Friday, March 8, 2013

Ornamental Cabbage

For Easter
Cabbage is just perfect for Easter decor.
I found myself gazing at the wide variety of ornamental cabbages online.
They look like giant flowers and are hardy in cold weather.
Perfect for early spring flower arrangements.
I've found myself wishing I had some for my Easter decor.
This is a lovely variety.
This one too.
Refreshing hanging on a front door too.
Bunnies and cabbage....just go together and 
this is why I'm thinking of them in connection to Easter.

Oh...yes...I need some cabbage.


  1. Thanks for the beautiful Easter inspiration, I need some, too!

  2. Wow, that IS pretty.
    I only see ornamental cabbage around here in the Fall and then it's dead after the first frost.
    I never thought about it for Easter time. Very lovely.
    A pot of it would definitely need a "rabbit"! :)
    xoxo - Cindi

  3. What a fabulous idea : )

    Happy Springtime Nita!
    ~ Violet

  4. I've always adored cabbage. To me it's as pretty as any flower.

  5. Gorgeous post..who knew it was so versatile!! Love that first image.

  6. I also only connected it with fall but each of these pictures is so spring-like! And mostly doable. Lots of good ideas here.

    Are you a Peter Rabbit fan too? I still have one of my daughter's bunnies from when she sold them all at a yard sale when she got married. I wish I could have bought them all. She got them every year she was growing up from the Easter Bunny! The one I chose is a black bunny with a green coat. He still sits in a chair in my bedroom.

    When she was 11 I took her Mrs. Tiggley-Winkle with me to the hospital when I was having her little brother. I used the black nose as my focal point during labor! (Don't know if I spelled her name right!)

  7. I love ornamental cabbage. It would be so pretty in an Easter display. Thanks for sharing these lovely images!

  8. Oh ornamental cabbage and kale are fantastic for winter. I love the way they add just a little pop of color to flowerbeds that would otherwise be just green.
    Here in CA I plant them in Oct or Nov. and they thrive until early Spring. Now that we have had a few warm days in a row they are going to seed which is a lovely site too. Next year I want to plant some in pot similar to those you have featured today.
    Cabbage makes me think of buunies too.

  9. Wonderful colors and textures. I've used it in an ornamental flower bed, but never thought to use it in flower arrangements. Wonderful!

  10. Ornamental cabbage is really pretty, perhaps I should think of planting them here. I need something like that for my window boxes, I need to see how much sun they require. Thank you for the idea!

  11. Oh I love ornamental cabbage!! Love all the pictures you chose! Didn't put out any this past year in the garden..only one in a flower box, but I'm enjoying the "lone cabbage". Have to stop by and see you at the store..I've been too busy lately!!
    Miss Bloomers

  12. Aren't ornamental cabbages just amazingly beautiful? Never put them together with the bunnies before, but of course!! Peter Rabbit ate from Farmer McGregor's cabbage patch!


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