garden.
Debbie of One Day at a Time found a pair of closeout lamps in a discount store for $5.99 each.
She added a little looking glass spray paint and new shades and whalla! 
Melissa of Shabby Love showed off her revamped kitchen.
I love that she kept the scallops above the sink window.
She added beadboard detail to all and wood countertops.
Cottage Chic!
Lisa of Create Inspire painted a vintage vanity and all I can say is Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!
Someone will be the lucky new owner of this.
Cindy of Cottage Instincts painted this little beauty.
Pretty is as Pretty does.
Sharon of Lilikoi Joy redid her whole master bedroom and it is amazing!
I love all the gray with pops of bright pastels. Love the white bedding too and that rug!
Oh...and the headboard and well...many things.
Scribbler Unfocused has lots of great vintage garden furniture but she recently painted this iron sofa gold and piled it with these fabulous cushions and pillows.
Laura at Whimsical Perspectives has a cute little potting bench and growing above 
an herb garden in wire planters. So cute. 
Leanne of The Burlap Cottage decorated her front porch.
It's very serene...subdued in its color scheme but fresh looking too.
Love the hydrangea pillows. And I am really loving the look of a lamp in an outdoor space.
Diane of Design til it Shines made a cute little mossy summer banner and 
added it to a collection of garden things on the mantel. 

Link up your latest Mod Mixes for this week. 

Share below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Thanks for hosting, and for telling me about your party! Love your blog!

  2. thanks for hosting!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  3. Thank you so much for hosting and for featuring my kitchen redo!!!!

  4. Thank you for hosting every week! :-)
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen

  5. As always, thanks so much for the party! I always know when I come here I will find something wonderful. I love that kitchen this week -- did you notice the vintage exhaust fan over the stove/

    Thanks for featuring my gold patio sofa -- I am honored to be in such creative company.

  6. Love the scallop detail in the "Shabby" kitchen too. Every feature is wonderful. Such talented ladies out there!

  7. Thanks pretty Nita for all the wonderful inspiration this week in your features. Blessings to you, Patti

  8. I love that kitchen, they have a wonderful mix of items. Thanks so much for featuring my garden from last week, it is greatly appreciated! Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura

  9. I want to tell you that the book came in and thank you again!! It looks like a good read. mama and I both will read it.

  10. Beautiful features Nita,,thanks for hosting. Christine from Little BRags

  11. LOVE that kitchen! And, so many of the features! I am off to pin some of those! Thanks for hosting! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  12. What a great way to start my Monday Nita!! We have gray concrete floors in our new little house ~ great inspiration that I can make it look pretty and girly!
    Have a pretty day!

  13. Hi Cindy! Thank you for hosting and I love that kitchen.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Hello. There is a couple of things I would give my love to but I like the lovely pastel rug at Lilikoi Joy and gorgeous sofa at Scribbler Unfocused. Have a nice Monday.
    Best wishes.

  15. Thanks so much for the feature Nita! Have a great week!

  16. You do get such fabulous entries at your parties and you edit them beautifully; a difficult job when they're all so great! Thanks so much for hosting, Nita.

  17. I finally made it, yayyyy! Thanks for hosting us!
    xoxo, Andrea

  18. Thanks for the feature Nita!

  19. Thanks for hosting Nita. Wonderful features this week.

  20. Thanks for featuring my mossy banner. Love the kitchen features and the cottage garden!

  21. Thanks for hosting Nita. Look forward to joining in.

  22. Wow, you've got lots of great stuff happening here!
    I love the kitchen that you showed, it is amazing!

  23. Forgive me for being SO late to the party this week! Thank you Nita for the feature, I am honored to be with such gorgeous projects :) And as always thank you for having us!

    xo, Tanya

  24. Thank you for hosting, Nita, and especially for your tip on blood meal to deter the squirrels. That was the best tip I got and am going to try it! ~Ann

  25. Hi Nita,
    Thanks so much for including my bedroom in your features. What great features! Sharon


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