Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My plan is to cook and eat and after dinner watch Christmas movies with a friend.
This friend loves Christmas movies so much that she watches them year round.
I have told her I will not watch them with her until Thanksgiving night.
The Christmas Season will begin after dinner.

I'd rather wait a couple of days but she is ready!
You know I think one of these days in the future...
we will celebrate all these holidays as one and it will be called...
We'll celebrate from the first of October through the New Year 
with no breaks in between.
We pretty much do this already.
Happy Thanksmasweenyear!

I have lots to be thankful for this year.
That includes you....


  1. Perfect! Darling post. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.I want to watch the latest Little Women tonight.Love it.

  2. I'm thankful for you, Nita, and the Weenies who have brought us so much beauty and joy and fun and sometimes sadness. I'm ready to start watching the movies now. The old black and white Christmas in Connecticut remains my favorite, although I love them all.

  3. I am SO thankful for you my friend!
    I'm with you, NO Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving! I understand that people might put up their lights on their houses etc. while it's warm outside and not wait until it's freezing BUT they should not turn them on until tomorrow. :D
    (although tonight when I drive home I know that many will have thrown that switch).
    Have a Wonderful Turkey Day, I say today is a FREE day and I'm eating whatever I want! :D :D :D

  4. enjoy your day my friend. happy thanksmasweenyear!

  5. I enjoy your posts so much, especially this one!
    Thanks for being you!
    Happy ThAnKsMaSwEeNyEaR!

  6. I truly hope that never happens! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!


  7. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Have a wonderful holiday! :) Kit

  9. I wanted to post this same picture. I couldn't get it to work. My daughter looked just like Lucy and kinda still does.
    Glad you have a friend to share the holidays with. I love those sappy Hallmark movies as well. Hope you don't have to work alot this week-end. Happy Holidays.

  10. I love the post. Happy ThanksGiving to you too.

  11. My favorite -- Holiday Inn. The movie that had Bing singing White Christmas before the movie of that same name.


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