Saturday, May 18, 2013

Turquoise in the Garden

A little turquoise in the garden is such a natural choice.
A little color of the sky dropped in the middle of all that green and flora.
What a pretty wicker bench all painted up in turquoise!
This image from a lovely blog - Laughing With Angels
I never would have thought to paint an entire pergola turquoise and it's splendid.
Just a touch....turquoise cups on a vintage tea cart.
Many shades of turquoise on this porch and it's all perfect together.
Isn't it?

I'm painting my potting bench a shade of turquoise and I have a few
small garden accessories I've picked up in the color that I'll show as soon
as my yard looks better. 

I worked this week on filling that darn sink hole. 
Progress made but still have more to do. 

I just want to do the pretty stuff in the yard and leave the hard labor for someone else.
Alas, there is no one else to do it. 

So I do the not so fun stuff and put off the pretty gardening for a bit.

How about you? Do you have the not fun stuff done in your yard yet?


  1. So pretty! I have a boatload and a half of the not fun stuff. We moved into the house in August and several of the flower beds are majorly overgrown. I've been trying to get through them, but they have that wretched weed block in them which makes weeding impossible. My progress is slow and I just want to have the pretties now! Good luck with yours.

  2. Waited years to stain patio arbor.

    Dunce !

    Why did I wait?

    Who knew it was a happy-in-life choice.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  3. Suesan -
    I'm glad to hear someone else is struggling with the hard stuff too. I feel like everyone is doing the pretty stuff. My yard looks the worst it has in many years. I did get out and cut back lots of bushes that needed cutting and that looks way better but I have that sink hole that is taking energy and I still don't have any movement on getting my new fence. I can't fix the landscape in the rest of the yard till the fence goes in.

    After that I'll need new bushes and such...wanting to do a stone patio next to the deck too.

  4. Everything looks so beautiful! Makes me want to get out and pretty up my space! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Such pretty colors. I am allergic to something in my backyard so it never receives any attention. We have a huge backyard. Some one could really make it a nice haven.

  6. The turquoise garden accessories are lovely!

  7. I have a thing for birdcages.....and I have a thing for Turquoise too :)
    I wish my garden looked half decent - it's on the list of 'Things to do'......

  8. Oh yes! Turquoise is lovely in the garden. I love to see pink and turquoise together, I would love to do that outside.
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. Yeah, I'm still doing the "not so fun" stuff. Actually just took a break and reading a few blogs before going back outside.
    I'm workng on the fence STILL and the hill and clearing the way for the gravel...I'm getting 14 TONS and yeah, it will be just me moving it and spreading it.
    You would think I'd be skinny from all this exertion, but alas I am not. Must be the ice cream.

  10. we still have a lot of not fun stuff to do. open the pool and clean up all the outdoor furniture. we're WAY behind this year. yuk.

  11. Woooow, was für wunderschöne Bilder.

  12. Wow, love that color. This is so beautiful.


  13. The turquoise color in the garden is gorgeous! I love all the photos you shared. Yes wouldn't it be nice to have someone who could do all those hard outdoor chores!? The flower beds are never ending work in my garden...hard work but I love the results. I know your garden is going to look beautiful!
    Miss Bloomers

  14. I have a little metal table and 2 chairs I put out front that I want to paint... aqua, turquoise or periwinkle.... at least the table top. We have hardly any yard and I want to do the pot thing but like you said, they are so expensive, and I want several....

    These photos are so inspiring!
    If only it were as easy as it looks.

    ~ Violet

  15. Love the turquoise...looks so beautiful in the garden.

  16. Just like you, my garden needs so much hard work that I don't have time for the pretty things. I love the third picture with that enamel coffee pot on the table.


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