Friday, March 1, 2013


The Easiest to Grow
This succulent is especially easy to care for because it's fake!
I shared them yesterday included in my St. Patty's Day Decor.
They look and feel just like the real thing...and no care what-so-ever!
I just stuck a few in some foam in a silver bowl, covered it with spanish moss and called it done.
Succulents look amazing in silver containers such as this mercury glass.
Lots of silver containers. 
I've got several little silver containers I'd like to put succulents in and I think the faux variety
are the perfect choice as I really don't want soil and water in my silver.
Very nice in a birdcage too.
Another in mercury glass. It's very special...isn't it?
Simply elegant
I added some succulents to the windowsill in my kitchen too.
These are also faux! 
I bought this little long serving dish at Pier 1 recently.
I've had my eye on it for awhile. It's perfect for serving appetizers but I knew it would be 
perfect as a tray to catch water overspill from plants growing on my windowsill in the kitchen.
I plan to put a few pots of herbs here....but...then I found these little pots of faux succulents
and thought...they'd do for now. 
I actually think I might go back and get several more of these long serving dishes to put in other windows around the house.
How many times have I wished I could put an african violet in the window without worrying about 
This little tray is just the thing. 
Pretty and serviceable.

If you are looking for faux succulents by the stem, Hobby Lobby has lots of variety.
The best selection of real succulents I've seen was at Greenhouse Nursery in Norman, Oklahoma.
I saw lots there last summer. I don't know what their selection is at the moment but I'd bet they will 
have plenty in a couple of months.

I really want to do some outside plantings of succulents this spring/summer.
I'll be making a trip to Greenhouse soon for sure.

Are you making all your outdoor garden plans?
Mine is going to start with a big clean up.
Lots of trimming to do and beds to clean out.

Since I had my sewer line repaired a large part of my backyard is red dirt now.
This means Franklin is getting daily baths.
He is not happy about this. He tolerates it well...but does not understand why he is being 
singled out for baths.
The other dogs have the good sense to stay out of the red mud.

I just love spite of having to give that Franklin a daily bath.


  1. Back when I worked at Pier 1, I had a couple come up to my register and place a potted succulent on the counter. They asked if this would do okay outside. I said it should do fine. They felt the leaves and turned the pot and asked how often do you water it. I looked at them with a serious face and said,
    you don't have to water it, it's fake. They were very suprised, and changed their mind about buying it. I guess it was going to be a gift for their aunt. If they were fooled I bet their aunt would have been too.

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  3. I love your fake succulents! They don't look fake at all. I once went out for lunch with a friend and admired the succulents on each table during our entire meal, before I touched a leaf and realized I'd been fooled!

    Two summers ago I found fake succulents at Dollarama, (Canadian dollar store) which I pried out of their plastic pots and "replanted" into the basket on a child's bike that I enjoy in the garden. Those little guys "grow" in the deep shade of our big, old maple tree where nothing else will!
    Waiting for spring...

  4. Love, love, love succulants! How cute in the birdcage. I have a couple of those from Goodwill I may have to do this with. Thanks so much for the ideas. Blessings, Patti@OldThingsNew

  5. I buy preserved boxwoods for the same reason- I can't kill them! Your ( I was going to put the faux sound in front of the word succulents- but that would have been bad!) are beautiful ;)

  6. Dearest Nita,
    Hope you are doing well.
    Those succulents are very rewarding for very little in return from our side.
    You did present them in a lovely way.
    Happy weekend.

  7. I tried to overwinter our potted succulents this winter and they're not a pretty sight now. I love the faux succulents you showed. At least they will stay compact instead of reach spikily for the sky. And they do look lovely against the silver.

    That Franklin! What are you going to do with that rascal!

  8. LOL...I love succulents, and I love faux ones even more. Those are all so pretty and I love how they are displayed in the silver.

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  10. Nita, I went to my Hob Lobs today! ---Thanks to you!
    They had some I liked that looked like yours! Great inspiration today and now need silver bowls! :-))

  11. I had to switch to fake succulents- I kept killing my real (indoor) ones. For some reason I can keep all other plants alive- but succulents hate me. I'm sure I over water!

  12. Pretty! What a great idea to do succulents inside. They look real! Love your long serving tray from Pier 1. You should go get more ;)


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