Friday, May 3, 2013

Vintage Bathrooms

Cause I love em so....
If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you know I have a thing for vintage bathrooms and kitchens.
I love a tiled bathroom.
These images are especially nice....
although I believe all are probably new except the last one.
The little shelf rail above the tile is especially nice in that above image.
This one, I like the open shelving and that mirror...and the sink and the faucet. 
Nice view into this one.
I really love this one. The red and white toile mixed with the vintage tile is perfection.
But they are not fooling me for a minute that there is room enough for a chair in the room.
I know that chair is just there temporarily and blocking the door. 
But it sure looks good.
I love red and turquoise together!
Here is my little and I do mean little master bath.
I'm growing tired of the toile and wanting to paint the walls too.
Although when I painted this, I swore I'd never paint it again.
It was no fun.
I absolutely hate that tiny tile backsplash.
I want the whole room tiled halfway up.
But that would mean redoing the bath/shower too and there is no sense in that. 
It's practically like brand new.
So I've been thinking of painting the wall half way up in white.
I could do bead board but in such a tight space, it would be difficult. 
I think maybe if I just painted half way up in white I wouldn't mind the backsplash so much.
Or perhaps I should see if I could get it to come off the wall easily?

That is just what I am thinking about today since its way too cold to do anything outside
in the yard which is what I had planned to do.

Don't forget to go to Jo-Ann's and use this coupon!


  1. Oh, I love the red toile too, and agree, it looks so pretty with turquoise! Yeah, the way does it fit.

  2. i love your master bath. i have its sister!

  3. I love each of the bathrooms and will always love toile. I'll be checking back to see what your readers advise about the wall paint and tile. Knowing you though, you'll accomplish what you want without losing it's vintage charm.

  4. I LOVE that little tiled backsplash! Don't remove it - it is unique!.....and beautiful!

  5. Nice job designer on #3! Love the white tiled room and the frosted glass door!

  6. I ADORE that first photo!
    I'm working on my bath too.
    It's not quite 5 ft across and it's 14ft long. Eveything is on one wall and there's not much room for anything on the other without it looking like the "chair photo".
    I'm thinking of bead board but I might use that paintable wallpaper instead. It would seem to be easier to install.
    I wouldn't pull the tile off, might end up more work than it's worth. I'd say paint and see what you think. You could even cover the tile wih the vinyl you used in the kitchen, maybe.
    Well, good luck!

  7. I love your bathroom! I think those tiles behind the sink are very charming and they protect your wall from splashes. My vote is to leave them but paint the lower the same color as the tiles so they blend more. Personally, I wouldn't change a thing!

  8. Paint your tile backsplash. Even a design (scene? flowers? quote?)- you don't have to do individual tiles such as they are. Google DIY about painting tiles. Since they're not on a counter/surface you have less to worry about re wear.

    BTW - your blog is by all means THE BEST! I check it every morning without fail. Thank you for doing what you do!


  9. I rather like your little tiled back splash. You could paint the lower part of the wall white, maybe just up to the level of the top of the back splash?

  10. I love all the pictures and your bathroom is so beautiful that I thought it was one of your inspiration picture at first! What if you painted the wall white and sis a little black pattern on it like the one on the tiles?

  11. If you did beadboard, coud you leave the shower tile alone? That wouldn't be too expensive.

    I do think the white paint would help though.

  12. Love the green table in the first photo!

  13. I do TOOOOOO! So pretty and fun!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  14. We thought that doing the bead board in our bath would be such a no-brainer, but that wasn't the case at all! There are random places that there doesn't seem to be anything to nail to beneath the sheetrock. Which is weird because the rest of the house is all shiplap, but you never know what's behind the walls in these old houses. I think I'm going to have to resort to hot glue in a couple of spots :) Crazy, I know.


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